
Category Archives for "Scam Products"

People Per Hour Review [WARNING! Scam Alert]

In My People Per Hour Review, It's Revealed CEO Encourages Employees To Deactivate Clients' Accounts Without Notice To Steal Funds. Scam Tactics, And More.

Welcome to my People Per Hour Review!

Over the past few days, I have been reviewing different work-at-home opportunities you might encounter as you go lurk around the internet.

For sure there are tons of online job postings available today. This is why I decided to write something about this, given the experience I have with these methods. 

You’re here because you want to earn an income. You want to provide something for yourself without the need to go outside your lofty homes and commute with the rest, suffering the bumper to bumper chaos during the rush hour.

Searching for freelance jobs online became a trend not only because it’s an option for unemployed people. But it’s also a way to learn new things and explore to the possibilities of earning money. That’s true. 

If you’re like me, working with Roope to review a bunch of income opportunities, with the dedication to make the real income without risks, it’s best to give this option a try. See #1 business opportunity and learn it’s worth your while.

Now that we’re all set. Let’s go through this new company and discuss the new income-generation option at the end. Are you ready?

People Per Hour Review - Quick Summary

Name: People Per Hour

Founded: 2007

Type: Freelance Job Posting Consolidator

Price: Free (charges apply after)

Best for: People, who are either searching for a job at hourly rates or for a new staff to join their teams and to delegate tasks for easier workload.

In My People Per Hour Review, It's Revealed CEO Encourages Employees To Deactivate Clients' Accounts Without Notice To Steal Funds. Scam Tactics, And More.

Summary: People Per Hour is a UK-based online freelance job consolidator in which buyers look for freelancers to do the menial tasks in exchange for payment. Freelancers then bid for these gigs with high hopes of being chosen to do the project and get paid as soon as it’s accomplished within the due date.

Is People Per Hour Recommended? No. If you opt for a steady residual passive income, click the green button below to get started now.

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Does Indeed Actually Work? [Overcharging & Scamming Employers?!]

Does Indeed Actually Work? Overcharging & Scamming Employers Occur, Job Seekers Info At Risk To Fraud. Yet, BBB Accredited Indeed Albeit Massive Complaints.

Welcome to my Indeed Review!

If you want to seek jobs easier than a typical in-person application, you have a lot of options as there are various online jobs consolidator available today.

In fact, I utilized that as a means to land many of my writing jobs. That said, maximizing these kinds of resources isn’t bad at all. 

The thing is, you have to be extra careful because you’re submitting confidential details stipulated in your resume to these platforms, which are obviously becoming visible to the public eye, the prospective employers. And there are lots of them.

Before we dig into it in details, I’d like to say my sincerest congratulations for having the time to do your research looking for the Best Business Opportunity this year.

Are you ready? Let’s dive into it. Shall we?

Indeed Review - Quick Summary

Name: Indeed

Founded: 2004

Type: Online Job Consolidator

Price: $150 starting price

Best for: Both employers and job seekers in search of a job opportunity to earn an income and make things easier by delegating tasks to the new hired competent staff.

Does Indeed Actually Work? Overcharging & Scamming Employers Occur, Job Seekers Info At Risk To Fraud. Yet, BBB Accredited Indeed Albeit Massive Complaints.

Summary: Indeed is an American-based worldwide job listing service that’s accredited by the BBB with an outstanding rating. It’s also a subsidiary to a Japanese recruitment company and is currently ran by Hisayuki Idekoba.

Is Indeed Recommended? No. I'll explain the details in a while.

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Is ZipRecruiter Legit? [$1,569 Worth Of Fraud?!]

Is ZipRecruiter Legit? Employers Sought Help From FBI & Filed Complaint Against Company For Deceptive Recurring Charges. Shady Tactics Implemented. Read More.

Welcome to my ZipRecruiter Review!

Is Work-At-Home opportunity your thing?

Let’s face it. It’s hard to find jobs and online jobs aren’t an exception. For years of working from one company to the other, I tell you it’s not an easy quest. Unless if you have the required skills each of them is looking for.

This is why a lot of online jobs consolidator exist for that reason. They wanted to make the job search easier by making them available online. This is also a better option for moms, who couldn’t head outside to apply for office jobs.

Before we dig into this, I’d like to say my sincerest congratulations for having the time to do your research at home.

With that being said, I will give you a gist of Roope’s Best Business Opportunity! I’ll discuss that in a while.

For now, let’s focus on the online job consolidator and determine if this is a good spot for you to start your job search or not. Are you ready? Let’s start. Shall we?

ZipRecruiter Review - Quick Summary

Name: ZipRecruiter

Founded: 2010

Type: Online Job Consolidator

Price: $249 and up

Best for: People who want to either get a job without the need to go outside the house or to search for potential employees to aid with the small business needs without the need to put up so much effort on the job posting and in-person interviews as typical job search does.

Is ZipRecruiter Legit? Employers Sought Help From FBI & Filed Complaint Against Company For Deceptive Recurring Charges. Shady Tactics Implemented. Read More.

Summary: ZipRecruiter is an American-based online job consolidator in which it’s found useful for people who either search for jobs and seek employees to aid with the small enterprises by posting jobs. The job seekers, in turn, will search for these and submit resumes that match the job requirements.

Is ZipRecruiter Recommended? No. If you wish to earn a legitimate fair amount of residual passive income, click the green button below and get started. This is a rare business opportunity intended for the brave people in exchange for a better life.

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Click2Sell Review [Is It Scam Or Legit?!]

In This Click2Sell Review, This European-Based Affiliate Marketing Does Scammy Tactics. Luring Victims To Free Registration But Asked $200 Afterward. Read More.

Welcome to my Click2Sell Review!

Today, we’re going to review another affiliate marketing platform in which you can make use for your business venture this year. I’m pretty sure you’re getting serious with it just because you’re here.

Given, I would like to congratulate for you for doing your research and having the time to read reviews like I wrote.

Before we get into the company and read the whole post, I’d like to introduce you to the new business opportunity, which will be helpful for your need. This is made FREE for you to make use and maximize in accord with your business.

Are you ready? Let’s dive into the post. Shall we?

Click2Sell Review - Quick Summary

Name: Click2Sell

Founded: No information

Type: Affiliate Marketing Network

Price: $200 (after free registration)

Best for: Nobody.

In This Click2Sell Review, This European-Based Affiliate Marketing Does Scammy Tactics. Luring Victims To Free Registration But Asked $200 Afterward. Read More.

Summary: Click2Sell is an affiliate marketing platform built in Lithuania intended to gather the sellers and affiliates to promote products in exchange for commissions. For the sellers, they can make use of this site to reach out for their target market and generate leads by means of the affiliates registered in the site.

Is Click2Sell Recommended? No. If you want a better business opportunity, click the green button below. 

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Vitiligo Organics Reviews [$67 Worth Of Fraud?!]

Read My Vitiligo Organics Reviews Post Before You Invest In Scammy Organic Product From Australia. Description Lured People To Spend Without Effects. Read More.

Welcome to my Vitiligo Organics Review!

First of all, I know this is one of the Vitiligo Organics reviews you encountered on the web and probably one of the latest ones you’ve come across with.

I searched it myself and unfortunately, there were no other reviews of this product we’re about to discuss in this post.

As you noticed, this isn’t a review of the product per se. But we’re going to have a gist of the company responsible behind the frenzy of this vitiligo cure they’re talking about.

It’s so popular that many people came into contact with those who have access to the product. In fact, there are many of the bloggers uploaded YouTube reviews sharing their experience with it.

Vitiligo Organics Review Content Image 3 - Your Online Revenue

Before we’re going to delve into this organic product and the company, I want to congratulate you first for having the time to research and dig deeper about the product you’re planning to invest in.

From there, I am getting the idea you want to build a business with this product. That said, I would like to encourage you to grab your FREE copy of the Ultimate Make Money Online Guide to make sure you’re up-to-date with the strategies you needed to sell products online.

Now that we’re set, let’s dig into the post. Shall we?

Vitiligo Organics Review - Quick Summary

Name: Vitiligo Organics

Company: Natures Organics/Organic Care Australia

Founded: 1981

Type: Direct Sales

Price: $89 and up

Best for: Nobody, apparently

Vitiligo Organics Reviews Product Image

Summary: Vitiligo Organics is a flagship and one of the popular organic products created and produced under Organic Care Australia also known as Natures Organic, a direct sales company.

Is Vitiligo Organics Recommended? No. 

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Is KidsGetMoney.Co A Scam Or Legit? [$200 Payout Turns To Dust?!]

Is KidsGetMoney.Co A Scam Or Legit? Learn How To Avoid This Affiliate Marketing Network & Learn 4-Step Proven Affiliate Marketing Method To Earn Legit $5,000. Read This Post To Learn More About This Company And How To Prevent Being Their Victims This Year.

Welcome to my Kids Get Money Review

A new scammy affiliate marketing company has been on fire! This system has been running under 3 different names. KidsGetMoney is their 3rd name after 2 failed attempts to… lure victims?

If you’re here, I congratulate you because you know the value of earning money and you’re aware it’s never easy to make a buck!

That also means you’re patient with earning in a legitimate and proven technique as Roope the founder of and the rest of the successful A-list entrepreneurs did with their respective businesses.

If you want to learn our #1 recommended way to make money from home Grab Roope's Ultimate Make Money Online Guide Here and start for free.

Are you ready? Let’s dive into it. Shall we?

Kids Get Money Review - Quick Summary

Name: Kids Get Money

Founded: 2019

Type: Affiliate Marketing Network

Price: Free registration

Best for: Nobody. Check out a better option below...

Is KidsGetMoney.Co A Scam Or Legit? Learn How To Avoid This Affiliate Marketing Network & Learn 4-Step Proven Affiliate Marketing Method To Earn Legit $5,000. Read This Post To Learn More About This Company And How To Prevent Being Their Victims This Year.

Summary: Kids Get Money is a recently established affiliate marketing network in which they invite people to sign up and become affiliates in exchange for an immediate $25 payment upon registration and extra payment for referrals.

However, their promises are not true as you'll learn by reading further...

Is Kids Get Money Recommended? No. See a better option through the button below.

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Countdown to Profits a Scam? [Yes, For $97 Membership?!]

Is Countdown To Profits A Scam? Yes, For $97 Membership You'll Get Tons Of Spammy Links To Spread On Internet. Earning $500 By Watching Crappy Video Possible. Read This Post And Be Warned Of The Fraud Investment.

Welcome to my Countdown to Profits Review!

In the past few days, I’ve reviewed about a similar program offering promises of an enticing ROI in exchange for expensive membership as a startup cost. Now, I’m about to tackle another sales funnel with the same scheme. The difference’s worse.

Have you noticed the spammy links whenever you visit websites or you check your emails? If you see those links, you see the exact task you’re going to do in exchange for an income. That’s exactly what you’re going to do after you register in the company as one of their affiliates.

Now, if you want to retract your investment and leave. This is where the conflict starts. Because nobody will hear your plea. How’s it possible? Let’s dig into the itty-bitty details of Countdown to Profits as a company.

If you don’t want to do something like that to earn some bucks, it’s best to get started learning the 4-step proven and legit method to earn money online.

Are you ready? Let’s dive into it. Shall we?

Countdown to Profits Review - Quick Summary

Name: Countdown to Profits

Founded: 2016

Type: Company selling sales funnels

Price: $97

Best for: Nobody except the owner

Is Countdown To Profits A Scam Logo - Your Online Revenue

Summary: Countdown to Profits is neither a Multi-Level Marketing company nor an affiliate program offering real products or services to clients. What they do is entice people to register and ask them the membership amount in exchange for spammy links to spread to earn money.

Is Countdown to Profits Recommended? Absolutely not.

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Shopperweb.Org Reviews [More Than 23 Million Complaints?!]

Shopperweb Org Reviews

Welcome to my Shopperweb.Org Review!

I know this post is one of a few Shopperweb.Org reviews you’ve seen posted on the web, however, I will give you the comprehensive and brutal, as well as a lengthy review about the company and its whereabouts.

Before I dig into it, I’d like to congratulate you for taking the time to research a legit online business possibility prior to investing. Prior to spending a lot of time and effort to something worth your while and not otherwise. 

Are you ready? Let’s dive in, shall we?

Shopperweb.Org - Quick Summary

Name: Shopperweb.Org

Founded: n/a

Type: Website promoting Amazong Work-At-Home affiliates

Price: $47 and up

Best for: People who want to earn a few bucks while working at home

Shopperweb Org Reviews Logo

Summary: Shopperweb.Org is basically a website, considered an online channel, where people learn how to begin earning online by working as one of Amazon work-at-home affiliates and earn money as much as you want.

Is Shopperweb.Org Recommended? No. See our #1 recommended way to make money from Amazon by clicking the button below.

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Is Cash for Invite (Cash4Invite) a Scam? [Easy Money System Revealed]

Cash For Invite Review - Quick Summary

Name: Cash For Invite (Also known as Cash4Invite)


Type: Membership Site - "Earn Other Members to Make Money"

Price: 3 Options: $5/month, $10/month or $15/month

Best for: The Owners of This System (Until its shut down by the officials and founders are taken to the jail!)

Summary: Cash For Invite is simply a membership website where members make money by inviting new members to their downline. In my opinion, Cash For Invite doesn't provide almost any value and I believe it will be wiped away in the near future...

Is Cash For Invite Recommended? No. More on this further...

My Cash For Invite Video Review

In order to provide you the most comprehensive and accurate answers regarding Cash For Invite, I created you also the video review that you can watch below.

In the end of the video, I walk you through the Best way to make money online that I use myself.

In the first part of the video, I explain why Cash For Invite is not recommended and why you should be doing more profitable and legitimate things online to make money.

Introduction - Easy Money Available Or Just Another Scam?

Let me be direct with you today. Who wouldn't like to have some extra money?

Even those who say that money isn't important say that they wouldn't mind having a little bit extra for their family or for eating some better food sometimes, for example.

Now Cash For Invite (or Cash 4 Invite) comes with a shining armor promising even an UNLIMITED income just by inviting other people to join the system.

See below the image that they're using for their advertising:

Money will start raining when you join Cash 4 Invite... Oh, Really??

I guess you've probably heard the same story also in the past? Somebody promises you lots of money online but in reality his system is just a scam.

We've reviewed so far already +400 make money online opportunities and systems on Guess how many of them have been scams?


I don't myself believe in easy money anymore. I have seen that anyone can make money online but making BIG money will always requires work and effort.

Let's see if Cash For Invite would be different...

What Is Cash For Invite (Cash4Invite) And How Does It Work?

Cash4Invite is the system that promises to pay you even an unlimited amount of money. Your only task is to invite people to your downline and make them pay for the membership.

In practice, it is supposed to work like this:

  1. You Register for their membership and pay the membership fee ($5-15/month depending on your choice)
  2. You share your affiliate link to the other people
  3. When other people join through your link and pay the membership fee as well, you earn commissions.
  4. Rinse and repeat

At this point, you may be asking, "Then what is the real value of the system?"

And I would say that it's a wonderful question! There doesn't seem to be any real value in the Cash For Invite system. Experts claim is just a classical Ponzi scheme where the only purpose is just to recruit as many people as possible to your downline.

If you want to stay as far as possible from such shady systems, I recommend reading my Ultimate Make Money Online Guide to learn to make real money in 2018 (and beyond).

Cash For Invite has used other websites (domains) in the past to promote similar systems. However, those websites have been shut down over the time course.

Take a look at two examples below. In the past, they operated under domains and Nowadays they use the domain

Previous Cash For Invite Website.

Money Come First website that uses the same strategy with Cash For Invite. 

I personally think that it's just a question of time when Cash 4 Invite website will also be shutdown...

Cash For Invite Membership Options

Cash For Invite has 3 membership options that are:

  • Basic Membership $5/month, 60% commissions for Referrals, 7 days waiting before payments, 1 banner ad on, Max. 500 referrals
  • Pro Membership – $10/month, 70% commissions for Referrals, 5 days waiting before payments, 2 banner ads on, Max. 1,500 referrals
  • Ultimate Membership $15/month, 80% commissions for Referrals, 3 days waiting before payments, 3 banner ads on, unlimited referrals

So, the benefits (or differences) of more expensive membesrhips are:

  1. Different pricing.
  2. Bigger commissions for referring new members.
  3. Shorter waiting time before the payments.
  4. More banner ads on website.
  5. More possible referrals.

A strange thing with Cash For Invite is that you can't change the membership after you've chosen it once. We have reviewed more than 400 make money online opportunities. Many of them have been membership sites but none of them have the same strange rule.

There may be a few different reasons why Cash4Invite doesn't allow upgrading the membership once you've joined:

  1. It pushes new members to choose the most expensive membership.
  2. It's easier to create (code) a membership site that doesn't have an "upgrade" option.
  3. It encourages you to pay at least something. Having the $5/month membership feels cheaper than $15/month membership. If they would have only $1/month and $5/month options, many would choose the lowest options still.

Anyway, it's pretty strange that they don't allow you to upgrade the membership. For me it feels even more that there's something fishy going on with their website...

Why Do They Ask For Your Address, Gender, Etc?

When you register, Cash For Invite doesn't only ask for your email and a password like most other membership sites do.

They ask right away for your address, gender and other personal information. Why do they do that?

There are probably 2 main reasons for that:

  1. They want to seem professional in the eyes of new members.
  2. They will sell your information to 3rd parties.

Many scams sites are collecting information from their members in order to sell it further to advertisers. That's probably the main reason why Cash For Invite wants your address, gender and your name.

I don't recommend giving any of that information to them!

Is Cash For Invite A Scam Or Legit?

In my opinion, Cash For Invite doesn't provide any real value to their members. It's basically a cash gifting program where you just pay for the membership so that you could recruit others.

I've seen many such programs over the years and all of them have collapsed one by one.

If you buy their membership, the only somewhat valuable thing that you could get is to insert your banner ads to their website.

In the banners, you can promote your own business or other people's products as an affiliate. However, the value of the visitors that you could potential get from Cash4Invite is most likely very low.

Their members are basically just looking for an easy way to make money online.

I haven't received payments from Cash For Invite (because I didn't even want to get started with them) and I don't know anyone who would have been paid. I know that some people who have used similar sites (like MoneyComeFirst) haven't received the payments.

In either case, I don't see any real value in Cash For Invite and therefore I advise staying far away from them.

I am 100% sure that you would prefer a legitimate way to make money online. Click the button below to read my Ultimate Make Money Online Guide 2018.

Risks Of Using Cash4Invite

I don't recommend anyone joining Cash4Invite for several reasons. Here are a few reasons why I recommend that you don't register:

  1. Cash4Invite gets your email => They can send you lots of SPAM
  2. Cash4Invite gets your personal information => They can sell it further => You get more ads and SPAM
  3. If you buy the membership and pay through PayPal, they may try to STEAL money from your account. In the extreme worst case scenario, they may even steal your linked bank accounts.
  4. By paying for the membership, you're most likely funding scam artists.

I want that YOU or anybody else would never fall into scams. There are many real ways to make money online so I recommend using them instead of websites like Cash4Invite.

Does Cash For Invite Pay?

There are not any guarantees.

After reading Cash For Invite reviews, I haven't met anyone who would have been paid by them. You can basically only find negative reviews.

The only people who are talking anything positive are those who are spamming their Cash For Invite referral links trying to earn some commissions.

Learn a Legitimate Way to Make Money Online

As I mentioned above, there are fortunately many legitimate ways to make money online as well.

My favorite way to make money online is called affiliate marketing. Don't worry if you don't know what it means, I didn't know either when I got started.

In short, it means earning money by recommending other people's products. You can, for example, recommend products on Amazon, Walmart, Target or whatever online store you choose.

Then Amazon, for example, will pay you a small commission for that.

Making money online with affiliate marketing has enabled me to travel around the world and it can help you to do the same as well! 🙂

I don't only make money online myself but nowadays I help other people to achieve the same things as well.

Until this day I have helped +3,000 individuals to get started making money online. I would be glad to help you as well.

I have prepared an Ultimate Guide to Make Money Online in 2018 (and beyond!)You will find it by clicking the button below and I'll tell you more.

I made it a very comprehensive guide to provide you with the best information to get started.

If you have any questions, I will be glad to help you out. Just ask me if you need anything! 🙂

What kind of experiences do you have with Cash For Invite and other similar shady programs?

Would you like to make money online with affiliate marketing like I do?

Let me know in the comments below!

If you have any questions, just leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to help you out.