If you want to earn money online you will need to generate content. LOTS OF CONTENT. If you can do it well, you will succeed. If not, you won’t.
Today I am going to give you 7 killer steps on how to become a good content writer.
Writing is a skill that anyone can learn well. No one does it perfectly when they born but some people keep on improving and practicing and that’s why they succeed.
You won’t become a writer by swimming or singing. You need to write to become a writer! The expert of every field has used 10,000 hours practicing the subject, so if you want to become one of the best writers you will need to write a lot.
I really recommend you to write every day because then writing will become your other nature and over the time you will just notice how the text just flows from your fingers. I can say that from my own and other people’s experience.
In my opinion, practicing is the most important thing but it is definitely the only thing. If someone would practice writing for 10,000 hours would he/she become automatically the expert? Of course not!
People don’t learn a skill only by doing that. If they would, I guess that there would lots of expert singers in the local karaoke bars. You need to learn the definite “techniques” in singing and the same applies in writing.
What if I would start talking to you about the chess principles in this website? You would be at least very confused.
But when I am talking about the money making tips, the people will enjoy.
Writing about the right subject is probably the most important thing to keep your readers captivated. I am so interested in “making money online” niche that sometimes I just read the long texts about the subject even though the writer wouldn’t be even the professional.
Even if there wouldn’t be any headlines, images or some other fancy stuff, you can keep your visitors interested in your website if you keep on talking about the things that he/she is interested in.
Even if you would have the killer content on your website it doesn’t help anyone (and it won’t make your revenue) if now one can find their way to your website.
The best way to get visitors to your website is to get ranked in the search engines.
You need to learn to
In order to learn SEO and to get ranked in Google, I recommend getting the proper education that will explain you step-by-step how you can be #1 in Google.
Learning SEO will save you tons of money and time as you don’t need to use so much time on the paid advertising of your content.
When you are writing the content on the Internet, you need to know that the “rules” are a bit different than what they have taught you at school.
We live in the fast tempo online world where the readers want to find the information fast and effectively.
You content needs to be user-friendly and easy to skim through quickly.
You want to use the simple language that people understand and enjoy reading without many efforts. You don’t want to put the reader in the situation when he needs to ponder what you are meaning with your content.
Did you know that you are the world champion? You are the best you (put your name) in this world!
You don’t need to copy anyone’s style. You don’t need to write like J.K.Rowling, Paulo Coelho, Ernest Hemingway or Leo Tolstoy.
People like personal texts because they are more captivating and give clear value for the people.
When you keep on writing with your personal style you are also building your authority.
Although you need to be personal, it doesn’t mean that you couldn’t learn from the others.
Learning from the other writers is extremely crucial if you want to become better.
As you keep on reading the content from the Internet you can catch new ideas anytime.
Maybe you see how someone uses captivating stories that you could use yourself. Maybe someone highlights the important points in his text in a great way. Maybe some writers simplicity impresses you.
The best writer newer stops learning.
You can also ask questions from the professional content writers and many times they are willing to help you.
Remember that learning any skill takes time. If you want to become an incredible content writer it won’t happen in two days or two weeks. Some people give up if they don’t see the results immediately.
You just need to keep on writing the articles and all the time think how to improve writing skills.
Becoming a good writer works like earning money online. As you keep on putting the effort into your online business and study the new ways to do it better, it will become better.
Celebrate the milestones that you achieve. Your milestones can be for example,
Think about the goals that you want to achieve as the content writer and as you reach the goal, give yourself something special. Little gifts for yourself will keep you motivated to push forward!
Here is the little recap of the 7 killer principles:
1.Practice, Practice, Practice.
2.Know Your Niche, know your audience.
3.Know SEO principles
4.Know your platform
5.Be personal
6.Learn from Your “Mentors”
7.Be persistent and consistent
Write down these tips. Put them powerfully into action and start making more income with your content.
How do you practice do become a better writer? What are important things in your opinion?
Leave a comment below and I will respond you within 24 hours.
Are you running out of content ideas? Are you pondering, “How to generate ideas for content?”
Today I will give you three powerful steps which will guarantee that you will not run out of the content ideas anymore.
First, I will give you the most powerful one
Let me explain.
When you set yourself a goal to publish something daily in your website/blog, you force yourself to create something. You force yourself to learn.
You are not pushing yourself to learn if you just create content when you just “feel like it”.
When I was writing one post per week I just managed do that but sometimes I felt like running out of the ideas. Then at some point, I decided to try publishing EVERY SINGLE DAY. It was a crucial breakthrough.
Now as I am publishing content every day I feel that new ideas come automatically. I never feel like running out of ideas.
Before I felt that posting once a week was sometimes challenging but now I know that publishing every day is not too hard if you get used to it. Publishing every day will put your brain into a “mode” when it seeks ideas from the environment. That’s power!
I admit that publishing daily is quite an “extreme” but you can try it for example for one week and see how it works for you.
In a nutshell
One successful online entrepreneur was teaching about the online business and content creation. He saw how some people just study, study and study while they are never doing anything. Working, working and working it’s not good neither. You need to have a balance!
His rule of a thumb was:
Use 50% for content creation (writing, making videos, etc.) and 50% for content consumption (studying your niche)
It’s very hard to generate new ideas for content if you are not studying your subject at all.
As you begin writing something every day, it’s also important to study every day.
“But how do I have time for all that?? How can I write every day and study every day???”
That’s actually quite simple
If you have 1 hour, use 30 minutes for studying and 30 minutes for content creation.
If you have 2 hours, use 1 hour for studying and 1 hour for content creation.
When you study your subject daily you will always get new inspiration, new ideas and expand your knowledge. Little by little you will become the expert in your niche.
If you are really serious about your online business, you will use much more than 2 hours every day. If you want to succeed fast, you will use 8 hours every day. And I don’t mean using 8 hours scrolling Facebook’s or Twitter’s news feed. I mean that using 8 hours doing the real work!
Here are some tips that you can do to study your niche
This is one extremely powerful!
There may be two persons. The other one sees the opportunity and gets the idea while the other one doesn’t see anything. It’s a mindset thing. Some people are always willing to learn and they see opportunities everywhere. Some people just live this life without seeing the ideas and opportunities around them. -> Be the one who sees the ideas and puts them into action.
As you study your niche be always open for the new ideas and write them down.
Don’t only sit in front your computer watching a webinar or an article but make notes at the same time. You can use the good old pen and paper or type the ideas straight to your computer.
Then after watching or reading the teaching you have already generated some new ideas for content.
And as you have generated new ideas put them into action.
The success comes to those who work for it.
Be open for the new ideas
1.Write daily, publish daily
2.Study your niche
3.Be open for the new ideas
One the most important things in the successful online business is to create quality content.
If you are willing to dig deeper down and learn more I recommend you to start the FREE training in Wealthy Affiliate. You will get 20 free video lessons and the personal guidance when you register in Wealthy Affiliate. Their comprehensive training teaches everything about content creation that you need to know.
I hope that you found this article useful!
How do you generate ideas for content?
How often do you publish content on your blog/website/channel?
Some people are asking, “How to embed a youtube video in a WordPress blog?”
That’s why today I am going to give you simple instructions how to do it easily.
But first I want to give you 2 reasons why using videos in the blog can be extremely useful.
1.Videos Make the Content More Informative
Usually, the content in the blogs is mainly images and text. But if you use in addition the voice and the video the message can be understood much better.
I made, for example, the blog post on how to get Twitter followers fast. I embedded the video instructions also to help the reader to understand the process more.
2.Videos Can Boost Your Google Rankings
Google wants to provide the most helpful and the valuable results for the searchers. As mentioned above, videos can make your content more informative and more valuable which help to rank better.
The best is if you can leverage your own videos and that way get even more visibility to your Youtube channel. But if you don’t have own videos you can also leverage other people’s videos to make your content better.
See, for example, here how I embedded other people’s Hootsuite tutorials to help my readers to use Hootsuite better.
Now let’s go through step by step how to embed videos from Youtube to a WordPress blog.
I am going to embed a video to this blog post to show you an example.
So I open the video in Youtube. (see the image below)
As you can see in the image above the next thing you need to do is to click share.
It will open you the following box (image below).
DON’T COPY THE LINK THERE if you want to embed your video.
Just click embed.
After clicking, “Embed” you will see the code that you need to copy.
By clicking, “SHOW MORE” you can go to adjust the size of the video. But you don’t need to care about it if you want to use the default size.
So then you open your blog post where you want to embed your video.
In the text editor, you have two have views “Visual” and “Text” views.
You can change it on the top right.
So, open the “Text” view to see the code of your text (see the image below).
Then scroll down where you want to paste your video and copy the code there.
As you can see I paste the code of my video in this blog post to embed the video. Just paste the code that you copied in Youtube.
Then you can change back to “Visual” view and see that your own video is copied successfully.
Here you can see the video that I made to help you to embed a Youtube video in your WordPress blog.
Embedding the video in a WordPress blog is quite fast and easy. It takes probably 1-2 minutes once you have learned the process.
Here are the instructions How to Embed a Youtube Video in a WordPress Blog in a nutshell:
1.Open the video that you want to embed
2.Copy the embedding code
3.Paste the code in your WordPress blog post in “Text view”
I hope this blog post helps you to embed Youtube videos in your blog successfully.
If you have any questions, please, leave it below and I am more than happy to help you out.
If you want to earn money by blogging you may be interested in hearing the answer to the question, “How to Write for Blogs?”
Today I am going to give you 5 practical tips how you can write for your blogs to increase your traffic, engagement, search engine rankings and revenue.
Let’s go!
This will help your reader to read your texts. Give them the feeling that there are just two persons, You and the reader.
One successful online entrepreneur Jermaine Griggs gives piano courses on the Internet. He teaches tens of thousands of people from all around the world. Still he can give the personal feeling in his blog posts and video training.
He says for example, “Lay back. Relax. Just you and me.” and then comes the piano training.
Is not a coincidence that this guy is a millionaire.
He is teaching a huge amount of people but still he gives the feeling that there is only he and the student.
Don’t think that you are writing to 1,000 people but think that you are writing to only one person.
It will make your blog more personal.
If you want to earn money with your blog you must be helping people and providing them something valuable. Some beginners in affiliate marketing make the mistake of always trying to sell something without providing any important value.
One useful trick to help your mind to create more useful ideas is to think how would you help your friend. How would you write to your best friend?
Would you sell him/her all the time and try to push all your products in front of him? If you would do that I may ask, how long are you waiting for your friendship to last?
Everyone loves friendly people. People love it when someone helps and does something for them.
We love it when someone gives valuable answers for our questions.
For example, I am thinking sometimes questions like, “How to increase the results in the gym faster?” “How to win in chess?” “How to be a better disciple of Jesus?”
If someone comes and tells me the answers for that kind of questions I’m more than willing to hear.
I am not willing to hear invaluable answers. And neither are other people. So be sure that when you are providing answers that they really answer the questions and give something that isn’t so obvious.
Of course, sometimes “the obvious answers” are good to say out loud because we humans tend to forget the important things. Most of the motivational speeches are just repeating “the obvious things” that people tend to forget in the middle of their busy lives.
This may sound obvious but still some people tend to forget this one. If your blog is about dog training, don’t talk about your journey in Mexico. Okay, you can tell a story about your journey if you can relate it somehow to your actual topic which is dog training.
If you can tell captivating stories, they are always nice! But don’t talk about the subjects that are not related to your website.
For example, my blog is about earning money online and everything related to that topic. I will not write here the articles about language learning or the gym even though they are my other interests. My audience would be bored.
Instead, I concentrate on the topics that are relevant to “make money online” -subject.
Have you ever went to the blog post where the introduction seems to last too long and you just get bored and click for the next post.
I’ve experienced it many times.
Probably the writers are trying to build the momentum but many times the person on the Internet is just finding for the quick answers and you have 10 seconds to convince that you have what he/she is looking for.
Here are 5 my practical tips on How to Write for Blogs
1.Think That You Are Writing to One Person
2.Think That You Are Writing for Your Friend
3.Give Answers
4.Think About Your Audience
5.Be Straight
I hope that these tips will help you to become a better blogger and the writer.
I have learned a lot about blogging from Wealthy Affiliate. It also teaches you how to monetize your blogs and websites. You will get 10 Free video lessons on how to get started and understand the process of earning money with your blog.
Nowadays more and more people are interested in blogging and for a good reason. Writing a blog can be fun and you can earn the full-time income by writing a blog. But If you don’t have former experience of blogging, you may ask, “How to Learn to Write a Blog?”
Writing a blog is a skill that anyone can learn. I want to highlight it, Anyone can learn to write well!
Today I’m going to give you 3 steps that you can become a wonderful blogger.
When you are learning a new skill there is a way to speed up the process. You don’t need to reinvent the bicycle.
Learn from others who are professional bloggers. They have great tips how to get started, how to become better and how to write well. If you don’t know any professional writers, don’t worry.
Wealthy Affiliate is an online university that teaches you everything about writing a blog (and how to earn money with your blog). Their comprehensive training teaches you
You don’t need to become a professional but even if you are writing a blog for fun it makes it easier when you get some great tips from the experienced bloggers. And would it be fun to earn little extra income while blogging?
You can read my thorough review of WA here or you can claim your 10 free video lessons right here.
If you want to become a better in writing blogs you need write a lot. There is no shortcut.
But the good news is:
“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great” -Zig Ziglar
(See my text -> Perfection – Not Required in Online Business)
You will become better when you practice and I recommend to write daily.
As you write something daily, writing will become your second nature. Think for example about riding a bicycle or driving a car. You don’t need to think about the process anymore because you have done it so much. The same will happen with writing. Just keep on doing it and it will feel as natural as breathing.
(Writing a lot will also help you to get ranked in Google. When you publish something every day you have much more content to be ranked in the search engines. If you, for example, write one post a day that means 365 posts in one year. Compare if you write only 1 post a week which makes 52 posts/year. 365 > 52.)
As Ziglar said, you don’t have to be great to start. But after starting it’s important to learn and become better. Never stop learning.
Learning makes writing a blog also more interesting and gives satisfaction when you can compare your texts now and after one year. You can see how much you have improved and it motivates you to learn more.
In order to become a better writer you can for example
People who have written a blog for 5 years can still learn something new.
You can also start learning other things related to your blog. How to get ranked in Google, how to get more visitors to your website, how to do money with your blog using affiliate marketing and so on. The sky is the limit.
1.Learn from the Professional Bloggers
2.Write, Write, Write
3.Reflect and Improve
I really hope these 3 steps will help you to learn to write a blog and become an awesome blogger.
What do you think about these steps?
How do you learn to blog?
Leave the comments below.
3 Awesome texts to learn more and get inspiration!
Probably every online entrepreneur, blogger and affiliate marketer are asking themselves “How to get more visitors to my website?”
That is the crucial question because visitors are the key to earning online revenue and passive income.
Today I’m going to share what is the most important factor when you are attracting more visitors.
Content, content and content. The most uccessful online entrepreneurs talk over and over again about the importance of content. That is the key to success online.
The content of your website is your asset. When you have your own domain, you 100% own your content. But first a quick question.
“What is content?”
Content can be 700 words blog post, 3-minute video, appealing images, training tutorial, product review or anything between. (Extra tip, How to Make Your Content User-Friendly? 6 Tips for the Readable Text)
Some people think this way, “I want to earn money online. Okay, I’ll just put some fancy ads on my website. Then I do some social media marketing probably and the money will flow to my bank account.”
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The purpose of your content must always (ALWAYS) be adding value to people’s life. To fill some of their needs, help them, make their life better and so on.
For example, the purpose of my website YourOnlineRevenue.com is to help you to start earning money online. I provide tips and 1-on-1 mentoring for everyone who needs help on any subject related to earning money online.
The focus of your content must be helping people.
“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.” -Zig Ziglar
The highly successful online entrepreneur Jeff Bullas stated that the valuable content really attracts visitors to your page.
Once you have valuable content on your website, people are willing to share your pages with their friends, in the social media and they begin to trust you more.
As you have your own domain, the ownership of your website’s content is totally yours. When you add something to Facebook (or to other social medias) you always need to follow their regulations.
But in your own website you can do whatever you want. (And remember to provide value)
Think your website as building a house. Brick by brick it becomes more and more valuable. When you add more content to your website, the value of your asset rises.
It becomes more and more beautiful house (website). More and more people are willing to visit your house (website) and they are inviting their friends there also.
Solving problems work.
People are searching on the Internet help for many things. “How to earn money online?” “How to learn languages faster?” “How to boost my business?” “Which guitar should I buy?” and literally anything.
There are many answers that people want to find.
If you can provide the good answers for the people’s problems I can guarantee that you have the keys to success in your hands.
When someone is frustrated without finding the answers you can come and help him/her. Nothing works better that real helping.
Give them language learning tips, provide help with their business, help them with the music instruments. What is your strength? Use it!
Your content will compete with all the other content on the Internet. Why would people choose to read/watch your content? Probably you have done well SEO and now it can be found easily. But do you know what is probably the most powerful way to get visitor?
The most valuable content is something that other’s don’t provide. If you find the problem without an answer on the Internet you can jump because of the happiness.
There is your chance to succeed! Give valuable answers for that problem and you will succeed.
Let’s say that you have struggled with something before in your life without finding an answer from the Internet. Then you figured out the way. Now, share your tips for the others! They can be ultimately valuable.
I have learned the importance of content creation from Wealthy Affiliate. I realized that actually all of the successful online entrepreneurs talk about the importance of content.
Wealthy Affiliate is an awesome training community which provides awesome training and tools how to create valuable content and how to develop all the time.
Read for example:
Get GOOD at Writing Content (By the guy who earns more than $10,000/month online).
Two from the founder of Wealthy Affiliate. Online millionaire.
You Want Online Success? It Starts With Brute Force (One of my favorite texts!)
and Writing Out Themed Content.
This one is impressive: Over 10,000 Visits in a Week – Importance of Content Creation to Convert.
I really hope that these tips will help you to create valuable content and get more visitors to your website.
As you persistently keep on adding valuable content to your website and do your SEO, the visitors will follow.
What are your favorite ways to get more visitors to your website?
Have you ever asked yourself, “How to get ideas for writing?” This is an ultimately common question people ask themselves if their task is to write something.
Today I want to give you ultimately powerful insights how to find content ideas from your past.
The things you are doing today are normal for you. The skills you have today feel like something very normal. If you have played piano for 5 years, playing piano feels like something very natural. There doesn’t seem to be anything special to know how to play for you.
But think about yourself when 5 years ago when you started practicing for the first time. It wasn’t so easy and natural. It took a lot of concentration to play the right chords and notes. In the past, you needed someone to teach you. But now you can be the teacher.
That’s exactly how many people feel. Playing piano is something special for them.
If your website’s niche is to teach people how to play the piano you may think, “teaching C-chord is extremely basics. Everything knows what is C-chord. They probably want something more advanced.”
Most of the people in the world don’t know how to play C-chord by piano. It’s advanced stuff for them!
Do you remember Mark Knopfler singing in “Brothers in arms”?
“There’s so many different worlds
So many different suns
And we have just one world
But we live in different ones.”
You and I live in the different worlds. You, Abdullah or Yakamashi live in different worlds. You and your reader are living in the different worlds.
You understand the metaphor?
I have difference competence than you have. But you definitely know something that I don’t. You have always something to share.
There are about 7 400 000 000 people in this planet. If something has helped you it will help also someone else. Not probably everyone, but definitely someone!
It doesn’t matter are you 20, 40 or 80 years old. Let me repeat Every single person has something to share. You have learned something during your life. Share it to others. I am willing to hear! (Check my 6 Tips for Readable Text)
As I said if something is basic for you, it’s probably not basic for someone else. Let’s think about some examples.
1.If you are making money online I can definitely say that you know a lot more than most of the people. You have a lot of things to share.
2.If you have been a Christian you have a lot of wisdom to share who has just found Christ. Share to others what you have learned over the years.
3.If you don’t know anything about anything you can make questions and connect with people (Google loves websites with discussion).
Most of the people are looking for the “basic stuff”. Only a little percentage of people are really looking for something very advanced teachings like programming course level 9132849. Of course some search for programming course level 9132849 but that’s probably 0,00001% of world’s population.
Remember your “Basic stuff” may be highly important for many people.
If you want to have more ideas how to get ideas for content. Or if you want to learn how to create quality content.
Everything you need for content creation is provided in Wealthy Affiliate. It’s a community of people who are creating content for their websites and they are earning money by doing that. They are professional and they want to help you.
Here is one example of the lesson from the creator of Wealthy Affiliate: Creating Quality Website Content.
How do you get ideas for writing content? Share your tips with us. If it’s basic to you it’s probably not basic for others! 😉
Many people ask the questions like, “What are keywords?” “What do keywords mean?” And so on.
Today I’m going to explain you briefly what are those “strange keywords”. Probably after reading this text, you will be more familiar with keywords.
The keyword can mean many things in the different contexts (programming and other) but let’s concentrate on the keyword’s meaning in search engines.
“The keyword is a word or a sentence used by the search engine in its search for relevant Web pages.”
Let me give you some examples. The headline of this text is “What Does Keyword Mean?” The headline itself is a keyword. I made a little bit research and saw that people are looking for that keyword (“What Does Keyword Mean”) from Google.
So, when you write something to Google you are writing “a keyword”. If someone wants to learn how to make money online and writes in Google “How to make money online”, that is his “keyword”. Simple?
As I mentioned, my headline “What Does Keyword Mean?” is a keyword. People are looking for that in Google. My other articles in my website are for example
People are looking these subjects in Google.
For example, many people have searched for “Benefits of having a WordPress website.” I tell you 7 benefits in the article, so I added the seven in front of the keyword. It makes the headline also more captivating and appealing.
People are also wondering what is SEO and why they need it. They are thinking what is key to success and what are the benefits of passive income.
Keywords are the words and sentences that people search from Google and other search engines. People are interested in those things because they are looking for them.
The headline gets ranked in Google but also all the other stuff on the website. All the text in every post and page. All the images. Literally almost everything.
If you write for example a blog post of 700 words, (which is quite a normal for a blog post) it contains already a big bunch of keywords. Also, every image you add on your website can be ranked in search engines. There are techniques how you can get your images ranked better in Google but today we concentrate on the text.
Even though your every single article and page contains already a lot of keywords it’s still important to make “keyword research” to get your page ranked better. It will lead to more traffic on your website and people will find your website more easily.
Even if you don’t have any former skills on keywords, don’t worry! If you have experience from keywords, great!
Finding great and relevant keywords can take too much time if you don’t have proper tools for doing that. It may take time from other more important things.
That’s why there are great tools which make your keyword research way easier and faster.
I can fully recommend Jaaxy. It is tool fully made for the purpose to find great keywords, make keyword research easier, faster and cheaper.
If you are interested in Jaaxy check more details from my article “Free Keyword Tool” or go to Jaaxy’s homepage and claim your 30 FREE searches!
I hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to leave them below!
Have you read the book “The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Achieving More with Less” by Richard Koch? In the book Koch explains the 80/20 (Pareto) principle which means that 20% of our time accounts for 80% of the work we accomplish. In other words 20% of our work provide more results than the rest 80%.
The principles applies to other things also. Did you know, for example, that 20% of customers account for 80% of revenues?
Understanding this principle can powerfully benefit your online business.
If you want to make money online (and at the same time provide important value for other people) there are certain steps you need to take.
Some of the important steps are:
Probably there are also other things to do but these are usually very important, especially selling. If you want to earn money, you need to sell something. Someone has to be interested in your product or services.
But sometimes you may find yourself doing useless things related to your business. Online business is always a process, it’s not an event. You do certain things until you succeed. But you need to concentrate on the things that are the most important at your phase of the process.
If you don’t have your own websites your most important task should be to build one. When your websites are brand new you should concentrate on writing content and providing important value for the readers. At this point it would be totally useless to spend hours and hours analyzing your visitors from Google Analytics if you don’t have enough visitors or any content on your website.
At this point your 20% (the most important task) would be developing your websites.
But let’s assume that your website is appealing. You have good theme, good images, good email list, good content and products to sell. Then it would be highly important to get more visitors to your websites. You can make for example social media campaigns. That may be the most important (20%) task at this point of the online business process. (But remember that scrolling Facebook’s or Twitter’s news feed is not social media marketing. It’s only a waste of time!) 😉
Many people are asking, “How much it takes to make some money or a full-time income online?” It depends on two things.
You may invest 100 hours and get the same results when someone has used 200 hours. Be sure that you are the one who is not wasting time on the useless things.
Nothing really happens until you take action. Today I want to challenge you:
1.Take a sheet of paper and a pencil
2.Write down the most important thing in your online business right now
3.Start working until the task is done
Writing down helps. The thing you have written will sink into your subconscious mind and it will start searching the ways how you can accomplish the task. It also helps you as a reminder if you find yourself scrolling that Facebook news feed or reading useless blog again.
20% of our time accounts for 80% of the work we accomplish.
Concentrate on the most important tasks and you will achieve more results with less time.
What are your most important tasks right now in your online business? Leave a comment below.