
Category Archives for "SEO Tips"

What Does Keyword Mean?

What are keywordsMany people ask the questions like, “What are keywords?” “What do keywords mean?” And so on.

Today I’m going to explain you briefly what are those “strange keywords”. Probably after reading this text, you will be more familiar with keywords.

The Definition of a Keyword

The keyword can mean many things in the different contexts (programming and other) but let’s concentrate on the keyword’s meaning in search engines.

“The keyword is a word or a sentence used by the search engine in its search for relevant Web pages.”

Let me give you some examples. The headline of this text is “What Does Keyword Mean?” The headline itself is a keyword. I made a little bit research and saw that people are looking for that keyword (“What Does Keyword Mean”) from Google.

So, when you write something to Google you are writing “a keyword”. If someone wants to learn how to make money online and writes in Google “How to make money online”, that is his “keyword”. Simple?

More Examples of Keywords

As I mentioned, my headline “What Does Keyword Mean?” is a keyword. People are looking for that in Google. My other articles in my website are for example

People are looking these subjects in Google.

Benefits of passive income

For example, many people have searched for “Benefits of having a WordPress website.” I tell you 7 benefits in the article, so I added the seven in front of the keyword. It makes the headline also more captivating and appealing.

People are also wondering what is SEO and why they need it. They are thinking what is key to success and what are the benefits of passive income.

Keywords are the words and sentences that people search from Google and other search engines. People are interested in those things because they are looking for them.

Keyword Google

Every Article and Page Are Full of Keywords

The headline gets ranked in Google but also all the other stuff on the website. All the text in every post and page. All the images. Literally almost everything.

If you write for example a blog post of 700 words, (which is quite a normal for a blog post) it contains already a big bunch of keywords. Also, every image you add on your website can be ranked in search engines. There are techniques how you can get your images ranked better in Google but today we concentrate on the text.

Even though your every single article and page contains already a lot of keywords it’s still important to make “keyword research” to get your page ranked better. It will lead to more traffic on your website and people will find your website more easily.

How to Find Great Keywords?Jaaxy The Best

Even if you don’t have any former skills on keywords, don’t worry! If you have experience from keywords, great!

Finding great and relevant keywords can take too much time if you don’t have proper tools for doing that. It may take time from other more important things.

That’s why there are great tools which make your keyword research way easier and faster.

I can fully recommend Jaaxy. It is tool fully made for the purpose to find great keywords, make keyword research easier, faster and cheaper.

If you are interested in Jaaxy check more details from my article “Free Keyword Tool” or go to Jaaxy’s homepage and claim your 30 FREE searches!

I hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to leave them below!


How to Get Ranked in Google? Try Jaaxy!

Are you looking for great keywords to get your website ranked in GoogleCongratulations! You have come to a right place! Start your research putting a keyword to a box below.

Let’s say that your website’s niche is playing guitar. You make reviews from different guitars and give people tips how to play it better. You start your search in Jaaxy.

Your article will be something related to “How to Play Guitar” so you search that keyword. Let’s see the results:

how to learn how to play guitar

As the Image shows, there are many options for keywords. There are three “main parameters.”

Avg. Shows the average amount of searches with that keyword.

Traffic Shows the estimated monthly traffic.

Probably the most important parameter is QSR which shows you the competitions with that keyword. Lower = Better.

I chose the keyword “How to Learn How to Play Guitar?” It gets 5033 monthly searches on average and the competition is very low 33.

There are also other good keywords as you can see, for example, “How to Play Guitar Fingerstyle” and “Learning How to Play Guitar Online”

Keyword Research Is Vital in Online Business

If you are doing online business, you need to make keyword research in order to succeed. That is totally vital and all of the most successful online entrepreneurs do it more or less.

You want to get more traffic to your website and that is possible with great keywords. Using proper keywords will give you targeted customers who are interested in your subject. They are searching the things about your niche and then they end up to your site. But only if you are using proper keywords!

Before there weren’t great keyword tools. Finding good keywords took more time and effort. But thanks to Jaaxy, keyword research is made simple and fast.

I believe that you don’t want to spend hours searching right keywords to get ranked in Google. I don’t neither. I prefer to use an easy keyword tool.

==> Start using Jaaxy today for free <==

Jaaxy – Various Options

In addition to keyword search, Jaaxy gives you other options also. You can find your website’s ranking , domain names availability easily and other great features! I have discussed more those features in my other article here.

Some of the features are only available in Enterprise account $69 $49/month, some with the Pro account $19/month and you can also get started with a free account.

See the details below:

Jaaxy keyword research

Click the Image

Awesome Discounts for a Yearly Membership

If you are serious with your online business and want to make real progress, you may want to go yearly with a Jaaxy account.

Jaaxy Pro costs $199/year which saves $29 from monthly membership. With Jaaxy Enterprise Yearly account you save $89.

Yearly account saves you money and time as you don’t need to use hours in keyword research.

Your Experiences with Keyword Research

Have you made keyword research with Jaaxy? Do you like using it? Or are you just beginning to know the “keyword world”? Leave a comment below!





What is SEO and Why Do I Need It?

SEOYou may wonder what is this strange term that people use on the Internet, SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

SEO is the process of readying a website to be listed well in search engines (according to Wapedia). Let’s put it in a more simple form.

You set up your website to get ranked in search engines. This is SEO, in a nutshell.

In order to get ranked in search, you need to do certain things. Provide valuable content, engage with people, use keywords, social media presence and so on.

Why is SEO Important?

You want to be ranked in Google, Yahoo and other search engines to get traffic.

Think about the benefits when you get ranked in search engines. Let me give you 4 reasons.

1.It’s free marketing (You don’t need to pay for SEO)
2.Your visitors are targeted (People search for something specific and end up to your website.)
3.Your brand/company’s value rises
4.People find you easily

There are of course more reasons but these four are quite crucial.

Think about expensive marketing campaigns. You pay for Facebook or make Pay Per Click campaigns to get your ads somewhere. They may cost a lot. But SEO doesn’t cost money. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t be using paid marketing methods but don’t solely lean on paid methods.

If you want to get fit, you may search “How to get fit” from Google. Then you head to the fitness site which sells ideas and products how you can get fit. You are already interested in the website’s theme because you searched it from Google.

In other words, using SEO effectively gives the website targeted visitors who are already interested in the subject.

Inrease Traffic in Your Website by SEO.

Increase Traffic in Your Website by SEO.


Your Competitors Are Using SEO

Let’s think about an example. Company A and company B are working in the same industry. They both want to get more customers online. Company A uses SEO but company B doesn’t.

Company A gets ranked in search engines and a lot of people come to his website. Then they end up buying his products and the company success. Company B thinks, “We don’t want to think about SEO. We concentrate on the other things.” They don’t get ranked in Google and only very few people come to their website. Not many products are sold.

Even though the example is very simplified you get the glimpse how important SEO can be. The successful companies online are using SEO.

Keywords Are Important. But Don’t Overuse Them.

In SEO, keywords are one critical key to success. You may want to get to know the free keyword tool, Jaaxy.

Jaaxy helps you to research great keywords for your website to get ranked better.

Still, I just want to mention that keywords are only a little part of SEO. Sometimes people seem to overemphasize keywords. The most important thing to provide valuable content that people are interested in.

This article was a little introduction to SEO. You can learn more about SEO from my SEO tips in Pinterest or by reading Search Engine Optimization – Getting Started Guide by a successful internet entrepreneur.

Have studied SEO? Why it’s important in your opinion?