
Category Archives for "SEO Tips"

How to Get Keywords For Your Websites? [FAST & EASY!]

Learn How To Get Keywords For Your Websites Fast & Easy Using Underrated Tools Available Online. Google Search Results, Buzzsumo, YouTube Content, And More. Click Here To Read More.

Welcome to my "How To Get Keywords For Your Websites" Post!

In the past few weeks, I have been reviewing a lot of affiliate programs in which you can apply and make money if you can get into these programs as successfully as you can. 

If you have read these posts, I am happy that you did. At least, they became helpful in your search for money-making opportunities online. For me, it means you’re into getting serious with building your own online business.

Although you have tons of ideas in mind for your blog or applied to a few affiliate programs you love to promote, if you have not enough traffic that goes through your website, that won’t give you the results you want.

The lower the traffic you have, the lower-income potential you will also have. The two are always partners. Why?

The purpose of having high traffic going to your website is to increase the number of visitors who happen to be your prospective clients and/or customers. The same goes for delving into our recommended online business opportunity.

Thus, if you don’t have enough number of people paying attention to what you’re writing or promoting about, what’s the use of publishing posts and applying for the affiliate programs, right? 

It’s like you’re talking about your product with no audience at all. You need to have a group of interested people, who are willing to spend some time with you and learn about what you can offer to them. 

This is the purpose of the post. We’ll delve into the process of searching the right keywords that will surely optimize your website traffic; hence increasing the chances of earning more on your account.

Are you ready? Shall we go through the complete details? Let’s dive into it.

Continue reading

How to Get Ranked #1 in Google? 19 Experts Share Their Wisdom!

How to Get Ranked number 1 in Google
Everyone wants to know the answer to the question, “How to Get Ranked #1 in Google?”

If you have that knowledge your online business will thrive.

So we decided to interview successful SEO experts to share their wisdom about the topic.

Huge thanks to all the experts who took part in this roundup. I highly appreciate your answers!

First, I want to give you a little summary of the experts’ answers.

Here are 3 most important things that were mentioned in almost every answer.

1.Provide high-quality content.

“You can’t write mediocre content and expect it to rank well.”

Google’s purpose is to show the best answer to the search query. Search what your competitors are providing and provide a little bit better answer than them.

Quality content is the base of the excellent rankings.

2.Use proper keywords. 

One part of the high-quality content is great keywords.

Here are some criteria for the proper keywords mentioned by the experts:

  • Low Competition
  • Long tail keywords
  • Targeted to your audience
  • Focused, not too broad
  • Use LSI keywords

In order to find the best keyword you need to have the proper keyword tools.

3.Promote your content -> Build links.

“The more people that link to your site, the more Google takes that as a sign of quality”

Here are some ways to get links to your site

  • Promote your content in social media and forums.
  • Engage with the other people in your industry = Get in touch with the people who have the similar websites
  • Guest blogging
  • = “Be everywhere”

NOTE: No one of the experts didn’t talk about buying links. Engage with the people naturally to get links back to your site.

How to Get Ranked #1 in Google.

High-quality content is not enough. You also need to build links = connections with the other people in the industry.

There were also other creative ideas that will boost your rankings:

  • Do something outrageous
  • Build authority / Brand
  • Do audio interviews -> post transcripts
  • Publish content consistently

Those were the things that I wanted to raise from the answers to give you the little summary.

=> Want to get a step-by-step training on getting ranked #1 in Google? Start Here!

I recommend reading through all the answers to get highly valuable insights on getting ranked #1 in Google.

Remember, all of these experts know what they are talking about because they achieved great online success already. So the question was,

How to Get Ranked #1 in Google? Mention 3 Most Important Things.

Let the experts talk:

dominic_wellsDom Wells

My 3 SEO tips coincide with Google’s 3 biggest ranking factors, funnily enough:

1. Content – This doesn’t just mean “write good content”. It means, make sure your content has good on-page SEO, and will also be able to contribute to the two other factors below. This could be because it is original, quality, or interesting.

2. Links – The more people that link to your site, the more Google takes that as a sign of quality. Of course, links need to be from trusted sources.

3. Engagement – If people aren’t engaging in your site, Google thinks of that as a red flag. Make sure you have good time on site, pages per visit, and where possible, a low bounce rate.

Nathaniell BrenesNathaniell Brenes

My top 3 things for getting ranked #1 in Google

1) Find a low competition keyword with few websites using that exact keyword on their website (low QSR)

2) Check out the search results on page one and make sure they are not competitive websites

3) Write a post over 1000 words using the keyword in the title, first paragraph, some headings, and ideally a related video as well as an image using the keyword as an alt tag

Bonus! Internally link back to the post using your keyword or LSI keywords as anchor text.

Bishal BiswasBishal-Biswas

1st thing first – The success rate of your project depends on the keywords you’re focusing on. If you’re new to it, it’s always recommended starting from low competition keywords that got some good search volume.

2nd – Properly optimize the content with your main keyword, it’s variations, synonym, and long tails. Builds relevancy, and allows you to rank on more than just a keyword.

3rd – Don’t go crazy over a particular keyword.

Don’t fire hundreds of link with a single keyword. Diversifying anchor text profile is as important as diversifying your backlink profile.

Hit your homepage with branded and naked URLs i.e. (Your Brand, YourBrand,,,…and so on) this builds up the authority of your homepage that gradually allows you to rank your inner page without much effort.

David_LeonhardtDavid Leonhardt

The top 3 ways to get ranked #1 in Google are as follows:

1. Understand your audience and its needs. If you do this one thing, you will naturally populate your pages with the words and word combinations that your audience will use when searching for your products. Sometimes those words will be about products and services, sometimes they will be about problems to solve and sometimes they will be more about a type of activity. The best keyword research is simply understanding your audience.

2. Do something outrageous. By “outrageous”, I mean something that gets you noticed. If you hire a troupe of students to paint murals over graffiti walls in your city, and alert the media and bloggers to bring their cameras, you’ll create buzz. That buzz will translate into articles and social mentions for your brand. There is no better link-building than earned links. I once had a credit card comparison client. I had them lobby the Canadian government to eliminate the penny (which it did). That got them some unexpected links.

3. Be everywhere. OK, maybe not quite. But get involved in as many forums and discussion groups (such as on FaceBook, Skype, LinkedIn and FaceBook) as you can find in your niche. It’s not by hiding under a rock that I got asked to participate in this roundup, for example.


zac-johnsonZac Johnson

To effectively rank #1 in Google, you should follow these three methods.

1 – Choose a niche market, niche down even further and then focus on creating great content and using long tail keywords. You can see a breakdown of how you should approach this process here.

2 – Once your site and content are in place, then it’s time for outreach. Contact other relevant sites within your niche and ask to guest blog on their sites. Another option is to do broken link research and ask sites to replace their broken link references with a working and valuable link on your site.

3 – Tracking the performance of your keywords and your competition is key. Know where you and your competitors are ranking and why. Use competitor tracking tools to see where they are building links and replicate the process.

marcus-millerMarcus Miller

Ultimately this is such a broad question that any answer can only be equally broad. There are so many moving parts and the approach for a local business trying to rank for a commercial term with local customers versus a business trying to rank a piece of content in first place around the world would be completely different. However, we can attempt to look at the core elements here and provide some general guidelines.

From a high level, there are really only two things that matter: content & links. So, let’s expand upon this some:

You must have the most relevant and ideally best answer to the customers question. You start here. With the quality. With the best answer. Google just wants to direct people towards the best answer to the question they pose so start by ensuring you have the best answer out there.

Then, you must consider an authority. As an example, I could create a piece of content around Local SEO and place it on our site Chances are though it would not rank first. We simply don’t have the authority that the big players in this industry have. The same piece of content (or one far weaker) could be placed on Search Engine Land or Moz and rank in the top 3 with relative ease. Ultimately, the ranking factor surveys that are done still see domain level and page level link metrics as the key ranking factors so it is important to consider where you will place the content for maximum exposure.

Sure, you could conduct a link building campaign around a given piece of content on a far weaker domain and would likely have some success. Certainly this is true as you dig deeper into a given subject but for big, broad and highly coveted terms you want to start with a solid foundation so a triple A site is a sensible starting point.

Beyond relevance and authority, there are then many other factors: trust, quality, credibility, technical optimization. The specifics vary by location, keyword, industry and too many other variables to mention. So the third key ingredient would be strategy.

Understand what you want to rank for and then determine the best strategy to do so. Get a solid understanding of what needs to be done to improve your position. Consider all the many variables, plan your attack and you won’t go far wrong.

Alex_SolAlex Sol

Here are the things about SEO:
1. Content wins every time. You can’t write mediocre content and expect it to rank well. Go to Google, search for your main keyword phrase, read through the top 10 results and write a blog post BETTER than any other post on the first page.

Of course, this does not guarantee anything but it gives you a higher chance of ranking well.

2. Consistency is crucial.
Google loves fresh, unique, high-quality content. However they love the consistency just as much. You can’t post every single day for a week, then stop posting for a year, then start posting once a month. Create a posting schedule and stick to it.

When Google understands that you’re adding new content consistently they will start giving more importance to your content (even your old content will start ranking better). This alone might give you a few Featured snippet rankings (when you are ranked in a special box above all other results, as an expert).

3. Promotion.
No one canceled backlinks. Google is much smarter now and you can no longer just buy some low-quality backlinks and rank well (thankfully). However, just posting your content isn’t enough. You need to get this content in front of people.

Share your content on all of your social media accounts. Share it in relevant Facebook groups and Reddit (don’t spam though), reach out to influencers in your niche and tell them about it, etc. When people talk about your content, share it and interact with it – search engines notice all of it.

It takes me 1-3 days to create an amazing piece of content and it takes me another 3-4 days of promoting it. Do I end up ranking #1 every time? No. However, I do get in the top 5 very often.

There is no magic button to good rankings. It takes hard work and dedication.

Chris_DreyerChris Dreyer

1. Create keyword appropriate landing pages. Make sure you’re targeting the group of related phrases that answer the intent of the visitor. LSI keywords are essential and allow you to rank for a wider array of queries.

2. Create content that is better and provides more value than the other top ranking pages. The Internet is very saturated with competition and because of this you can’t halfheartedly create a landing page and expect it to rank well. It needs to provide value to the consumer.

3. Obtain backlinks from high domain authority and/or high domain rating websites. You can do this with real outreach, engagement, link bait and more. Combine your outreach efforts with social to maximize your social reach as well.

Steve RazinskiSteve Razinski

I don’t know how to get ranked #1 in Google. If I could pinpoint an exact process that gets you the #1 spot, I surely wouldn’t be giving it away for free! I can tell you that my focus on moving up in the rankings has always been a primary focus on writing quality content. I write content that I would want to read myself. Without proper, engaging content, a #1 position is worthless as there won’t be anyone sticking around to read it.

Building relationships with other players in your niche is the other key focus. Positive relationships lead to positive results. My biggest competitors in the search results are also some of my closest friends. Positive relationships lead to sharing of content on social platforms and high-quality, organic backlinks.

Tim-BourquinTim Bourquin

Getting ranked highly in Google takes patience and hard work. There are no shortcuts, but if you put in the effort you can make progress every time you post content on your blog.

Here are 3 things I have done to make my websites rank higher in the search engines.

1) Do audio interviews of influencers and post the transcripts
Text transcripts of interviews you do with leaders in your topic focus are a terrific way to get keyword-rich content on your site. Most bloggers have a difficult time creating long-form blog posts that have the right percentage of keywords that will be indexed highly by Google. The beauty of transcripts of an audio conversation is that they will naturally have a lot of the keywords you want to rank for and you don’t have to manually insert them into blog posts in a way that might seem forced.

You can find people to transcribe your audio on Fiverr (make sure they are native speakers of the language your audio is in) or a service like Then use a service like to embed the audio and post the full transcript below. The transcript is what works so you can even consider not posting the audio at all and use just the transcript. I have used transcripts to create keyword-rich blog posts for many years and it’s a fast way to get a site ranked higher in Google.

2) Choose a hyper-focused topic
If you want to get ranked #1 for the keyword “internet marketing” in Google, you better have a few years and a few million dollars to start! With so many people chasing that keyword, it is nearly impossible to rank well.

BUT, you can rank high if your topic is, for example, “internet marketing for pet shop owners.” My advice to bloggers these days is to take the topic you want to focus on and slice it in half. Then slice it in half again. Drilling down to the most focused topic possible will ensure the competition for that subject won’t overwhelm your efforts to rank highly and compete with the rest of the world.

Most bloggers make the mistake of thinking that their topic is too narrow when in fact they are way to wide. Hyper focus on the smallest niche possible – that is the key to ranking #1 on that topic

3) Focus on quality, not quantity
This one is a “back to basics” idea, but posting at least once per week is important to rank well in the search engines. But more importantly, it is the quality of those posts that matter – not the number. If you only have time to do one great post per month, then do that. If you can break that longer post into two posts, even better.

But the focus should always be on longer-form quality posts that cover one topic from start to finish. Those type of “how to” posts will always be ranked higher than short snippets in Google.

Chris_MakaraChris Makara

Having great, in-depth content is the foundation of getting great rankings in Google. It’s no secret that Google favors lengthier content. But, you shouldn’t fluff your content in order to reach a certain word count. Instead, you should aim to answer all questions a reader might have while reading your content. This makes it easy to create longer content.

Once your content is created, it’s not the time to move onto the next blog post.

Instead, you need to spend time promoting it to get links. Not only should you continuously promote it on your social media accounts, but you should look for websites to link to your content. These sites can be resource pages, broken links being replaced with your link, or websites that have linked to similar content to yours (but get them to replace it with your link since your content is better).

The last item is to be sure you have a mobile-friendly site. With more and more users searching on mobile and Google even favoring mobile friendly sites in mobile searches, having a mobile-friendly site can help a site rank better.

Gabriella_SanninoGabriella Sannino

As with most things SEO, the answer is “it depends”. Are you global or local?

Then the first tool I would use is common sense… it’s rarely used anymore.

For all around, I’d say relevance, links and keywords. For local, I’d add in local citations as a really big deal.

Relevance: Is your content concise? Are you on target with your message? Do you provide what you promise? Does your site structure provide ease of access to the content for both visitors and search engines?

Links (via relationship building): Back links are still a big deal, but how you do them has changed and will continue to change. For me and my clients, I’ve found that creating relationships through social networks, commenting on blog posts I’ve enjoyed reading, and meeting people at conferences, etc, bring the best and most rewarding links.

Keyword research: Choosing the right terms to target is still high on my priority list, whether you pick them thematically or based on the numbers alone. You have to know what your target market is searching for in order to respond to that search. It doesn’t do you near as much good to be writing about how nifty your “pattern” is if you don’t specify what type of pattern it is for your visitors. Keyword research – and optimization in general – helps you keep your marketing on target.

Jason_AcidreJason Acidre

The 3 key factors to really get ahead in the SERPs:

1. The quality of links pointing to the page and/or high Domain Authority (DA). Having both can extremely separate you from your competitors.

2. If the page’s content can genuinely satisfy the intent of the searcher. Aside from having a well-designed and fast-loading page, as well as a content that’s comprehensive, useful and offers unique value, it’s also crucial to ensure that the content itself matches the query it’s aiming to rank for.

3. Branding. Build a strong positive reputation for the website in its space and invest on having a few set of other high-value content assets that can collectively solidify the site/brand’s expertise. These all can help strengthen the site’s overall search visibility.

Jeremy RiveraJeremy Rivera

1. Get on the phone, call the people who run the sites you would love a link from.

2. Send 5x more emails than you think you need to get potential sources for guest posts or roundups to actually get some traction.

3. Ask your friends, acquiantances, people at meetups about their sites, find out ways to make a link to your site relevant.

Tor RefslandTor Refsland

Step 1: Find your keyword
Your first step should be to use Google Keyword Planner to find the best keyword to target based on search volume and competition.

Step 2: Check competing articles for that keyword
Then you can use BuzzSumo to find the most popular blog posts based on that keyword. It´s important that you notice the headlines, social shares. Pick the top 10 blog posts and study them extensively.

When I say extensively, well, then I mean extensively. Why? Because you want to find out why these posts went viral. Note down what makes the top 10 articles stand out, and then find out HOW you can make your article better.

Tool 3: Identify the top 10 articles on Google
Now it´s time for you to Google your keyword and study the headlines and content of the top 10 articles.

Note that BuzzSumo´s most popular articles don´t necessarily rank on the first page of Google. You probably know that backlinks, social shares, etc. will help your article rank higher on Google.

But there is one more very important factor…

…and that is the click-through rate (CTR). Basically, that is Google´s way of finding out how popular your article really is, and the more people who click on your article, guess what happens?

You should study the headlines and the description of the SEO text on the top 10 articles on Google. That information will be the make it for break it whether people will click on your article or not through Google.

An example of this is the first roundup post I created, 80 Productivity Tips From Incredibly Busy Experts, that generated:
– 20,231 page views in 6 days
– 1600+ social shares

By using this technique, I have now several blogs post on the first page of Google.

And you can too!
However, knowledge is totally useless, if you don´t apply it. Go and take action now.”

Casandra CampbellCasandra Campbell

1. Match the keyword intent. What is the searcher trying to accomplish? If you give them exactly what they’re looking for, your engagement metrics will be great. Engagement is already a ranking factor and it will only become more important in the future.

2. Create high-quality content. You don’t need an aged domain with high domain authority to rank anymore. It’s easy to stand out with exceptional content. Don’t just match the keyword intent. Go above and beyond with the content you provide and you’ll be rewarded with links and engagement.

3. Promote your content. It’s not enough to just publish something great. If you want to attract those links and traffic, spread the word any way you can. If you’ve truly created something great, people want to hear about it. It’s only spam if you’re peddling useless garbage.

nirav-daveNirav Dave

My 3 best tips to boost ranking in Google are;

  1. Implementation of the Right Keywords: Research and implement target based keywords across your website (pages and posts) to improve click-through-rate and to increase search engine ranking. Make use of LSI keywords (related search terms and phrases) to naturally improve your article’s keyword density. This would also help you to steer clear of keyword stuffing.
  2. Write In-depth Content: Create content that provides actionable solutions that’ll help solve your reader’s problem. Go as in-depth as you can and make sure to promote your content consistently on relevant social channels to increase engagement.
  3. Optimize your Site’s Speed: Website speed matters. Slow website page speed and download time can negatively affect your site’s ranking. Hence, ensure that your site is performing optimally at all times and to make your site super fast enable browser caching, optimize images and use a good CDN network.

vladimir-gendelmanVladimir Gendelman

There’s no magic route to get to the golden No. 1 spot in Google. It takes a lot of time, strategy, trial and error. With that said, consider the following.

1. Useful content. The old adage “content is king” is always relevant. People love useful resources and will naturally share quality content. User engagement acts as a signal that tells Google what searchers are looking for, so it’s important to make your content as valuable as possible.

2. Optimize your assets. Make sure you have your basics covered; find your target keywords and optimize all of your assets.

3. Become friends with Google. Although Google doesn’t give you a road map for ranking, they do have general guidelines and practices that make it easier to crawl and index your site. Find out all of the ways you can make your site Google-friendly, and you’ll be on your way.”

Neil PatelNeil Patel

Links and Content.

Neil’s answer nicely summarizes two most important things in Google rankings, Links and Content.

I hope that experts’ answers gave you lots of valuable information to get ranked first in Google.

I am sure that these tips will help you to get ranked better in future. These guys really know what they are talking about!

If you want to learn more on how to get ranked #1 in Google, I recommend the wonderful step by step training in Wealthy Affiliate. Even some the experts above have learned their skills in Wealthy Affiliate. The best thing is that you can try their training for free.

If you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to leave them below and I will be more than happy to respond you personally.

PS.Don’t forget to share the post on social media 😉


Seobility Review – Improve Your Google Rankings for FREE!

Would you like get ranked better on Google? Everybody wants! In this Seobility review, I am going to show you a free tool that can help you to achieve higher rankings on Google. Are you ready? Let’s go!

Seobility Review

Seobility ReviewName: Seobility

Field: SEO-Tools
Overall Rank: 90 out of 100 (Check Out My #1 Recommendation for Top Google Rankings, 98 Out of 100)

What Is Seobility All About?

Seobility is an SEO-tool originally created in Germany but afterward, it has reached success in many other countries including U.S.

You can analyze your website with Seobility in a few minutes and it gives you a comprehensive report about how well your site is optimized for search engines. It also provides concrete action plans what you should do in order to get ranked higher.

You will understand this better when I show you a couple of pictures.

In the picture below you can see an example of an overview of one website:

Seobility Reviews

An Overview of

Then it gives you concrete things that you could improve on your website.

Is Seobility Legit

“Errors” in Website’s SEO

Here I want to point out one important thing when using Seobility. Don’t get shocked when you see the things that it’s showing you. If you don’t understand something immediately, don’t worry. You can Google it or ask their support. In addition, some things that they point out, may not even be so important for your rankings. So take your time to look what you can do to improve your site and then do it.

You can use Seobility for totally free. Then you’ll get the even better taste how it works and if it’s really a tool that you’ve been looking for. Create a free account in Seobility.

Who is Seobility For?

Seobility is created for people who want to improve their website’s rankings on search engines like Google. In my opinion, Seobility is not the best for total beginners even though their platform is straightforward and easy-to-use. There are some terms that may be a bit strange for beginners in SEO-world. If you haven’t heard about SEO, before then I recommend going through this step-by-step training to get better Google rankings (that training works for more advanced Internet marketers).

But you definitely don’t need to be an SEO-expert to use Seobility. If you have a basic knowledge of SEO, you can get some useful information when using it. Then you can make changes to your website and see what happens to rankings.

Remember that in SEO-world, changes don’t usually occur in a second. Your rankings get better little by little when you keep on doing the right things on your website.

I recorded a video where I show you how it looks like inside Seobility. In the video you will see what kind of results they show about your website to improve Google rankings.

Seobility Support

They have a comprehensive F.A.Q. -pages that will answer to most of your questions.

You can also reach them by calling or sending them an email. Then they will come up with an answer to you quickly. If you have any questions regarding Seobility, you can also leave a question below and I will find an answer for you.

What Is the Price of Seobility?

There are free pricing plans: Basic (FREE), Premium and Agency.

The basic plan is entirely free. You don’t need to pay a single penny to get started with this one.

Basic Plan (FREE) Includes:

  • 1 Project / Website for Analysis
  • 1,000 crawled pages
  • 200 checked external links
  • Waiting time for re-crawls: 1 day
  • Competitors page per project: 3
  • And much more

If you have only one website and it’s not very big, then Basic plan covers most of your needs. If you have several websites and you want to use Seobility for all of them, then you want to consider Premium or Agency plans. If your site is big or you want faster results, then paid plans are also better for you.

Premium Plan ($39,90/month) Includes:

  • 3 Projects / Websites for Analysis
  • 25,000 crawled pages
  • 5,000 checked external links
  • Waiting time for re-crawls: Immediately
  • Competitors page per project: 20
  • And much more
  • 30 Day Free Trial!

The premium plan works if you have one big website or max.3 websites. Notice that you can take a 30-day free trial, so you can try it one month without any risk. If you like it, you can continue using it, if not, you didn’t lose anything.

Agency Plan ($149,90/month) Includes:

  • 15 Projects / Websites for Analysis
  • Massive amount of 100,000 crawled pages
  • 20,000 checked external links
  • Waiting time for re-crawls: Immediately
  • Competitors page per project: 30
  • And much more

Agency Plan works very well for businesses that are running websites for their clients and want to optimize all of them.

=> Want to Improve your SEO? Try Seobility for Free!

Pros & Cons


  • Free Plan Available
  • High Quality from Germany
  • Very Easy-to-Use
  • Gives Practical Steps to Improve Your Website
  • Provides Variety of New Ideas


  • Can Waste Time if You Use It Too Much
  • Not 100% Necessary for SEO-Success (Great Keywords Make Bigger Difference)
  • Not for Total Beginners

Conclusion – Is Seobility Worth It?

It takes only a couple of minutes to check your site’s health with Seobility for free. I believe it’s definitely worth it. Is it worth it to pay $39,90/month for the premium plan? You need to answer that question yourself by trying it. For website- and online business owners it can be a very useful tool. Give it a try!

The minimum amount you should do to get ranked on Google is to choose targeted keywords and write helpful content for your followers. By doing that over and over again, you will start gaining more traffic. But if you want to be very successful, you may want to use tools like Seobility to optimize your pages.

If you want to learn all steps in order to get massive amounts of organic traffic, I wholeheartedly recommend starting free training on Wealthy Affiliate. There you will learn a proven system that I have used myself to reach hundreds of good rankings on Google. You will get 10 interactive video lessons and my 1-on-1 mentoring for free to get started.


Have you used Seobility or other similar SEO-tools? Did it help you to get ranked higher?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂


Does SEO MasterClass Work? Will It Give You Top Rankings in Google?

Does SEO MasterClass Work? This is the question that a lot of people are asking. It’s certainly created a lot of buzz online and it makes a lot of promises when it comes to optimizing your website for Google. But is SEO MasterClass really as good as advertised? In this review, we’re going to find out the answer.

Does SEO MasterClass WorkName: SEO MasterClass
Price: $17
Field: SEO – Training

What is SEO MasterClass and How Does It Work?

This is an Internet marketing/search engine optimization (SEO) program that aims to teach you everything about SEO. Developed by Luan Henrique, this program costs $17 and consists of several videos, guides, and tutorials that will explain everything you need to know about SEO.

The class can be divided into five parts, all with video modules:

  • An introduction
  • On Page Search Engine Optimization
  • Off-Page Search Engine Optimization
  • How to Out Rank Competing Websites
  • Conclusion

The program also comes with bonus programs such as a VIP Facebook Group, a Q&A Facebook session and a bonus program on how to get more traffic to your website.

Who is SEO MasterClass For?

This program is for those who want their websites to rank higher in Google. People use keywords to find what they want in Google, so having the right keywords – and quality, relevant content – will bring your website right up to the top pages. Since most web users don’t check Google results beyond the first couple of pages, being on page 1 or 2 makes a huge difference in terms of page hits, lead generation and sales.

In other words, if you want people to visit your website and gain in popularity, you need search engine optimization, and you’re a good candidate for SEO MasterClass. While it is aimed mainly at marketers, those who have an online business will also find this useful. If you want to learn how to get ranked on the first page of Google, I recommend starting a free training in Wealthy Affiliate. They will teach how you can drive tons of traffic from Google and monetize your websites.

Another wonderful keyword tool is Jaaxy. The best thing is that you can try it for free!

The Good

  • The videos are detailed and direct to the point. There is no technical words or jargon used, and the videos do a good job of breaking down concepts into digestible chunks of information.
  • The videos explain the difference between on page and off page optimization, backlinks, why links are important, how to produce great content and so on.
  • You will learn the ins and outs of proper keyword use. Today it is no longer good to fill your website with keywords as you’ll be penalized by Google. SEO MasterClass explains why keywords matter in a way that beginners understand.
  • The tutorials are arranged in a progressive manner, so by the time you reach the last videos, you’ll have a solid understanding of what SEO is.
  • The bonus products and videos are free.

It seems like SEO MasterClass is indeed a master class when it comes to optimizing websites. There’s no doubt this program has benefits, but there are some shortcomings and issues you have to be aware of.

The Bad

  • Very Little Reliable Independent Information: yes, you’re going to find a lot of so-called SEO MasterClass reviews online. But most if not all of them are fake. You can tell they’re fake because all the reviewer does is point out the program, all “pros” and no “cons”. These reviews also have links to purchase SEO MasterClass, which says a lot about their objectivity.
  • SEO Information is Available Elsewhere: the information above SEO in the program is accurate, but you can get this anywhere online for free. Why pay 17 bucks when you can Google the info and get it without paying a cent?
  • A lot of the information is probably something you already know. If you’ve been on the web for a while, you already have an idea of how to use links, keywords and how to avoid site spamming.
  • The bonus programs are free but they’re either redundant or useless. These “free bonuses” consist of nothing more than rehashed tips and marketing SEO strategies collected from other websites.
  • The training programs take time to work. No matter what the ads say, it takes time to learn how to make SEO work on your website. It only takes a few seconds to add a link yes, but you’ll need to wait several days or longer to see the results.
  • The way SEO MasterClass is advertised, it’s like you’re going to make a ton of money just by implementing the tips and techniques taught in the videos. That is simply not true. You will learn how to use SEO, but there is no guarantee you will land on page 1 of a Google search.

Apart from the issues we have mentioned above, there is no evidence the techniques offered here have worked. As we have already mentioned earlier, most of the reviews are fake, so you can’t rely on them. If SEO MasterClass really works, why aren’t there more information and testimonials from people who have used it?

The training can provide results, but really, it’s not going to be any different from what you would get using the free resources on the web.

Conclusion – Does SEO MasterClass Work?

The SEO MasterClass is not a bad product, but it is nowhere near as good as claimed. There’s no question that SEO is essential for web ranking and marketing, but the information that SEO MasterClass offers is really nothing new. Worse, a lot of the tips and strategies they offer are available online free.

There are other issues with SEO MasterClass that need to be pointed out. The tips they offer for generating site traffic are okay, but it would be unrealistic to think that you’ll make a ton of money just by applying them, let alone a huge Google rank surge.

A better alternative is Wealthy Affiliate. This isn’t a get rich quick scheme, but aimed at moms, dads, college students, anyone who wants to earn extra income via Internet marketing. It’s free to join and there are thousands of community members who’ll be eager to help you out.

You can ask any questions from successful Internet marketers/online entrepreneurs and they will give personal tips on how to improve your website. In addition, you will get 10 interactive video lessons, 2 websites and my 1-on-1 mentoring for FREE! Why wouldn’t you start today?


Have you used SEO MasterClass, Wealthy Affiliate or some other SEO-training?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂


SerpLab Review – See All Your Google Rankings for Free!

Would you like to know how your pages and posts get ranked on Google? How many #1 or first page do you have? You can, of course, check this manually by writing different keywords to Google but it takes quite a lot of time to check them one by one. It would be much more comfortable to see all your rankings with one sight. That’s why I wrote this SerpLab review to tell you about this awesome tool that allows you to check all your rankings for free.

Name: SerpLab
Price: FreeSerpblab review
Field: SEO-Tools

Overall Rank: 85 out of 100 (Check Out My #1 Recommendation, 98 Out of 100)

What Is SerpLab All About?

I created a video where I quickly walk you through on how SerpLab works and why you should consider using it. I believe you will enjoy the video. If you have any question, don’t hesitate to leave them below in the comments.

How to Use SerpLab?

Using Serplab is a piece of cake. Just create an account which takes under 30 seconds.

Then go to their website and do following things:

1.Add a Project
2.Add Keywords
3.See the Results

It is just simple as that. If you need any help getting started I recommend you to check this Steph Hill’s thorough guide in Wealthy Affiliate. If you need any help or there is something that you don’t fully understand, just leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

So, You can add several projects to SerpLab. If you have 3 websites that you would like to analyze, adding 3 projects makes it easier. Name projects like “Website 1’s name”, “Website 2’s name” and so on. I have for example a project Your Online Revenue where I see all rankings of this website.

Then you need to add for which keywords you would like to check your rankings. I add a keyword for each article that I write to SeprLab. After publishing this article I am going to add a keyword “SerpLab Review” to my project “Your Online Revenue”. Of course you are getting ranked with several keywords and you can add all of them if you want. But I prefer to add only one because it at least gives me some kind of sense what kind of rankings I am getting with each article.

Good example of getting ranked with several keywords is my Lotto Guy Lottery System Review. During the last 90 days I have got traffic from Google with 15 different keywords. People have ended up to my article after searching 15 different keywords! “Lotto Guy Lottery System”  “Lotto Guy Lottery System Scam”  “Lotto guy system reviews” “Lotto guy system” and so on.

I have put in SerpLab the keyword “Is Lotto Guy Lottery System a Scam” and it shows that article is ranked now #5 in Google for that keyword.

Serplab Review

#5 is a current ranking. #8 is a first ranking that I got with that keyword when I first published that review.

What Are the Benefits of SerpLab?

Why should somebody use SerpLab? What does it benefit anyone to see his rankings on Google? It doesn’t help him to rank better. It’s only a distraction from the things that are really beneficial. Or is it?

I would claim that seeing your rankings quickly can be very valuable information for you. When you see which articles are ranking better, you can figure out what kind of articles get ranked on Google and what kind of articles don’t. Then you can keep on writing more those articles that get ranked high.

Another important reason to use SerpLab is that it can give you a lot of motivation when you can see your rankings rising. It motivates always when you hit your new records. Your first #1 ranking, more top 3 rankings or whatever. New records give a wonderful glimpse of motivation.

serplab ranking

The overview of your rankings

Benefits of using Serplab:

1.See what kind of articles are getting ranked in the top. -> duplicate the process to get more top rankings.

2.See what kind of articles don’t rank well. -> Maybe you need to change something

3.Get a quick overview of your website’s authority and how well it gets ranked in Google

4.Get more motivation for writing when you see that your current articles are rising. This one is very important. If you don’t see results of your work, you may lose motivation. “Does this work really pay off?” You may be asking yourself.

There was a time when I didn’t publish any new content to for one month but still I saw in Serplab that my rankings were rising all the time in Google. It gave me additional motivational boost to keep on publishing new content because I saw that my hard work in the past is paying off. I have notice that many times in online business you first make the work and then after several months or even years you will reap the harvest.

The founder of Wealthy Affiliate said that many times during his online business career has happened one very interesting thing. He has created a website and worked hard on it. Then at some point he has left the website and started concentrating on new projects. He has totally forgotten the website until he receives an email “Congratulations! You have just earned $xx amount commission from Amazon (or whatever affiliate program is he using).” So if your articles don’t get ranked immediately, don’t lose your hope. Just keep on producing new content and learn how to get ranked faster on Google with step-by-step training in WA.

What Are the Cons of SerpLab?

In my reviews, I always want to talk honestly also about cons of the product. In SerpLab there are not many bad sides in a free version because you are not paying anything but there are some things that could be working better.

SerpLab free version checks your rankings every 24h so once in a day. Many times this can be enough but what if you would like to check your rankings instantly? You can of course do it manually by searching in Google Incognito window (it’s important to use Incognito because it gives more accurate results!). Or a faster way to check your rankings immediately is using Jaaxy which is a wonderful and very simple keyword tool.

Most of the time SerpLab shows your rankings very accurately. I check now for example that keyword “Is Lotto Guy Lottery System a Scam” keyword manually and I see that my article is in position 5 in Google (when you read this article the rank may have risen already because Google rankings change). However, I have noticed that SerpLab is not 100% accurate. Sometimes there may be a little differences. But I have thought that it can also be because Serplab checks the ranking only once in a day. Let’s say that it has checked the ranking at 1 PM and I check my ranking manually at 6 PM, the ranking may already have changed in 5 hours.

Another limitation is that their free version can only analyze up to 150 keywords per day. Then they have also paid versions which will scan up to 600 keywords per day. Price for a paid bot is $4.99/month so it’s not very expensive either.

WARNING: Don’t use too much time watching statistics!

Serplab Warning

I have noticed that one thing which keeps people from succeeding online that they are so nailed in watching statistics. They check Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Semrush, Serplab, Twitter and FB-statistics and so on… Then after one hour they realize that they haven’t used a minute building their business but only watched their statistics.

Don’t get me wrong here. It’s okay to check statistics every now and then to see if you are going to right direction and what should you change. If you are not getting any results then you probably need to change something. That’s why statistics can be very valuable. But if you are using most of your time watching different statistics, you will not get the full potential.

I think that this is now clear for you but I wanted to emphasize because I have seen that many people get distracted when they stare too much for example Google Analytics. The founder of Wealthy Affiliate (a multimillionaire thanks for Internet marketing) gives a principle that you shouldn’t focus on Google Analytics for the first 3 months after you have created your website.

3 months is a guideline and sometimes it can be useful to check something even before. But many times people are just wasting their time instead of working their butt off. Create content, sell, market, do the hard work. That’s how your online business will grow.

Want to Get More #1 Rankings in Google?

SerpLab is a useful tool because it shows your Google rankings. However, SerpLab doesn’t teach you how to get ranked #1 in Google. If you want that kind of rankings you need to learn:

  • What kind of keywords should you use?
  • What kind of plugins do you need?
  • What kind of articles should you write?
  • How your page should look like?
  • And also other things.

It’s can be pretty overwhelming to try to find all that information from the huge Internet. That’s why there are many programs that want to teach you that. However, I need to admit that many of those programs are not very valuable and they are only selling their own expensive service.

My #1 recommendation is to start a step-by-step training in Wealthy Affiliate. You can start totally for free, get free video lessons and a supporting community to get you started.

Wealthy Affiliate is a community of a successful Internet marketers. There are more than 800,000 members and some of them are beginners but some members have been longer in online business industry and they are making big money online. They are there to help you also with Google rankings. (WA is not a MLM-system.)

Want to start your free training today to get more Google rankings? Go to Wealthy Affiliate here!


A question for you: Have you used SerpLab, Jaaxy or another keyword tool to analyze your Google Rankings? Leave a comment below!


“How to Drive Traffic to My Blog?” Try This Trick!

How to Drive Traffic to My Blog

Every successful blogger should be constantly thinking “How to Drive Traffic to My Blog?”

More traffic means more engagement, better rankings and eventually more revenue. It’s much easier to make money when there are 100,000 visitors/month instead of 1,000 visitors/month.

Today I am shortly going to show how you can instantly drive lots of visitors to your website. Many of those visitors may become your subscribers and some of them may even buy some of your products.

By trying this trick the traffic is almost 100% guaranteed. I have tried it once and it’s the most read article on The average time of that article is about 5 minutes. That’s a high average time! It means if someone has instantly gone away from the page, the other one has been on that page for 10 minutes.

The trick is called…

Expert Roundup!

If you haven’t heard it before, I will explain briefly what do they mean.

Expert roundup is a post where you ask the same question(s) from many experts on a certain field. Then they give their answer and you collect all the answers, build one post which shows and summarizes all the answers.

For example, is all about internet marketing and making money online. One of the most important things in my field is to get ranked in Google in order to get organic traffic. That’s why I asked the experts, “How to Get Ranked #1 in Google?” (Read what 17 experts answered!)

I will give you examples further how to decide your roundup question and subject. But what are the benefits of the expert roundups?

  • You drive lots of free traffic to your blog/website
  • You learn about the subject from the experts’ answers
  • You build your network by contacting the experts
  • You provide ultimately high-quality content which will lead to great rankings in Google!
  • Expert roundups lead to shares in the social media
How to Drive Traffic to My Blog

Expert roundups lead to shares on social media

“What if I don’t Know Any Experts Personally”?

Today in 2016 we have better ways to get in touch with any person in the world than ever in the human history. You have social medias, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, email and so on.

If you don’t know who are the experts, just make a few searches in Google and you will very quickly find people’s websites, contact forms and social media accounts. When you find one expert, you will soon find another one.

Then just send them your question. It’s just simple as that. You will be surprised how glad experts are to answer your question even though many of them are busy.

Remember these three things when contacting experts.

1.Be polite.

2.Keep your answers short enough.

3.Send a follow-up email if the expert doesn’t answer for the first one.

If you need more help on how to contact the experts, don’t hesitate to leave a question below in the comments.

“How to Drive Traffic to My Blog with Expert Roundups?”

Maybe you are wondering how people will notice your expert roundup. Let me give an example from my own experience.

One of the participants in my roundup was Chris Dreyer who has almost 100k followers on Twitter. After publishing my roundup, he shared the post on Twitter for his 100k followers. Then tens of his followers retweeted it and many of them clicked the link to see the post.

Many of the experts shared my roundup in Google+, Twitter and Facebook. They have tens thousands of followers who then shared it further and also clicked the link to read my post.

Experts want to share the article for many reasons

  • It gives them authority because people see them as experts
  • The roundup post gives useful answers for their followers
  • More people get to know them better when the visitors see them in the articles.

I think you are beginning to understand how many people will eventually see the roundup posts. 🙂

When I made my first roundup on YourOnlineRevenue I got an answer from 17 experts. Next time I am planning to gather more (50 or even 100) experts to get even more shares on social media and to drive even more traffic to my website.

Think how much traffic would even shares of 50 or 100 experts would give! We are talking about thousands or tens of thousands of visitors to one article.

“How to Decide the Roundup Question?”

The interview question must be very relevant and important to your website’s subject. If your website is about gym training, don’t ask about the best tennis rackets. Instead, you could ask for example, “What are your 3 favorite exercises in the gym?”

When the experts give their answers is easy to list their answer into a summary. For example in the following way:

Results from 20 experts. Favorite exercise in the gym:

1.Deadlift 15 points
2.Squat 13 points
3.Bench press 10 points
and so on.

  • Choose a question that is simple and easy to summarize
  • Don’t ask the question that takes 2 hours to answer
  • Question is interesting for your website’s audience

If your blog is about traveling, you could ask 20 travel bloggers, “What is the best place where you have been in the world?”

If your blog is about losing weight, you could ask fitness bloggers or people who have lost weight, “What is the fastest way to lose weight?”

Use your imagination and make even better questions. I believe that you can make a wonderful roundup.

“But It Takes Time…”

This is true. Making an expert roundup takes much more time than writing a normal article.

You need to send a question to experts, then send a follow-up to some of them, respond to their answers, gather their answers to one post and summarize their answers.

But everything worthwhile in life takes time. And think about the benefits.

I don’t know how many social shares you usually get by writing the normal article. But by making an expert roundup I can guarantee that you will get more traffic.

Think about the rewards: traffic, social shares, new connections with the experts, Google rankings, high-quality content and so on.

How to Drive Traffic to My Blog

Think about the rewards to give you more motivation.

Take Action!

Probably you are somehow like me and you read lots of different blogs. Then you get many new ideas but forget them because you didn’t put it into practice right away. If so, let’s make the change.


Write down a plan and dates when you will

  • Decide a question for your roundup
  • Search experts
  • Ask the question for experts
  • Send a follow-up email
  • Publish the post

Write down the dates.

Then do it and let me know what kind of results did you get.

I hope this trick helps you to drive traffic to your blog. If you need any help or have a comment, don’t hesitate to leave them below and I will be more than happy to respond you personally.

PS.I got an idea to make a roundup from Wealthy Affiliate. Here is the article that inspired me, “A New Twist On Expert Roundup Posts – How To Get Hundreds Of Shares To Your Site“. If you don’t know what is Wealthy Affiliate, read my comprehensive review here.


What is a Long Tail Keyword in SEO? – Use It to Get Ranked Better in Google!

What is a Long Tail Keyword in SEO

I see many people asking about the keywords and the one question that I found often is, “What is a Long Tail Keyword in SEO?”

This questions usually pops up when the SEO expert recommends using long tail keywords to get ranked in the search engines. Let me explain what it means.

Long Tail Keywords – Definition

In short, Long Tail Keyword is a keyword with a long tail (See What does keyword mean?)

That means the there are actually a lot of words in the keyword. Short tail keywords are short.

Let me give you three examples.

1.If your website is about the running shoes and you want to make a review of the Nike shoes.

Instead of just using “Nike running shoes” you can be more specific. A long tail keyword would be, for example, “The best Nike running shoes for men in 2016”.

2.Let’s take another example from the piano niche. You want to write an article about Yamaha’s piano.

Instead of just using, “Yamaha Piano Review” you may want to use “Is Yamaha YUS1 Piano Worth its price?”

3.Let’s say that you are teaching people how to make money online (as I am).

Instead of just using the short keyword, “Earn Money Online” you could use the long tail keyword, “Learn how to make money online writing blogs”.

Why Are Long Tail Keywords Important for SEO?

Using long tail keywords is definitely beneficial and I recommend to use them instead of the short ones.

I will give you three main reasons. I will be using the term Best Baseball Gloves for Boys aged 5 to 10 that one online marketer, Ram, used on his website to get very good rankings in Google (Read his article here).

1.You will be ranked for the several terms.

When Ram was using the long tail keyword Best Baseball Gloves for Boys aged 5 to 10 he was ranked at the same time for all of these terms:

  • Best Baseball Gloves for Boys aged 5 to 10
  • Best Baseball Gloves for Boys
  • Best Baseball Gloves for
  • Best Baseball Gloves
  • Baseball Gloves

Think how much better it was to use his long tail keyword instead of just something short.

Ram was ranking #1 with 4 different keywords by only writing one article!

2.The competition will be lower.

When your term is more specific not so many people are competing with you.

Less competition -> better rankings for you!

The competition for “Best Baseball Gloves for Boys aged 5 to 10” according to Wealthy Affiliate’s keyword tool is 1.

Meanwhile the competition for “Baseball Gloves” is 247.

Many people are talking about the “big” and general things but when you are more and more specific with your keywords there will be no competition and you will get the traffic easily.

3.The visitors will be more targeted.

When you are using long tail keywords you can literally choose the people who are coming to your website. They will be more targeted which will mean more profit.

The person who is searching “Best Baseball Gloves for Boys aged 5 to 10” is looking for something very specific. He/she is probably the little boy’s father, mother or coach who wants to find the best baseball gloves for his/her boy.

If your keyword would be only “Best Baseball Gloves” there may be people who are looking for the baseball gloves for girls, women and for the 50 years old men. So only a little part of that group is your target audience if you are selling the baseball gloves for young boys.

It’s good that also those people come to your website but if you can decide you want to get the most targeted people to your website.

They will more probably buy your products and you will earn revenue.

What is a Long Tail Keyword in SEO

Find the targeted visitors and earn more revenue

 Learn More about Keywords to Boost Your Online Income

Finding proper keywords plays very important role in the process of driving more traffic to your website. If you don’t get ranked in the search engines, you will miss a huge source.

But as you get ranked in the search engines the opportunities are limitless.

I wanted to share this knowledge about the long tail keywords because many beginners who are starting to earn money online don’t know this. I didn’t even know that I need to use long tail keywords when I was starting my Internet marketing career.

Long tail keywords are still only a little part of getting ranked in Google.

If you want to learn more on how to get the proper education in #1 online business university. I know many people who started in Wealthy Affiliate without the former knowledge and later started earning +$10,000/month income or even more.

So, the possibilities are really out there if you are willing to learn and use the knowledge in practice.

I hope that this article gave you the great answer for the question, “What is a Long Tail Keyword in SEO?”.

When you’re optimizing your website’s SEO and keywords, be sure to avoid keyword cannibalization. It means that you are targeting the same keyword with multiple pages and it creates a confusion on Google. Learn more in Matt Diggity’s article on cannibalization.

If you have any questions, leave them below and I will respond to you usually in less than 24 hours.

What are your favorite strategies to get ranked in the search engines?


What Does SERP Mean and How Can You Use it to Your Advantage?

what does SERP mean

You can use SERP to your advantage!

SERP, SEO, HTML, etc… All these abbreviations and interesting terms can be confusing for the new internet marketers. Today I am going to explain What Does SERP Mean?

Then I am going to help how you can benefit from SERP in your own keyword research.

(I have already made a post about SEO and keywords so you can become familiar with those terms if they are new for you.)

SERP – Definition

SERP stands for Search Engine Results Page.

You search something in the search engine and click “search”. Then you receive a page and that is called SERP – Search Engine Results Page.

Let’s take an example.

I write “How to earn money with a blog?” and then I click search.

By the way, use “incognito”-window to get more accurate results for your searches.

I get the Search Engine Results Page where I see the results of my query. (see the image below)

what does SERP mean

Search Engine Results Page = SERP

Above, in the Search Engine Results Page, you see the results for your query.

If you have a business and you want to earn money from the Internet you very likely want to get ranked on the first page in Google. Using a little “SERP” -research can help you.

Using SERP to Your Advantage!

If you want to get ranked in Google you can use SERP to your advantage. Let me explain how.

First, when you make your keyword research, you find for the proper keyword. You want monthly searches in Google to be more than 50 and QSR less than 30 (less than 50 is also okay).

You find a good keyword which perfectly makes sense, QSR is less than 30 and monthly searches are less than 50. Should you use it right away? Yes, you can BUT there is one extra thing that you can do.

Search your keyword in Google and see the SERP!

When you are using the certain keyword, you are always competing with the other websites that are using the same keyword. Your goal is to outrank those websites and get ranked better.

But it’s quite challenging to outrank certain sites. Those are

  • Big e-commerce sites like Amazon, Ebay and others.
  • Big authority websites like Wikipedia
  • A lot of videos in SERP

If you search your keyword in Google and all the results on the first page are from Amazon, Ebay and Wikipedia I would suggest choosing another keyword. Of course, it’s possible to outrank some of these sites but very probably there are other keywords when it will be easier to get on the first page of Google.

So know you to avoid competing for too much again above-mentioned websites.

When you search your keyword from Google and you don’t see any big authority websites in SERP you can be happy to use the keyword. The competition is probably not so tough for that keyword.

Let’s Take an Example!

what does SERP mean

Search Engine Results Page = SERP

Above you can again see our search results for. “How to earn money with a blog”.

You can see four websites ranked in the top,,, and

Would it be possible to outrank those sites by using our keyword “How to earn money with a blog”? What do you think?

Yes, it is possible!

All of those websites are of course doing their work to stay on the top but I would say that it’s not a stupid idea to compete against those sites. Forbes is a “big dog” and it can be challenging to outrank but it is not impossible.

And 3 other sites that you can see there are not so huge sites even though the sites are from the experienced bloggers.

All in all, you could choose the keyword “How to earn money with a blog”. (if monthly searches and QSR are good)

Outrank Them All!

When you see Search Engine Results Page in Google you know which texts are ranking well on Google. You can use that information to your own advantage.

If you are, for example, writing about the topic “How to earn money with a blog” you can go through what all the other who are ranked on the first page in Google are writing.

Then you can use the same ideas and insights in your own texts!

Read top 5 texts from Google and combine the best ideas you found from them. Include the ideas in your own texts and you are well on your way to outrank all those other competitors.

Get Ranked on the First Page in Google!

Are you interested in getting your own websites to SERP (to the first page of Google)?

There is one shortcut called PPC to get ranked on the first page but it can be expensive marketing if you don’t know how to do it right.

The better way to get free traffic is to use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and start getting ranked for free in the search engines.

I promise to give you 10 FREE video lessons and 1-on-1 mentoring getting started and start hitting good rankings in Google. Make your free account in Wealthy Affiliate to get started.

This guitarist was convinced that Wealthy Affiliate’s training works because he achieved the first ranking in Google. Read his article -> “This Really Works!


I hope this article helped you to understand what does SERP mean and how you can use it to your advantage.

Was the term “SERP” new for you?

If not, Are you using SERP in your own keyword research?


“How to Find Keywords for My Website?” – 5 Easy Steps.

How Do I Find Keywords for My Website

Learn 5 simple steps and become successful with the keywords.

Finding proper keywords is vital part of the successful online business. That’s why many people are asking, “How to find keywords for my website?”

I am going to explain the simple and effective process what I use myself in order to find powerful keywords to get ranked.

You can use the same process in your keyword research or you can just take some ideas from my process and apply them in your own work.

Step 1 – Login to Wealthy Affiliate

First of all, I log in to my account. If you don’t have your own account, you can create it for free.

Once I have logged in I can go straight to the keyword tool.

Step 2 – Go to the Keyword Tool

Wealthy Affiliate Keyword Tool

Wealthy Affiliate, Keyword Tool.

Wealthy Affiliate provides a lot of useful tools including the keyword tool.

Their keyword tool shows the accurate traffic, competition and some other things related to the keywords. But I’m mostly interested in the traffic and the competition because they are two the most important factors in choosing the right keyword.

I click the keyword tool on the left menu and start searching.

Step 3 – Write the Possible Keywords

Then I usually have in mind what kind of subject you are going to write about. You can also use many kinds of techniques to get some inspiration for writing.

Write your possible keyword and BANG!

The keyword tool shows you if the keyword is good or not.

If the traffic is less than 50 searches per month, I recommend searching for the other keywords because most of the time you can find the better ones. If the traffic is too little you will hardly get any new visitors to your website.

I recommend you to find the keywords where the traffic is more than 50. But sometimes 30 or even 20 can be okay if the competition is very low.

Let’s take for example the keyword of this post. I planned to write something about the process how do I find keywords and teach you to do the same.

Step 4 – Choose the Best One

I found the keyword “How Do I Find Keywords for My Website”. That sounds logical so then I started to analyze the competition and the traffic.

How do I find keywords for my website

Check the competition. Click the results.

You can see in the picture that the keyword gets only 32 searches per month so I wasn’t very interested before I saw the competition.

Then I checked the competition and it showed the following:

Keyword competition only 15!

Keyword competition only 15!

When the traffic was 32 and the competition only 15 I decided to choose How Do I Find Keywords for My Website as a keyword of my post. It didn’t take a lot of time to find this one.


Then I decided to make the video of my keyword research and I found out the better keyword with 56 monthly searches and the competition only 10.

See the video below where I explain my keyword research and how I ended up changing the keyword of this post.

Here are 3 main principles to find the best keyword:

1.The keyword must make sense (=grammatically correct)
2.The competition must be less than 50. (Usually, I still prefer the keywords with the competition less than 30.)
3.The traffic must be more than 50 but sometimes any traffic is okay. (Don’t choose the keywords with the traffic less than 10.)

Step 5 – Use That Keyword in The Article

Then after choosing my keyword I use it in the title and in the first paragraph of my article. Then I write the rest of the text naturally. Usually, I happen to use the keyword in the text afterwards when I just write naturally but I don’t concentrate on it too much.

Placing your keyword in the title and in the first paragraph is enough.

The most important thing is not to put a lot of keywords in your text but to provide the best experience for the reader.

Remember that you are providing content for the real people who are searching something from the Internet. You are not writing for the bot, you are writing for the human.

Finding great keywords will become your second nature as you keep providing quality content and building your online business. In the beginning, it may take some time but when you get used to it, the process becomes faster and faster.

I hope this short tutorial helps you to find the best keywords for your website. Feel free to ask questions  and leave comments below!

Which keyword tools do you use? Jaaxy, Wealthy Affiliate’s keyword tool or something else?

(Sometimes I use also keyword tool Jaaxy  but today explained the process how I find keywords using Wealthy Affiliate’s keyword tool. One of the greatest benefits of Wealthy Affiliate’s keyword tool is that it’s included in the premium membership. In the other words, it’s free for the premium members.)