Ultimate Make Money Online Guide - 2020
by Roope Kiuttu

Hi, I'm Roope "Robert" Kiuttu.
The founder of
Google my Name "Roope Kiuttu"
to see that I'm a real person ;)

I Have helped 3,258 people (and counting!) to get started in their online business journey and i would love to help YOU as well.
I have reviewed, tested and researched more than 400 make money online opportunities. Unfortunately, most of those "opportunities" are just not good enough:
Unfortunately, there are so many courses and "opportunities" that are just trying to rip off your money. I know personally some people who have fallen into victims into such schemes.
I want that you never need to waste time and money into such systems! By following my step-by-step instructions and this Ultimate Make Money Online Guide you will never fall into scams anymore and you will learn to make real money online.
When I started my own "make money online journey" a few years ago, I had a few goals in mind. I wanted to find a way to make money online that is:
- 100% Reliable and Honest. I am a Christian and a faith in God is one my biggest priorities in life. That's why I never wanted to be part of anything shady.
- High Income Potential (Preferably +$10,000/month). I knew that there are many websites that pay a few dollars but I wanted something that could sustain my life and I could also contribute to others.
- Possibility to Earn Passive Income. I wanted to find a way to make money online that generates me income even while I am not actively working.
I guess that you would be also happy to find a way to make money online that fits those criteria?
I found the way to make money online that fits my criteria and I will tell you more about it further.
Nowadays I have a freedom to earn money online while I am traveling the world.
In addition, the same 4-step process that I am using to make money online works for other people as well. Below you can see just a few examples (You can click the image to read the full posts):
But things haven't been so good always. Would me tell you a little bit of background?
Making Money Online Is Hard... And Easy!
If making money online would be easy, everybody would be doing it, right?
When I started my own "make money online journey", I thought it would be just a piece of cake. I was a naive young man who believed that within a few weeks or months I would be earning $1,000's passive income.
Well, as you might assume, it wasn't so easy. My closest friends probably still remember the discussions when I told about my setbacks and failures because I didn't make money online as fast as I would have wanted.
But I didn't give up and that was the key to my breakthrough. Now I can say that making money online is much easier for me than it was back then. Nowadays people come to me asking for help to earn money online because I have "cracked the code" and I know how to do it successfully.
My story taught me and you 2 lessons:
1. Making Money Online is a SKILL that ANYBODY can learn
2. Making BIG Money Online Requires Efforts (Money doesn't flow in just by pushing some "magic get-rich-quick button.")
Anybody Can...
But Not Anybody Will
YOU CAN make big money online. There's no doubt about it. But I also want to underline the lesson #2, "Making BIG money online requires efforts."
You will never hear me saying that you will make thousands of dollars by doing little or no work at all.
If you are just looking for the "magic button" or a "get-rich-scheme" it's better that you stop reading here! I will only teach you a real way to make money online that makes you a sustainable long-term income.
Making money online is NOT for those who are not willing to put any effort.
I wanted to highlight this because I see too many people starting with a mindset, "I will make +$10,000/month by working 15 minutes per day." Nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, you can make +$10,000/month but it will certainly require lots of effort from you (at least in the beginning).
Now that you have learned the right mindset and you are not expecting me to show any "magic button" we can get into the real money-making process and how it will work in practice.
The proven 4-step money-making process that I'll teach you is used by 1,000's of individuals all over the world.
The Ultimate Way to Make Money Online in 2020 (and beyond!)
There are actually, 100's of different ways to make money online. The 4-step strategy that I will teach you is proven to work over and over again.
I use it myself, many of my friends use it and 1,000's of people use it worldwide.
Here are 3 benefits why I recommend this strategy to you as well.
ANYBODY can learn it.
Old, young, men, women, American, European, Asian, etc...
High Income Potential.
If you are willing to put it the work, you can really make BIG money.
100% Reliable Way to Make Money
You can earn money from trusted brands like Amazon, Apple, etc.
I have seen people from all walks of life using this 4-step strategy to make money online successfully. I want to underline that ANYONE is able to make money with this if you are willing to put in the effort.
Here are a few groups of people that I personally know that are making money using this same strategy.
4-Step Strategy to Make Money Online In a Nutshell
The idea is that you will choose a topic you love and build a simple website around that interest. (Don't freak out, nowadays you can build a website with easy-to-use tools without any prior experience. I will help you to do it.)
Later on, that website will generate you passive income if you follow the 4-step process.
Let's say you love exercising at the gym. You will write content about improving results at the gym on your website and the content gets ranked on Google.
When people search on Google about exercising, your website will show up, they will see it and click it. On your website, you have put a link to Amazon to your favorite bench press and a visitor goes and checks it out.
When he goes to Amazon and buys ANYTHING within 24 hours, you will earn a commission. Let's say that he buys the bench press, barbell and weights worth $500 (Yes, people buy these things online nowadays! I bought and it cost actually more than $500).

You'll get in this example a 10% commission and you have just made $50 passive income. Let's say that 10 visitors repeat the same and you have made $500 in a day. Do you start seeing the potential?
There are more than 4 BILLION people on the Internet (and counting!) so the potential is huge. You just need to get a tiny fraction of that huge mass and you are already making a nice income.
This 4-step process is also known as affiliate marketing.
What Is Affiliate Marketing?
If you have never heard of affiliate marketing before, don't worry because I hadn't heard a few years ago either but nowadays I am making a full-time income with it. Everybody who is making a BIG income with affiliate marketing has once started from 0.
Affiliate marketing is simply a process of earning commissions by promoting other people's products.
Today pretty much all companies on the Internet have an affiliate program. There are 1,000,000's of products in the world that you can promote to earn money through affiliate marketing. The only thing you basically need to do is to leave a link, somebody buys through your link and you earn a commission.
Do you know Apple for example? You can go to the Apple website, sign up for their affiliate program. Recommend Apple to your friend and earn a commission for doing that. That's how affiliate marketing works.
There's No Need to Sell in Affiliate Marketing
A great aspect why many people love making money online with affiliate marketing is that there is not really any need "sell" any product.
The best way to make money with affiliate marketing is to help people to by recommending products that they are already looking for.
Let's say, for example, that I am looking for a new laptop. I type on Google, "The best laptop for less than $500." I find a website that reviews different laptops and recommends the best ones.
I click the #1 recommended laptop and it directs me now to Amazon. I buy the laptop. the website owner who had referred me to Amazon earned a commission and helped me to find it. He offered a solution to my problem.

Affiliate marketing is a win-win-win situation where everybody wins:
- A customer who is looking for a product finds the best one.
- Affiliate (you) earns a commission for recommending the product.
- A company gets a new customer.
The key to succeeding in affiliate marketing is helping others. Your task is to connect a customer (with a need/problem) with a product (=solution). For example, my need was to find the best laptop and that review website helped me to find it. He helped me and didn't need to sell anything.
When you help your website visitors, they will trust you and buy whatever you recommend. Building a trust is a key because people like to buy from someone they trust.
For example, did you ever buy a phone, laptop, bike, car, dress or any other product because some of your friends recommended it to you? I guess all of us have sometimes bought something because our friend recommended it. That's because we trust our friends.
As an affiliate, you will recommend products to your website visitors and they will trust you as their friend.
Why This Method Works So Well?
Affiliate marketing is an extremely fast-growing industry. People are spending more money online and there are more people using the Internet than ever before.
When I started doing affiliate marketing a few years ago, there were 2,5 billion people online. Now there are already +4 billion people online and the number is still growing rapidly. In the other words, there is now a better opportunity to make money with affiliate marketing than ever before in the history!

So writing one helpful article on your website will not only help one person but many people. One article can reach hundreds, thousands and even tens of thousands of people.
What if you have a couple of hundred of these posts on your site. Just imagine how much money you could then make.
Some of my articles have generated me $100's and even $1,000's in revenue. A great thing is that once the article is published, it will just keep on generating you income. A good article on your website will make you passive income for years to come.
In addition, when the articles are on your own website, nobody can take that income stream away from you! I am going to show you further how you can get your own website without any prior experience or knowledge.
What If You Don't Know Anything About Websites?
Don't worry, you don't need to know because I will teach you everything you need.
When I got started, I thought that having a website is only for some "geeks" or superhumans that have some amazing skills. But I learned that nowadays in 2020 there are easy-to-use tools that enable Anybody to have their own website.
You do NOT need:
- Any programming skills.
- Prior experience.
- Any technical knowledge.

Nowadays building a website is easier than ever before in the history if you have the right tools
When I got started, I had zero knowledge about building or having a website. But still I learned to make money with this 4-step process because any technical skills are not required if you use ready-made tools.
Back in the 90's or early 2000 you would have needed tons of programming skills and use endless hours to build a website. Nowadays in 2020 you can build a website even in 1 Minute without any prior knowledge.
Let's Recap The 4-Step Concept Of Making Money Online

Don't worry if you don't yet understand all the details. I will answer all your questions personally and help you further step-by-step.
Step 1: Choose Your Interest

"Do what you love!"
The first step is to choose your interest. You will be building a simple website around this topic in the next steps.
Your passion can be, for example:
- Playing guitar
- Reading books
- Cooking
- Traveling
- Sports
- Or literally whatever you choose.
"The beauty of making money online is that you can literally do what you love."
Step 2: Build a Website

"Even without any prior skills or knowledge."
When I got started, I didn't know anything about building websites.
I got really surprised how EASY it was to build a website with pre-made tools.
You really don't need nowadays any programming knowledge or technical skills to build a website.
There are so easy-to-use tools that even my grandmother could use them! ;)
I will show you the Best way to build a site for Free.
Step 3: Get Visitors

"Reach 1,000's of people for FREE."
After launching your website and adding a few articles, you will start getting visitors. We also call it traffic.
I will teach you the steps how I get 10,000's of visitors every single month to my website for completely free.
This happens when your website starts ranking well on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
People will see your website on the results and they'll click to visit your site.
Step 4: Earn Revenue

"Get a 'raise' every single month."
All you have to do to make money with affiliate marketing is to recommend products made by companies like Amazon, Apple, Nike, Walmart, Target, Best Buy, etc.
The companies pay you commissions for all sales that people make through your links.
When people come to your website, they will click the links to the products that you recommend and...
When they buy anything, you will make commissions!
My own and other people's experience with affiliate marketing shows that your income grows usually exponentially when you add more content to your website.
Want to Have Your Own Money-Making Website?
4 Steps to Make Money Online - In Practice!

In this section, I want to show you a practical example from my own life how I use this 4-step process (A.K.A. affiliate marketing to make money online.
I use my own language learning website as an example but the same 4-step process works with any other topic.
Step 1: I Am Interested in Learning Languages

"Do what you love!"
So, the first step was choosing my interest/passion.
At the time I was interested in learning languages. My native language is Finnish (I am from Finland) and I speak a few other languages as well.
I thought that it could be great to share my language learning tips with other people because I had studied language learning for endless hours.
You don't need to be an expert on the subject but you need to be interested in it. So, step 1 was done: I chose my interest.
Step 2: I Created a Simple Website

"Without any technical skills."
The next step was to build a basic website where I could share my ideas and thoughts on language learning.
The website is called because I think with the right attitude you can learn languages easily.
If you know me personally, you know that I am not a technical guy. Technical stuff gives me just gray hair. I am more like a practical guy and I like doing.
Anyway, with the help of the easy-to-follow and simple instructions on Wealthy Affiliate, I was able to build my website quickly.
By the way, I also created a simple step-by-step tutorial and video instructions on how you can create a website even in 30 seconds.
Step 3: People Came to My Site

"Reach thousands of people for FREE."
I wrote articles about resources that had helped me to learn French, Spanish, German and a few languages as well.
My site got ranked on Google and 10,000's of people have visited my site.
Most of those people came to my site directly from Google so I didn't need to spend a single dollar on advertising to get those visitors.
It's also worth mentioning that I didn't know anything about getting traffic before I joined Wealthy Affiliate. They taught me everything and provided the tools.
Step 4: I Earned Commissions for Mentioning Other People's Products!

"Earn money even while sleeping."
I haven't created any own language learning products. The only way how I earn money through my website is by mentioning other people's products.
Then I just leave a link to the product's website.
When somebody clicks the link and buys any of the products, I earn commissions.
At the moment when I am writing this, I haven't updated my language learning websites for several months but it has been giving me commissions every single month.
In the other words, the website is just making me money whether or not I update it ever anymore. That's the beauty of this 4-step method.
I just get an email that someone has sent me money. Sometimes I have even forgotten where did I mention that product.

The same 4-step method works with any other interest or passion.
I know personally people who are making money online with the following interests:
- Traveling
- Baby Clothes
- Hiking
- Photographing
- Personal Budgeting
- Beer Brewing
- Fitness
- Cooking
- Music
When you join Wealthy Affiliate (more on this further), you will learn step-by-step how you will be able to create your very own money-making website that generates you the money like my language learning website does for me.
I will also contact you personally and provide my 1-on-1 support. In addition, you will get the support from 1,000's of other community members in WA.
Want to Have Your Own Money-Making Website?
Can I Really Do This?
Yes, you can!
Like I showed you above, people from all walks of life are using this 4-step formula to make money online. I am going to help you step-by-step and teach you everything you need to know.
You don't need to be an expert, professional writer or any "superhuman". You just need to be able to follow a simple step-by-step training and take action based on what you have learned.
I have seen it over and over again that ordinary people from all walks of life turn their financial lives around by making money online with affiliate marketing.
If they can do it, you can do it!
How to Get Started?
As I explained to you at the beginning, I have tested, reviewed and researched more than 400 make money online opportunities. Many of them were not very good but there were a few good ones.
I am today going to present you the best affiliate marketing training that I have ever found.
This Training has already taught +1,500,000 people to make money online with affiliate marketing since 2005.
Let Me REVEAL the Training
Wealthy Affiliate is a step-by-step training and a community that has helped ordinary people just like you and me to make a life-changing income online.
Let me explain to you what Wealthy Affiliate is all about.
- 1Easy-to-Follow Step-By-Step Training: You don't need any background or experience in making money online to get started.
- 2Personal Support from Me And Other Community Members: I will personally help you to move forward and start making a good income online.
- 3100% Proven System: This system has worked for 1,000's of people worldwide and it will work for you as well.

8 Benefits of Wealthy Affiliate
easy-to follow
Beginner-friendly step-by-step training.
My 1-on-1 support
I will personally guide and help you.
13 Year in business
Most trusted online business training in the world.
Members from all around the world.
+1,500,000 Members
Helpful community of online entrepreneurs.
24/7/365 Live support
Get instant help from successful people.
Huge income potential
Some members make +$10,000/month.
Long-term income source
Make a sustainable income for years.
Who Are the Founders of Wealthy Affiliate?

Kyle, Carson, the founders of Wealthy Affiliate, and their lovely families.
The founders of Wealthy Affiliate are two Canadians called Kyle & Carson. Nowadays they are both multi-millionaires thanks to the affiliate marketing.
They created Wealthy Affiliate already back in 2005 and the community has vastly grown since then all the way to +1,5 Million members. I believe that the Wealthy Affiliate community will grow to more than 10 million people in the future because they are doing so wonderful job helping people to make money online.
Kyle & Carson have a huge experience in making money online and Internet marketing. They have also helped a huge number of people to reach their financial goals as well and make a living thought the Internet.
An awesome thing is that you can personally connect with Kyle and Carson, the Founders of WA!
What Kind of Results Can You Achieve on WA?
Here Are Just a Few Examples...

Started in 2015 - Made +$6,500/Month Online in 2017
"When I started looking for ways to make money online back in 2015 I was pretty lost. Luckily I came across Wealthy Affiliate, which provided the clear step-by-step training that I was searching for.
To make things short... I went from nothing to now earning a 4-figure monthly income online, which I probably would have never made it to if it weren't for WA.
Kyle (Founder of

Tony's Business Took Off. Thanks To Wealthy Affiliate!
Although I've been earning an income online since 2007 my Business has taken off and keeps growing since I joined Wealthy Affiliate in June 2015.
I proudly share the Awesome WA platform with all Friends & Family who strive to earn an income online & the reason that I do is because of the Community, Training & Support that is unmatched in the Affiliate Marketing Industry.
Tony Lee hamilton (Founder of

21-Year-Old Young Man Makes +$4,000/Month Online
Joining Wealthy Affiliate since 18 years old has been nothing but an amazing journey. It has allowed me to create a 4-Figure monthly passive income stream at the age of 21.
So, I can confidently say that I don't need a College degree because I'm not going to be employed for the rest of my life.
Wealthy Affiliate is Free to get started. So there's really nothing to lose!"
Jerry (founder of

Jerry's income is literally skyrocketing. I believe he'll reach $10,000/month mark soon.
What Is WEALTHY AFFILIATE And How Does It Work?
Wealthy Affiliate is a community of +1,500,0000 people worldwide from and it specializes in teaching people to build an online business with affiliate marketing.
They teach and take you from the very beginning to choosing your interest, building a website, getting visitors to your site and making big money with it.
Wealthy Affiliate is not only a training and a community but it's literally a "one-stop shop" for anyone who wants to make big money online with affiliate marketing.
Everything is well-organized in one place. They provide you with all the tools you need to become successful:
There is so much to talk about when it comes to Wealthy Affiliate but I will just cover the main and most relevant points. I want to give you an opportunity to use and see everything yourself.
If you want to create a free account now, that would be a great idea so you can follow along as I show you the main features of the platform.
It's 100% Free and no credits cards are needed to sign up.
You will get this Free account for a lifetime. It is not a "free trial" or "test run" but you will have this account as long as you wish to keep it.
I will explain more details below all the amazing features that are included in your Free membership. For now, let me show you things that you'll find on Wealthy Affiliate.
If you just created your account, you can follow along inside the member's area as I show you.
- I recommend that you BOOKMARK THIS PAGE so you can always come back easily if you missed out anything during the first time.
Easy to Follow Step-By-Step Lessons
Wealthy Affiliate has 2 main training courses that are called: Online Entrepreneur Certification and Affiliate Bootcamp. The training is very easy-to-follow and everything is in a way that anybody can understand it.
Both training courses include:
- Text + Image Instructions
- Video Instructions
- Tasks at the End of Each Lesson to Monitor Your Own Progress
I recommend that you get started with Online Entrepreneur Certification first. Let me show you how you can start it.

As you can see in the image above, you just first need to click "Training" on the left-hand side. Then "Online Entrepreneur Certification" and "Getting Started - Level 1" and you are ready to start!
The first 10 lessons (=Level 1) are fully included in the free starter account. You can see in the image below what are the subjects of your first 10 interactive lessons:

You will learn all the following skills within the first 10 lessons.

There are five levels in Online Entrepreneur Certification -course. The levels are:
1.Online Entrepreneur Certification – Getting Started (Level 1)
2.Building Your Own Traffic Producing Website (Level 2)
3.Online Entrepreneur Certification – Making Money! (Level 3)
4.Online Entrepreneur Certification – Mastering Social Engagement (Level 4)
5.The Business of Content – Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation (Level 5)
Within each level you will learn new skills that will help you to build your affiliate marketing business and make more money online.
After lessons you will have tasks to accomplish to keep you on the right track.
I think the most effective way of learning is to put your new knowledge right away into action. Then you will learn it faster and make progress with your online business at the same time.
Wealthy Affiliate truly teaches to learn you by doing!

Progress Bar on the Right Side Will Keep you on Track.

At the end of each lesson, you will have a few tasks to accomplish.
Simple But Powerful Website Builder on WA
Here it is, now anybody can create a website. I will show you how easy it is to build a website with Wealthy Affiliate's world-class tools.
You will see how easy this Website Builder is and you can experience it yourself in practice. You can literally build your very own website with just 5 mouseclicks.
STEP 1 - Choose "On a Free Domain" (Inside Wealthy Affiliate Site Builder)
STEP 2 – Choose a Domain Name for Your Website (For example, my domain name is
STEP 3 – Enter a Title for Your Website
STEP 4 – Choose a Design for Your Website (There are 1,000's of beautiful pre-made templates)
STEP 5 – Click the “Click Here to Build This Site!” Button
I also created you SIMPLE video walkthrough below where I show how I build a website in less than 1 minute.

See? Building a website is not scary at all and literally anyone can do it.
Start below and enter the name for your website. Don't worry, you can (and most likely will) change this name in the future. Just experience how easy it is to build your very own website that will in the future generate you income through affiliate marketing.
Ultra-Secure & World-Class Web Hosting
Your websites will be hosted on Wealthy Affiliate with the latest web hosting technologies and with the world-class quality.
Wealthy Affiliate hosting platform is highly optimized for Wordpress which is the engine of your website. By the way, did you know that +30% of all websites in the world are powered by Wordpress?
Your websites will be backed up securely by Wealthy Affiliate and they guarantee the lightning-fast loading speed. The fast websites will also help you with your website's user experience which will bring you more income in the long run.
Wealthy Affiliate hosting includes SSL Certificates and Private Registration that make your website even more. Normally, on other providers you would need to pay extra for such services but on Wealthy Affiliate they are fully included in the membership.
Of course, you can also move your website to another domain host or from another domain host to Wealthy Affiliate with just a few mouseclicks if you want.
More Ways to Learn on Wealthy Affiliate...
In addition, to the main Online Entrepreneur Certification course, there are also many other ways to learn on Wealthy Affiliate.
There are 13 classrooms with 100's of video lessons here you can learn more specific topics on making money online.
All classrooms have detailed discussions happening so you can freely ask questions from other community members and if you ever need any help, we will help you out.

Weekly LIVE Webinars By "Affiliate Marketing Guru" Jay Neill

In my opinion, the live training by Jay Neill is one of the best and most valuable parts of Wealthy Affiliate. This guy has +15 years of experience of digital marketing/making money online and every week he shares his knowledge with us.
He did, for example, once a case study where he created a niche website in 4 webinars. That website has made him $1,000's passive income with a minimal effort. In the webinar, he showed us the exact process how step-by-step how he did it so we can do it as well.
Even though I have a few years of experience by now, I am still learning something new every week from these webinars.
Then at the end of the webinar, he has a world-famous Q & A (Questions and Answers)-session where you and other members can ask questions directly from Mr.Neill. Jay's webinars take place every week at 5 PM, PST.

Some of the recent Wealthy Affiliate webinars.
You can always go through his old webinars that afterwards if you couldn't watch it live. They are full of pearls of wisdom and I often watch his old webinars to learn new skills.
24/7/365 Support on Wealthy Affiliate
Probably the best aspects of the Wealthy Affiliate is the level of support you will get. It's a community of 1,5 Million people who have the same goal as you "Make money online with affiliate marketing." It's a great place to connect with like-minded people.
- Direct Access to Successful Affiliate Marketers
Wealthy Affiliate consists of newbies, intermediate affiliate marketers and successful affiliate marketers who are making +$10,000/month (and more).
A wonderful thing on WA is that you can directly connect with successful affiliate marketers and ask them anything you want. As a member, you will also get my 1-on-1 support and I will be providing you with personal tips and guidance when you move forward.
- 24/7/365 Live Chat + Help From the Whole Community
Wealthy Affiliate has a 24/7/365 live chat that is active throughout the day because there are members from all around the globe. You will get immediate help even at 3 am in the morning if you want.
When you sign up and join for the first time, I recommend that you say, "Hi!" in the live chat to experience that people are really interacting with you there.
You will never be left alone on Wealthy Affiliate and help is always available.

As you can see in the image, you can also ask public questions in the community.
More experienced members will see your questions and come to help you.
I make sure that you will get a satisfactory answer to ALL your questions.

- Technical Support Helps You Within Minutes
Wealthy Affiliate doesn't only provide the website builder and a world-class web hosting but also 24/7/365 technical support is included in your membership.
The technical support team will help out with all your issues usually within a few minutes.
World-Class Keyword Tool, Jaaxy
Wealthy Affiliate membership includes also My #1 recommended keyword tool that is called Jaaxy.
Jaaxy is a vital tool for anyone who wants to get high Google rankings and drive tons of traffic to the website.
It will show you the competition for different keywords and how many people are searching for specific terms on Google.
It helps you to find the best keywords so you get tons of traffic to your website. Thanks to Jaaxy, I get 10,000's of visitors every month to my website for FREE on Google.

Membership Options
There are simply 2 membership options on Wealthy Affiliate: Starter (100% Free) and Premium. There are no upsells that you would see in many other similar training within the industry.
I recommend starting out with a Starter account because it's completely free and you don't even need any credit card to get started. The only thing you need is to choose are your username and password to get started. That's how simple it really is.
I will explain both membership options to you in detail so you can see what you get and all your questions will be answered.
FREE Starter Membership (Sign Up Here)
Free Wealthy Affiliate Starter Account includes actually more features and benefits than most other paid premium programs provide.
Wealthy Affiliate Starter Account provides you more benefits than any other free training program out there. I have myself published reviews of more than 400 make money online opportunities and training programs so I know what I am talking about.
What WA provides for free is really unique in this industry. Experience all the benefits and start making money with affiliate yourself by creating your account here:
After signing up, I recommend that you complete your profile:
- Upload a Profile Picture (You can also use default images if you don't want to show a picture of yourself)
- Add a Short Description (It can be just a few words or as long as you want)
Completing your profile is of course not obligatory but I recommend doing it because it will help us to reach out to you and provide you help.
Kyle, the founder of Wealthy Affiliate, estimated that members who set up their profile get 5x times more help than those who don't.
Premium Membership (Sign Up Here)
I have been a premium member on Wealthy Affiliate already for a few years. I can tell you that being a premium member on Wealthy Affiliate has been amazing and I don't exaggerate by saying it has changed my life.
It has taught me to make a full-time income online with affiliate marketing. Nowadays I am able to travel around the world, live wherever I want and have a freedom lifestyle. I owe a big "thank you" for the Wealthy Affiliate community for that. Before I just dreamed of this kind of life but now it's a reality for me.
The cost of a premium membership is just a tiny portion of what kind of income it produces me nowadays. WA premium provides tons of online business tools that would cost much more by other providers.
Let me sum up the most important benefits and features of the premium membership.
I hope I didn't miss any important features but simply put Premium membership gives you a FULL access to Wealthy Affiliate platform and everything that they provide.
Wealthy Affiliate is constantly evolving and while I have been a member for a few years, the platform has become even more powerful thanks to some major updates. As a premium member you have FULL access to all the updates in the platform.
I also want to highlight and underline that Wealthy Affiliate is a safe and a promotion-free platform. They don't try to sell you anything and advertising is strictly prohibited. Therefore, they provide a fully safe environment for beginners to learn to make money.
Who Is The Premium Membership For?
Premium Membership is for those who are serious about making money online with affiliate marketing.
You will have a complete access to all the training and money-making tools that Wealthy Affiliate offers. As a bonus by signing up through this page you will get my 1-on-1 coaching that I explain you below more in detail.
You will also get a direct access to other successful affiliate marketers in Wealthy Affiliate.
In the other words, with a premium membership you will have literally everything you need to make good money with affiliate marketing online.
Based on some estimations, having the premium membership will increase your chances to succeed with +400%. I wouldn't be surprised if it would be even more because it gives you so many tools that help you to make more money online.
What Is The Cost?
The monthly cost is $49 but if you join here on this page, I can get you a 59% discount for the first month as a premium member. Therefore, you will only pay $19 for your first month.
If you use the yearly membership like I do, you can save even more money. The annual membership is only $495/year which equals to $41/month.
I use myself a yearly membership because it saves $93 every year compared to the monthly membership. And as I told you, the membership price is only a tiny fraction of the money that it has enabled me to make.
Anyway, you don't need to think about that right now because you can just get started for free and start learning right away. Once you notice that Wealthy Affiliate will really help you to make money online, you can upgrade to the premium.
That's what I did and that's what I recommend to all my friends: Start for free and once you see that it works, upgrade to the premium to make big money online.
I will send you the discount once you join so you can upgrade later. But as I said, Free membership is for you for a lifetime and you can use it as long as you wish. I don't want to pressure you to buy anything. My purpose here is to help YOU to make money online and that's it.
In the image below, is a quick comparison between the Free and the Premium accounts. You can see a full comparison here and get your first month as a premium for a special 59% discount.
Get Started Today for FREE
I know that there are 2 kinds of people reading this text: Those people who take action and those people who don't.
Other person's life will remain the same while the other may completely change his life thanks to Wealthy Affiliate like I did.
I am not talking to those who want to stay the same and don't want to make any better. I am talking to you who want something more out of your life.
I will be on Wealthy Affiliate greet you when you sign up and I will personally guide you forward. You can trust Wealthy Affiliate because they have helped +1,500,000 people to make money online since 2005.
Here is a short checklist for you to get started building your own online business today:
Why Wealthy Affiliate?
Before I wrap up this Ultimate Guide to Make Money Online in 2020, I want to tell you a few reasons why I genuinely think that Wealthy Affiliate is the best platform to learn affiliate marketing today.
- Reason #1 -They Have Been Doing This For +13 Years Since 2005
As I've mentioned a couple of times, I have reviewed more than 400 make money online opportunities and training. Many of them don't last for a long time (maximum 1 or 2 years) because they don't provide much value and people are not interested in using them anymore.
Those training programs don't really help people to succeed.
The owners of Wealthy Affiliate, Kyle and Carson, are caring and hard-working people who are themselves on the platform helping people. Every day they are answering messages and directly helping members like you and me to move forward and succeed.
They have helped people to make money online since 2005 and many people have succeeded. That's the key to Wealthy Affiliate's success.
I wouldn't be telling you here about Wealthy Affiliate if I wouldn't have learned made to money on their platform. It's not a coincidence that already +1,500,000 people have joined Wealthy Affiliate and received help.
- Reason #2 -Wealthy Affiliate Platform Improves Constantly
I have seen many affiliate marketing training platforms that have been great in the past but their information and design are nowadays outdated.
Wealthy Affiliate is constantly rolling out new features, updates and improvements in order to remain the #1 online business community in the world. I've been a premium member just for a few years but already during that time there have been a few big and many smaller improvements.
Members who have been members for +10 years have shown me screenshots how vastly the platform has improved over the years.
It always amazes me how Kyle & Carson provide the premium membership for the same cheap price every year. The price has not risen even once during 13 years which is literally incredible. Taking into account all the improvements that they are constantly creating, the value of the platform is probably 5-10 times bigger than 10 years ago but they don't charge even a penny more than they did back then.
In addition, Kyle & Carson are constantly working on new improvements and updates.
- Reason #3 -The Training Simply Works and Members Are Succeeding
Like I showed and explained to you at the beginning of this guide if you follow the training, and are willing to put in the work, you will make money with affiliate marketing.
The steps that Wealthy Affiliate teaches simply work. The training worked for me, the training worked for 1,000's of other members and will work for you as well.
I don't have a single doubt about this anymore because I see new members over and again succeeding when just follow the training and apply it. That's also part of the reason why Wealthy Affiliate community is rapidly growing.
Members succeed and they also start telling about it to others that attracts more members.
What Are Others Saying...

Vitaly Has Been Member Since 2007!

Vitaly (

In 1 Year from $39 to $2,233/Month!
I joined WA as a complete newbie, they gave me training that was easy to digest for a total beginner like me.
With patience, support from other members and the great training that Wealthy Affiliate offers, I started making money!
I highly recommend WA!
Anis (Founder of

These are just a few success stories but new success stories are actually happening every day.
I could list you here 100's of success stories. People on Wealthy Affiliate are celebrating small successes (like making the first income online) and big successes (like reaching $10,000/month mark).
However, you do not know what I am talking about until you experience it yourself. Wealthy Affiliate is a warm community and people are always encouraging each other to succeed.
We would love to have YOU with us too.
I can't wait to hear about your success story. One of the greatest satisfaction for me is to know that I helped somebody to have a breakthrough in life.
Join the Wealthy Affiliate Family Now:

Roope "Robert" Kiuttu
Founder of
Your Personal Affiliate Marketing Coach
I Will Help You Personally to Succeed
When you join Wealthy Affiliate, I will be your personal coach when moving forward.
I was a complete beginner when I started so I was exactly in your shoes! I know how you feel right now. That's why I want to offer you my helping hand.
I'll send you a personal message when you join to make sure that you'll learn to make money online!
Want Me As Your Personal Coach?
I know that by now you may have a million questions already and that's completely okay!
I really hope that I have been able to answer at least some of your questions with this guide but I want to let you know that you can reach me directly as well.
- How to Get Me As Your Personal Coach? - 2 Simple Steps
#1) Sign up to your Free Starter account using any links or buttons on this page. These are, of course, affiliate links and that's how you will be tracked to my Free Bonus coaching.
The free membership includes my 1-on-1 support for the first 7 days on a public platform. I really encourage you asking me any questions you want during that time. I want to "drill" it to your mind that I am here to help to help YOU! :)
#2) Get my FULL 1-on-1 coaching & help by upgrading to Premium.
With my 1-on-1 coaching I will:
- Help you to get started on Wealthy Affiliate and get familiar with the platform
- Help you to start making money online with affiliate marketing
- Provide you with regular tips and guidance along the way
- Provide you 1-on-1 feedback and improvements on your website and progress
- Answer ALL your questions
I have a 100% answer rate meaning that I will really answer all your questions. I am a real person who breaths
the same air as you do.
I KNOW that the training works and you will make money with it. But I also acknowledge that it's good to have somebody to ask for any specific questions so I want to give you that opportunity.
Normally, I would be charging $50-200/hr for affiliate coaching services but you will get it for FREE as a premium member on Wealthy Affiliate. I see other members on Wealthy Affiliate as my friends, not as clients.
When you join today, you will receive a welcome message from RoopeKiuttu (that's me!) and by answering to my message, you will get in touch with me. You can also go there to my profile and send me a Private Message for 1-on-1 consultation and help:

I am here to help YOU to succeed and make money online.
I visit on Wealthy Affiliate platform several times a day so I will always answer all your questions on a timely basis.
You will also receive as a message from me the BONUSES that you will get + the 59% Premium Discount after you sign up to your free account on this page.
I look forward to working with you and helping you to start making money online!
Wealthy Affiliate vs Other Training
Let me make a quick comparison between Wealthy Affiliate and other similar training programs that I have tried. I've tested 10's of similar platforms so I really know how superior Wealthy Affiliate is.
Wealthy Affiliate
Other Training Platforms

Here's a "What You Get" When Signing Up for FREE Today

100% Satisfaction Guarantee with My 1-On-1 Support.

100% Secure Way to Make Money Online since 2005.

Free to Join.
No Credit Cards Needed.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee
I personally underline and guarantee that you will be satisfied. You learn to make money online if you follow the training and apply the knowledge.
I provide you with my personal support and help you to succeed.
-Roope Kiuttu-
Wealthy Affiliate FAQ
Here are some questions that people have been asking me.
Is Wealthy Affiliate 100% Free?
How Much Money Can I Earn?
How Can I Get Started?
Is Wealthy Affiliate Too Good to Be True?
is It 100% Guaranteed That I Will Make Money with This?
How Will I Earn Money on Wealthy Affiliate?
Do I need to promote Wealthy Affiliate to make money?
How Long Will It Take to Make Money?
Who Is This For?
What Are the Cons of Wealthy Affiliate?
Still More Questions?
I promise to answer ALL your questions personally.
Just create a FREE account to Wealthy Affiliate here to connect with me and I will answer you, alright?
Let's make money online!

Roope "Robert" Kiuttu from Finland
The founder of
Your Personal Affiliate Marketing Coach
Your Online Revenue Ltd. - All Rights Reserved