When you saw high prices of Norwex you may have asked yourself, “Is Norwex a scam?” Some people were also asking, “Is Norwex a pyramid scheme?”
I can already say that it’s not a scam nor a pyramid scheme. However, I don’t immediately recommend joining. In this unbiased review, I’ll analyze whether you should join their system or not.
I am not affiliated with Norwex and I don’t earn any money from them for writing this article. My intention is to inform you about their opportunity in order to help you to decide whether their program is suitable for you. Let’s get started.
Name: Norwex
Founded: In 1994 by Bjørn Nicolaisen in Norway
Type: Multi-Level Marketing. Cleaning Products.
Short Review: Norwex mission, vision, and products are great. Despite their expensive prices, people are loving Norwex products and giving them lots of positive reviews.
However, making money with Norwex isn’t push button to riches. You need to work to build your business diligently to get more customers and new people joining your downline.
If you are interested in an opportunity that would make you a living online, I recommend taking a look at it here. I use it myself and it works like a charm. I’m sure it will help you to earn money online as well. You can use it for selling Norwex or any other products.
Norwex mission is clearly stated on their homepage.
Norwex is a multi-level marketing company which has more than 40,000 distributors all around the world. It was originally founded in Norway (see the similarity between “Norway” and “Norwex”) but quickly expanded to USA and Canada. Nowadays they operate at least in 12 different countries including Australia, UK, Germany, Sweden and so on.
Norwex is available in all of these countries. Most likely it will expand to other countries as well in the future.
Norwex offers cleaning products and their purpose is to be natural and free from chemicals. They also like to be known as a very high-quality brand and superior to their competitors. Wait! Isn’t that what all other MLMs try to do as well..? 😉
They have two big signs that show their high quality:
Do they really guarantee that the quality is great? Would it be easy for you to sell Norwex products and earn a living? Let’s continue our research by having a closer look at their products.
Norwex wants to brand themselves and their products under the following terms:
You can find all these associations on their website. Personally, I like their ideas and I am sure they may appeal to you as well. Who wouldn’t want a chemical free and a natural home?
What kind of categories Norwex products have? Let me list you a few of them:
All in all, their products are targeted in a cleaning niche. Their purpose is to help you to take care of your home but also from your own body.
These are some of the most popular Norwex products. Would you pay $113 for the cleaning mop?
As you can see in the picture below, their products are quite expensive. I have never paid $113 for a cleaning mop myself. Also, laundry cleaner costs $25 for one kilogram. That’s quite a lot.
However, many Norwex clients don’t care about their high prices. You can use the same cleaning mop for years so paying once a higher price won’t take you to a bankruptcy.
Norwex is also creating new products regularly to add even more products to their catalog and offer wider options for their clients. Let’s have a look at some new products.
New Norwex Products
I1f you want to have a closer look at their products and read customer reviews, you can check them out on Amazon.
As I mentioned above, Norwex is a multi-level marketing company which means that anyone can freely become a distributor and joins their program. As a Norwex distributor, you will earn money for 1) Selling their products and 2) Recruiting more members to their system.
Their program offers quite high commissions for their distributors because product prices are pretty expensive. You will earn your own share for each sale you make.
When you refer new people to the program and they start selling products you will earn a little commission from their sales as well. This is how a typical MLM-system works. You probably know many other famous MLM-programs like Mary Kay, Herbalife, and Amway
At the moment it costs $100 to join Norwex MLM-system. However, the price may vary depending on the country and it can change over the time course.
You need to make sales at least worth $250 during every 3-month period in order to maintain the system. If you don’t reach that $250 goal, you can also buy their products to make it. I know that many MLM marketers may struggle to make sales, especially during the first year so you may end up buying lots of their products. Of course, it depends on how much effort you put on selling.
At this point, I would like to mention that making money with Norwex is not a push button to riches. It requires work like any other business. If you’re just starting out, you need to go through the struggles and persist. Many people are not willing to feel that discomfort and that’s why they quit.
Before I show you how Norwex compensation plan works, I would like to share a few ideas that will help you to succeed with this or any other business.
In Norwex you will join a team and it’s determined on the person that referred you into the system. I highly recommend searching for a good team because it can significantly improve your chances of success.
The world-famous motivational speaker who became a millionaire with a MLM-system always said, “You are the average of 5 people you mostly hang around.” That is so true and it’s the reason why I underline that choosing a successful team is one of the most important keys.
This also closely relates to the first one. If you have a good mentor who teaches you the tricks and tips, you are already halfway to success. I heard some people criticizing Norwex training saying it’s not very comprehensive.
However, the Internet is full of training that can lead you to success with Norwex. This training will definitely help you succeed. By the way, I’ll offer you my 1-on-1 support as well.
If you want to succeed in business, there are some struggles. You will make some failures. That’s a normal part of the story. But what is the difference between winners and losers? What is the difference between those who make it and those who fail?
I have seen so many people joining Wealthy Affiliate and starting their journey to making a full-time income online. They had big dreams and ideas. They started the training and maybe earned some money.
But then they faced some challenges. Maybe things didn’t go as they had planned. So they threw in the towel. When I was starting out my websites and earning money online, I was also close quitting. But I’m glad I didn’t because otherwise, I wouldn’t be here where I am today. I have a freedom to move from country to another because I make money online.
I have seen it so many times. Those who keep on going will succeed. That’s the name of the game. Never give up.
The following 3-minute video will explain you Norwex compensation plan in a nutshell. It’s created by a Norwex team member so it’s completely biased, unlike my review. However, I wanted to add it here to show you how their system works.
When we look at reviews of Norwex products it’s hard to find many negative reviews about the quality. The quality of products seems to be great.
However, many people have noticed the fact that Norwex products are like 5 times more expensive than their counterparts. That’s why Norwex complaints mostly concentrate on their high prices. Some people didn’t like that some of their cleaning cloths were so small.
But many reviews describe Norwex cleaning equipment like this:
On the other hand, some people say, “Save your money for the real thing.” They obviously refer to high prices.
A quick conclusion of reviews is that if you are willing to pay the high price, you will most likely enjoy their products. But if the price is a decisive factor for you, I recommend looking for cleaning products somewhere else.
CEO of Norwex. I definitely like his values and ideas.
Is Norwex a pyramid scheme? No.
Is Norwex a scam? No.
Is Norwex worth it? Well, it depends.
Norwex company is making big profits by selling their products because they are quite expensive. On the other hand, they can easily sell them for a high price because people like to associate high price with a higher quality.
Sometimes a $49-product sells, much more than a $29-product. One friend was trying to sell her table for $35 but nobody bought it. Then she rose the price to $100 and somebody bought it immediately. Can you imagine? 😉
Objectively paying a high price for the same product isn’t very wise. That’s why for me personally a low price is usually important. Many times the purpose of a high price is just to make more profit to the company that is selling the product.
If you don’t have any problem with Norwex’ high price you can definitely buy and sell their products. It’s an honest and a legitimate company with more than 20 years of experience in the industry.
I prefer having the freedom to choose what kind of products I promote and what is the price. I can do all of it from the comfort of my own home. If you would like to learn how you can earn a living online, I recommend taking a closer look at this step-by-step training.
It’s not a MLM-program but it will for sure help you to succeed with Norwex as well. In addition, you can get started for completely free unlike with Norwex.
What do you think about Norwex products?
Are you interested in joining Norwex MLM-business?
I promise to reply to all of your comments and questions personally. Looking forward to hearing from you.
It Works! is an interesting company. They have thousands of independent distributors all around the world and the company has sold products worth for billions of dollars during their 16 years in business. They promise to make your skin look better, your weight goes down and your wallet becomes fatter. Is It Works! a Ponzi Scheme or do they really stand behind their works?
Is It Works! a Ponzi Scheme or do they really stand behind their works? In this review I am going to tell you everything you need to know about their system.
Whether you are thinking about buying It Works! products or joining their MLM-program, this article will be ultimately helpful for you.
Name: It Works!
Founded: In 2001 by Mark and Cindy Pentecost
Cost: $99 to Get Started
Type: Multi-Level Marketing System Selling Nutritional, Skin Care and Some Apparel Products
Short Review:
It Works! is a multi-level marketing (MLM) company which is selling different kind of health products: creams, powders, clothes, gels and other equipment.
They have become famous especially because of their body wraps which are called “It Works Ultimate Body Applicator“. They promise that the body wraps will tightens, tones, and firms your body. It’s also supposed to minimize your cellulite and improve the quality of your skin. We’ll take a closer look at those benefits in the next chapter.
It Works! was created by a husband (high school teacher) and a wife who wanted to earn extra income. Some people critcize the company because it wasn’t inspired by some scientific research or finding but two person’s will to make more money. That’s an interesting thing to keep in mind. However, we also need to remember that any business is supposed to make money.
Let’s discuss about It Works! body wraps because they are flagships products of this company.
It Works! ad selling their “crazy wrap thing”.
It Works Ultimate Body Applicator is a wrap that you put around your body and it’s supposed to have several health benefits on your body and skin. The results should be seen already in 45 minutes. There has been lots of controversy about its benefits and negative It Works Reviews are one proof of that.
I want to give you an unbiased answer to a question, “Does It Works! really work?”
Body wraps have more than 40 ingredients. Even though It Works! wants to represent themselves as a natural and green company, many of those ingredients are some chemicals and supplements. Chemistry specialists say that 3 ingredients that make the biggest in your body through the wrap are alcohol, green tea and oil. Yes, you heard right. The wrap contains also alcohol/ethanol.
You can use the body wrap on different parts of your body depending on where you want to see a tighter, firmer and a better skin. You can use it for example on arms, stomach or legs, for example.
You will definitely see some results in your body within 45-60 minutes but the big question is, “Do the results last?” The short answer is, No they don’t.
Several doctors and health specialists have said that It Works! wraps aren’t going to lose your weight or reduce your body fat/cellulite. There aren’t any scientific reasons why it would do that. If you disagree, I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below this article.
However, the body wrap can make your skin look better only for a while. If you use it 45 minutes, your skin can look tighter and toner. But the results don’t last long. That’s why they recommend you to use it at least every second day. Imagine how much time, effort and money will it take to use it 3 times every single week. Why wouldn’t you use that time and money on a membership of a local gym?
It Works! provides also a big number of different kind of nutrition supplements. In my opinion, those products are clearly overpriced compared to their counterparts. You can easily find cheaper but similar products on Amazon, for example.
And then probably the best option is just to get the healthy food in a natural way. Eating fruits and vegetables to get necessary vitamins is cheaper and even better for your body. Of course, it requires some effort to go to buy them into the supermarket but remember that your body is the only vehicle you’ll have during your whole life. I recommend taking a good care of it.
At this point, we can already say that It Works! isn’t really worth joining. Why wouldn’t anyone join a program that has bad products?
If you are interested in better ways to earn a living online, I recommend taking a look at the program that helped me to achieve it. Their training and support literally changed my life. At the moment I am planning to move to a cheap country because my income won’t change even though my cost of living will go down.
Instead of me talking about their compensation plan I think it’s better that a person who likes and uses their system in a day-to-day basis shows you how it works. In this video Kami Pentecost explains you It Works! compensation plan and gives 5 tips to succeed with their program.
My opinion of It Works! is completely different than Kami’s. She’s openly promoting the program while I think it’s not worth joining. The video is embedded here just for educational purposes.
It Works! has also long explanations of their compensation plan on their website. It’s 16 pages long and the interesting fact is that there’s only a few paragraphs (or one page) talking how you can earn money by selling their products. The rest talked about earning money by recruiting new members into their system.
One of the most important characteristics of a pyramid scheme (or a Ponzi scheme) is that they highly concentrate on recruiting rather than selling their products. It gives a clear sign that their biggest is not the high value of the products but on pumping the system by getting new people in.
The system works as long as new people keep on joining but the pyramid collapses when people realize it’s not worth joining and It Works! fails to recruit new members. That’s how thousands of pyramid schemes finally come to an end including the infamous Empower Network.
You can find some It Works! testimonials on the Internet praising their products. However, you need to notice that those people and websites are affiliated with It Works! and they earn commissions when they make sales.
Most of the articles on the Internet, however, clearly show that It Works! is just a pyramid scheme giving you false promises.
Doctors and experts are saying that you can get the same effects on your stomach and your body by running 5 minutes or by not eating for a while as using It Works! body wraps. It gives only short-term results that don’t last for long.
As the old saying says, “Easy come, easy go.” It’s easy to use It Works! products but the results will go away as fast as they have come. Wraps will only make little cosmetic changes in your body but not physiological changes.
There are hundreds of reviews of It Works! on the Internet and results are pretty negative. For example, the rating on NutritionInspector.com is 2 out of 5 based on 617 votes. In addition, their Amazon reviews give much lower ratings than what their competitors get.
It Works! is not BBB (Butter Business Bureau) accredited and you can see the C+ rating on their website which is quite bad in my opinion. There are 376 complaints on BBB website already at the moment about It Works!
It Works! seems to be expensive and unreliable. Not a good combination in my opinion. It’s not exactly a Ponzi scheme because they are providing some products. However, it’s clearly a pyramid scheme because they pay much bigger attention on recruiting rather than providing high quality products.
Imagine what you could do with $700-1,200 per year that you’ll save when you don’t join It Works! You can buy a membership to your favorite gym and get to the best shape of your life. Or you can go through a training in Wealthy Affiliate to learn to earn a living from home. Actually, you can do both of those things with $700 per year. So what’s holding you back?
If you are looking for great ways to earn money while getting to a better shape, I recommend taking a closer look at HealthyWage. You can earn up to $10,000 by losing weight.
That’s all for today. I hope that you enjoyed my It Works! Review and you will love It Works! alternatives that I mentioned in the end.
Now, let’s start the discussion in the comments section. As usual, I promise to answer to all of your questions and comments personally (usually within 24 hours).
What do you think about “It Works!”
What are your favorite ways to get fit or to earn money online?
Imagine if you could join your forces with a partner that has been already more than 60 years in business. All his experience, wisdom and products would be with you. That’s possible with Shaklee.
However, I am not affiliated with their system and in this review, I am going to show you why. Is Shaklee a scam? Is Shaklee worth it? Are their products any good? You will get answers to all of these questions in the next 1-3 minutes by reading my honest review.
I have reviewed more than 300 make money online opportunities and tens of MLMs so I know how to evaluate Shaklee. I am sure you’ll enjoy the article and find it helpful!
Name: Shaklee
Founded: In 1956 by Dr. Forrest Shaklee
Advertised Cost to Get Started: $349
Type: MLM-Program. Healthy Weight, Nutrition, Home, Beauty Products
Short Review: Shaklee has a long experience in the health industry. They are offering a large range of high-quality products. In my opinion, their products are too expensive if you care about price/quality ratio. If you don’t care so much about the price, the products are fine.
As a money-making opportunity, I would rather recommend this program because then you are not stuck with the same products. You can sell any products you want and earn a living anywhere in the world.
Shaklee Homepage
Shaklee is a health-based Multi-level marketing (MLM) program that has been around already for more than 60 years. That’s pretty huge time to be in the business while most businesses fail during the first 5 years. They are still going strong and there are no signs that Shaklee would go out of business in anytime soon.
In this article, I am going to evaluate Shaklee as a business opportunity but I’ll also take a look at their products. If you are considering joining their business, it’s important to evaluate whether Shaklee products are worth it or not.
Over the years Shaklee has added a huge number of new products and nowadays their catalog is pretty impressive. Let’s have a closer look at what they are offering nowadays.
Shaklee offers many kinds of healthy products
I assume that you already know something about Shaklee products when you came to read this article. They have the idea of being “Green, natural, organic and healthy.” I am sure this appeals to many women and also some men nowadays.
However, you need to notice that many companies are making their prices higher when they add the word “organic” or “green” to their products. Those are magical words that somehow add value and the price. Don’t be fooled by that marketers’ trick.
In this article, we can’t go through all the products but I would like to raise a few questions:
There are hundreds (or even more) similar MLM-programs like Shaklee in the world right now: Zija, Herbalife, Zurvita, and so on. Of course, they have some little differences in their products, compensation plans, and marketing speeches. But all of them have one big thing in common:
All these MLM-systems claim that they have the best products in the world.
Why would a customer bother to buy Shaklee products when he can find similar products from a supermarket for 5-10 times cheaper? In my opinion, it’s a highly important question to answer before you can consider joining Shaklee. Many people say they have a better quality but the challenge is that all companies say quality is better. I am just giving you questions to think about so you can make up your mind.
The following video is created by Shaklee distributors and they’ll carefully explain to you how their system works. Notice that the video contains some promotional material because it’s created by one of their distributors. However, it’ll explain the compensation plan well. That’s why embedded the video here.
Here’s a screenshot from the video which explains a little bit how you can make money with Shaklee:
Notice that these numbers are “up to xx %”. It means that you will earn maximum 50% profit on the sale of products which is pretty good for a seller.
Many MLM-programs want to make you think that there are numerous income streams. That’s partially true but on the other hand also a bit misleading. You are completely dependent on their system unlike with affiliate marketing where you really have numerous income streams.
There are two activities to earn money with Shaklee:
That’s how it simply works. The more products you sell and the more new members you recruit, the more money you will earn. If you want to make big money, you need to recruit lots of people or boost your sales online. This step-by-step training could significantly help you to succeed with Shaklee or other MLM-programs.
The cheapest option on Shaklee to get started costs at the moment $349 (sometimes $299) so you would need some initial investments in the beginning. In addition, you’ll most likely spend money on their products if you continue in their system.
Shaklee has a better reputation than most of its competitors. They are enjoying many positive reviews all around the Internet. Naturally, their experience beats most of their competitors who don’t have so many skills and experience in the health industry.
Despite their high prices, Shaklee products are also getting tons positive reviews on Amazon. It seems that many people are ready to pay $50 for a little bottle of wellness pills. In addition, their protein powders have many 4 or even 5 out of 5 ratings on customer reviews. If you are ready to pay 2-5 times higher price to get their products, then they could also be suitable for you.
However, there are also many people who don’t recommend joining Shaklee nor buying their products. More than 95% of people fail to make a significant money with their system. You need lots of hard work and persistence like with any other MLM-program.
Some people even claimed that Shaklee is a pyramid scheme. Is that true? Let’s have a look in the next chapter.
Even though all MLM-systems are working in a form of a pyramid Shaklee is not an illegal pyramid scheme. They have products and the only focus is not on recruiting.
Shaklee is accredited by BBB (Better Business Bureau) and they have an A+ rating which is the best possible. You have also probably figured out with common sense that a company that has been in the business for 50-60 years, can’t really be an illegal pyramid scheme.
The fact that Shaklee isn’t a pyramid scheme doesn’t mean that you should join it. There are thousands of reliable MLM-businesses in the world so you can’t invest your time on all of them. I don’t personally want to join Shaklee for several reasons. Let me explain them in the last chapter.
In my opinion, Shaklee is not worth it. Their products are so expensive that I prefer using my time and money on products that have a better price/quality ratio. Then it would be a bit dumb to join their MLM-program if I am not using their products myself. The best product to sell is something that you use yourself. So, in my opinion, Shaklee isn’t worth it.
I am not a big fan of MLM-programs for several reasons that I have discussed in other posts. One of the reasons is that their products are most of the time overpriced compared to their counterparts. And, of course, their systems are usually more complicated than affiliate marketing. Many MLMs are pretty shady and there’s lots of controversy going on. It doesn’t deny the fact that some of them are great businesses.
Anyhow, I can honestly recommend Wealthy Affiliate because their program has taught me how to make a living online. It’s not an MLM-program but I’ll offer you personal support during your journey. Then they have a comprehensive step-by-step training which walks you through everything you need to know to make money online. In addition, you can get started for completely free.
What do you think about Shaklee? Do you think their program or products are really worth it?
Have you tried Wealthy Affiliate to make money online?
I’ll be more than happy to discuss with you about different online business opportunities. Also, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to leave them below and I’ll be more than happy to help you out.
Do you want to get fit? Would you like to get a better focus? Would you like to have a better physical health and fitness? Zurvita promises all those things with their Zeal for Life products.
Is Zurvita a scam? Is Zurvita a pyramid scheme? There are many questions that may come to your mind whether you are thinking about joining their MLM-system or buying their products.
In this article, I will answer all of your questions regarding Zurvita. I’ll show interesting Zurvita Zeal for Life Reviews and give my honest opinion of their system. I have experience of more than 300 make money online opportunities so I can give you an insightful opinion for sure.
Name: Zurvita
Founded: Zurvita was founded in 2000. Zeal for Life products were created in 2008.
Cost: $35 Minimum
Type: Health MLM-System
Short Review: Zurvita is an honest company and Zeal For Life products are enjoying positive reviews on Amazon. However, +99% of Zurvita members don’t make even a full-time income. That’s why I don’t highly recommend their program.
If you want to increase your chances your success or learn to make money online, have a look at My #1 Recommendation. That program helped me to make a living online and quit my 9 to 5 job. If I can do it, you can do it.
Zurvita Homepage
Zurvita is an American MLM-company which was founded back in 2000. They started growing and back in 2008 Zurvita created their interesting series of products called Zeal for Life. They promise to give several important benefits to your life including a better focus and a quality of life. Zeal for Life products include
In my opinion, the list sounds pretty impressive. On the other hand, Zeal For Life products are pretty expensive. Will you get enough quality for the buck? Let’s have a look a bit further but I can already tell that many people are enjoying Zeal for Life Products. However, most (99%) of their distributors are earning only a very small money for their efforts.
The MLM-program Juice Plus, I am not promoting Juice Plus or Zurvita but I am interested in new business opportunities and improving my health and the quality of life. That’s why I wanted to find out if Zurvita would be worth joining or not. I bet you would also be interested in how I learned to make money online because you could do the same as well. Just click the picture to get started immediately:
Whether you are thinking about joining Zurvita MLM-business or buying their products, it’s important to have a closer look at what they are selling. Your success in any business will depend whether the products you are selling are good or not. If you sell useless products, you’ll lose the reputation. But if your products are top-notch, people are willing to buy even more.
Zurvita offers many kinds of nutrition products: fat burners, cleansers, protein supplementation, and health powders. The following information and a screenshot are from their own website:
Zurvita Zeal For Life and Zurvita Protein
Zurvita says that people have reported at least the following benefits while using Zeal For Life Products:
That sounds perfect. If I could get all those (or even some) benefits, I would immediately start using their products. However, a closer research showed me that it’s probably not worth it. I’m not into overpriced luxury products. Their prices are so much higher than their counterparts.
Despite their high price, Zeal for Life products is getting high ratings on Amazon.
$35 to get started
First of all, you need to buy their Welcome Kit which costs $35. It’s a reasonable price to get started but of course, they hope that you would spend much more money on their products in the future. Why would you promote health and fitness products that you aren’t even using yourself? In my opinion, the easiest product to sell is something that you use yourself.
Anyhow, after buying their first kit you can start earning commissions by selling their products and recruiting new people. Then you will earn commissions also from your downlines like in other MLM-programs.
The commission for each sale is 20% which tells us how big profit Zurvita makes for each product. 20% profits are quite huge for physical products. What do you think?
Let’s have a closer look at their compensation plan so you’ll get an idea how much you could be earning with Zurvita.
Instead of me explaining how their compensation plan works, I let Zurvita distributor tell you how everything runs. Notice that in this video they are trying to promote Zurvita at the same time when the guy is explaining the system. I don’t promote their system but attached this video just for your information about their compensation plan.
In addition, to commissions from your downlines and sales, Zurvita offers Builder Bonuses, Car Program, Promotional Rings, and more. They are created to keep you motivated while selling their products and system for other people.
A positive thing about Zurvita is that they don’t have a monthly minimum goal in order to continue in their system. Many MLM-programs require that you make each month at least $200 in sales, for example. Usually, that kind of rules force new distributors to buy lots of their program and the company wins even more.
I bet you are thinking if Zurvita is a good opportunity for you or not. First, I would like to show you how much money people are really earning with this system. Have a look at their income statement below:
Around 0,5% of Zurvita consultants are earning a full-time income. (These statistics are from 2 years ago but they show us the earning potential with Zurvita.)
Most people who join Zurvita will never make more than $100 per month. You need to deal with that fact. Around 85% of people fall in the category where the monthly average earnings are $11 or $31. What do you think about those numbers? We don’t know how much effort those people have put to earn even $31 per month.
Only a handful of people is making a full-time income with Zurvita. We all know that +90% of starting businesses will never make it. I know from my own experience that building a business requires lots of persistence and hard work. There’s no easy way to go. The same goes with Zurvita.
In my opinion, your chances to succeed are even smaller with Zurvita because their products are overpriced and statistics show how a small number of people will ever make it.
I have read several Zurvita Zeal for Life Reviews and there are some similar characteristics in most of them:
Zeal For Life business opportunity offers you a chance to earn passive income and quit your 9 to 5 job. However, it won’t be easy for sure and +99% of their members fail in that mission. That’s why I don’t fully recommend this opportunity for you. There are better possibilities out there.
Zeal For Life products are legitimate and many people are giving them highly positive reviews. However, their products are not for everyone. Zeal For Life are overpriced luxurious products for people who have more money. There are products with a better price/quality ratio out there. But if the high price isn’t a problem, you can for sure test some of their products.
I don’t recommend joining their MLM-system unless you aren’t using their products yourself. But if you are loving Zurvita products, you can consider joining. I just want you to keep in mind that the success in this (or any other) business requires lots of hard work. More than 90% of all businesses fail and more than 97% of Zurvita businesses fail.
If you would like to increase your chances of success, I recommend taking a look at this training. It taught me to make a living online. I’ll offer you my 1-on-1 support when you go through the training. You can always come to me with any questions you have.
By the way, it’s completely free to get started. It’s pretty inspiring because I haven’t seen anyone failing who continued with the training more than 2 years.
What do you think about Zurvita: Zeal for Life as a business opportunity?
What are your favorite online business models?
“Earn up to $3,000 per day!” When you hear claims like that, it’s important to ask yourself, “Is Saivian a scam?” or “Is Saivian a Ponzi scheme?” In this review, I am going to give you honest and unbiased answers to all of your questions regarding their program.
I am not affiliated with Saivian so I don’t earn money from them by writing this review.
At first, I was quite interested in Saivian opportunity but after making my research I became convinced that it’s not worth joining. Read here why.
Name: Saivian
Founded: In 2015 by John Seehan
Cost: $125 Membership Fee Each 28 Days (=$1625/year)
Field: Cash Back Program (Multi-Level Marketing system)
Short Review: Saivian offers a 20% cash back on all your purchases. However, it’s made only to get you into their expensive membership which costs $125/28 days. Most the income in their system will come from recruiting new people in their pyramid. When new members stop joining, the system collapses.
I don’t recommend Saivian because it seems to be a Ponzi scheme without any real value. If you are interested in earning a living online, I recommend taking a closer look at My #1 Recommendation. I started their program +2 years ago and nowadays I am a full-time online marketer. That training really works and you can get started for free.
If you are looking for a cash back program, then I recommend using Ebates (get $10 gift card immediately when you register for free).
Saivian is a cash back company that promises to pay you 20% back for all of your everyday purchases in stores like Walmart, Target, Starbucks, etc. It sounds already pretty exciting but they offer a more lucrative program for recruiting new people into their program.
You can earn anything between $5 and $3,000 per day for recruiting new people to Saivian. $3,000 per day equals to $1,010,000 per year. I don’t know about you but for me, such income would be great. Yes, I make a living online but it’s still far from $1,000,000 per year. Maybe one day I’ll reach it but I’m sure that I’m not going to join Saivian to make it. Read further why.
The popularity of Saivian has been rapidly rising since 2015.
It’s interesting to see that Saivian is so dramatically growing. I am quite convinced that the system will collapse in the following years because they don’t have a real business.
Saivian charges a high membership fee of $125 from all their members. So, you just need to pay that money to get started. They charge it every 28 days so you’ll pay it 13 times a year. It makes their yearly membership fee $1,625.
You may think that paying $125/28 days for Saivian membership isn’t so much because they pay you up to $250 each 28 days. However, you need to be careful. They don’t pay you $250 right away. It takes at least 90 days that you get paid.
First, you need to spend that $1,250 that they are willing to pay you $250. Then you need to wait 30 days that receipts get for Saivian staff. They will use 30 days for approving them and then after the next 30 days you will get the money. Why do they have so complicated system? To take more money from you in the membership fees.
You need to pay at least 4 monthly fees before earning $250 cash back. It means that you pay $500 (+$1,250 purchases) before getting your $250. Can you see who is winning here? Saivian is winning and the customer is losing.
I recommend having a look at a better and more reliable program for making money by clicking the picture below.
Cash back is actually a “side product” of Saivian. You can make the much more money by recruiting new people to their system. When you move up in the ladder (pyramid) you can earn even up to $3,000 per day.
I’ll show you a beginning of their ladder:
The more people you recruit, the more you get paid. This video also explains how Saivian Compensation plan works:
NOTICE: The video contains promotional material so be careful. The presenter may not mention all the cons of the program.
At this point, you have probably realized that it’s not a typical cash back program but an MLM where you earn the most of your money by recruiting new people. Is Saivian a pyramid scheme? It means that most of the focus is on recruiting rather than on the product. Or is it even a Ponzi scheme where the product doesn’t have any value itself and all of the money is created from new members.
You noticed that you need to pay a high membership fee for getting cash backs. That’s Saivian’s idea. They charge huge fees so they can pay you some money back for your purchases. In the long run, you will lose money if you don’t have at least 3 people in your downline each month paying expensive fees as well.
In my opinion, cash back thing is just trying to deceive us to believe that they really would have a legitimate business here. But as in Ponzi schemes, the “product” doesn’t really exist. It’s just made up so that new members could join the system believing there is some real value. Another important characteristic of Ponzi is that they promise an extremely high return on your investments.
Saivian can pay you as long as new members keep on joining. If new members don’t join the program, the pyramid collapses. That’s how all Ponzi schemes work. That’s why they don’t last for long. People start to realize that it’s a scam and they don’t join. People who have read my Saivian Review understand that it’s not worth joining.
At the moment Saivian website is down but they say new updated version is coming out soon. The future will show if it’s really coming or has the system finally collapsed.
Saivian is not a part of Direct Selling Association (DSA) and their Better Business Bureau (BBB) rating is the worst possible = F.
Customers have left reviews of Saivian on BBB and the average rating is 2,2 out of 5. Here’s one example:
This member definitely didn’t like Saivian. (There’s probably a typo: It should be July 2016 instead of 2017.)
Many reliable online entrepreneurs have researched the system and they aren’t recommending Saivian for their audience. Lots of negative reviews are one of the most important scam signs.
One Internet marketer said that she was earning a good money with the Saivian system but decided to stop because she realized the program wasn’t providing any real value. It was just a cash gifting program like Crowd Rising or Too Damn Easy. The idea is just to move money from new members to old members. Old members make a good money while newcomers pay them.
Many members have also reported that Saivian hasn’t paid them even though they promised. They have been waiting for the payment already for months but nothing happened. In addition, it’s a bit frustrating to work with Saivian Support because sometimes they aren’t responding and their responses are not always very polite.
Yes, it is. You shouldn’t join their program because it’s not a legitimate business. If you join their program, you can’t get a refund. You’re lucky that you landed on my review if you still haven’t joined their program. Don’t waste your money.
I have more good news for you. My website YourOnlineRevenue.com is created for teaching you to make a living online. I teach methods and tips what I use to earn money on the Internet.
I think that anyone can learn to make a living online. I have seen college students, stay-at-home moms, retired people, men, women and all kinds of people who make it. In my opinion, two most important things for succeeding are a great training and support/mentoring.
Wealthy Affiliate provides a comprehensive step-by-step training on how you can make a living online. You can get started for completely free with 0 risks (no credit cards needed). The best thing is that I’ll offer you my 1-on-1 support. I want you to succeed so you can ask me any questions you need to make a living online.
What do you think about Saivian? Would you like to learn how to make honest money online?
I’ll be happy to give a personal response to all of your comments.
The fifth-largest beauty company and the second largest direct selling company in the Universe. That’s called Avon. Their annual turnover has been around $10 billion during the last years. Still, people have been asking all over the Internet, “Is Avon a Pyramid Scheme?” or even “Is Avon a Scam?”
In this review, I’ll give you my opinion of Avon business opportunity and we’ll also take a look at their products. In my opinion, Avon is highly interesting company and they have a fascinating story but there are also things that I don’t like.
Spend the next 1-3 minutes with me and let’s discuss Avon. I am not affiliated with Avon and I am not earning any money by writing this review. My website has researched already around 300 make money online programs so we decided to research Avon as well.
Name: Avon
Founded: 1884
Price for Starting: $25 minimum
Type: Multi-Level Marketing. Beauty and Wellness.
Short Review: I prefer Avon over many similar MLM-programs. They have a good background of more than 130 years in the industry to back them up. Their products are not overpriced like many counterparts. You have also a possibility to great support from your upline.
However, success with Avon requires lots of selling and recruiting. Easy money doesn’t exist there. This step-by-step training will for sure help you to make more sales. I use it nowadays to make my living online.
Avon home page is colorful and fresh. Targeted for women.
“Avon – the company for women.” That’s their slogan.
Avon is a multi-level marketing company that sells beauty and wellness products all around the world. They fall in the same category like Mary Kay, Jeunesse, Younique and tens of others similar companies. However, there are things that separate Avon from all of the others.
Avon has been founded already back in 1884. Imagine! That’s more than 130 years in the business. It’s pretty impressive while most companies stop during the first 5 years. +130 years in the business tells that they are doing something right.
It’s interesting to see that during the last 5 years their popularity has been going down. There may be many reasons why this is happening. The competition in beauty business is tough and many people don’t like MLM-companies so much anymore.
The popularity of Avon has been slowly decreasing during the last few years.
Anyhow, it’s still a legitimate business opportunity and you can make a full-time income by selling their products. Before digging deeper into their business aspect, let’s take a quick look at Avon products.
The list of Avon products is huge.
As you can see, the main focus is on women’s products. They have also added some men’s products like deodorants, grooming, fragrance, etc. but their focus group is clearly women.
In this picture you can have a look at their new products and best sellers in the makeup section:
Avon makeup bestsellers and 2 new products.
Many MLM-products are highly overpriced because of the company structure. However, Avon products are much cheaper than many of their counterparts. It makes me glad because I have seen MLMs that sell their makeup products for a huge price.
On the other hand, when prices are cheaper people tend to think that the quality is lower. It may be true with some products but I have seen that the price really isn’t the only decisive factor in MLM-products.
I have heard many network marketers saying, “It’s much better to sell one product for $100 than 100 products for $1. That’s why we put our prices higher.” They don’t really care about providing the best price/value ratio for their customers because the biggest focus is on making a profit. I don’t like that attitude and that’s why I’m glad Avon isn’t selling highly overpriced products.
Now we come to an interesting part. My website is dedicated to teaching how you can earn honest money online so it’s interesting to talk about Avon as a business opportunity.
There are basically two ways how you can make money with Avon: 1.selling their products and 2.recruiting new people.
You will earn commissions from all of your sales depending on your level. The more you sell, the bigger percentage you will be earning. When your sales are under $50, the commission percentage is 0% but when they go over $1,575 you will earn commissions up to 50%. In other words, you will gain momentum by selling more.
There are two ways to sell Avon products:
If you sell their products face-to-face, you can show products on Avon catalog and explain the details. Next clients tell you what they want to order. You make an order on Avon platform and they ship products for you. Then you can take products to clients.
Selling Avon products is way easier online, in my opinion. You can leave their links on your personal beauty blog or on your Facebook page. Then people just go to Avon and order products to their home. You just get a notification that you made a sale. Simple, huh? Actually, that’s how I make money online. The last night I made around $200 in sales online while I was sleeping. Just click a picture below to learn more.
You can make good money also just by recruiting people who will make sales. Then you’ll earn the commissions from all of their sales. The video below explains in detail Avon compensation plan for 2017.
NOTE: The video is created by Avon representative so it contains some promotional material.
The truth is that if you want to succeed with any MLM-business, you need to become a great salesperson (and a recruiter). You need to sell lots of products to earn commissions and sell the system for new potential distributors. Things are a bit easier nowadays because you can do the selling online as well. If you have a large audience, you can immediately make a good income by promoting almost any product.
If you think Avon would be a great fit for you, their Quick Starter Kit costs $25. That’s the cheapest package to get started. Then they have also packages to get started with Advanced Starter Kit $50 or Premium Starter Kit $100. The more you pay, the more products and resources you will get.
There are hundreds and even thousands of Avon reviews on the Internet. Many people have tried their program all around the world. Many of them have quit after some time but some became successful and they are still continuing in the Avon system.
Many people naturally like the aspect that you can be your own boss. You can work whenever and wherever you want. However, that also gives you a great responsibility. Many people failed because they weren’t used to working for themselves. It can be easier to get things done when somebody is telling you what to do.
Some Avon representatives highly enjoyed support from their uplines. Your recruiter wants you to succeed because he will earn commissions from all of your sales. When you make a sale, he gets money. So, you have a good upline, it can help you a lot. Support is probably one of the biggest benefits of MLMs. On the other hand, I have also read many reviews where people said that the support wasn’t so good as they expected and it was one of the biggest reasons they quit.
Most people quit if they aren’t able to make enough money. The cold fact is that ~90% MLM-marketers never make more than they spend in the system.
Avon is not a pyramid scheme because their only focus is not on recruiting new people. They also pay great attention to the products and sales.
Do I recommend joining Avon? I leave the choice to you but I’ll give you a few clues that help you to decide.
Here are some characteristics that can make a successful Avon representative:
If you find (some of) those characteristics in yourself, you can expect some sort of success.
In the end, I would also show you a way how I make a living online. You can apply exactly same steps, tools and principles for your success.
Have you considered joining Avon?
Would you like to learn also other ways to earn money online?
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to leave them below and I’ll be more than happy to come back to you.
More than 157,000 members have joined Empower Network and the number is counting. They promise to teach you 3 steps how you can make money while still having a life. They mean that you can have a freedom to work from your laptop and do basically whatever you want.
That sounds cool but there are also tons of complaints of Empower Network and many people are saying it’s a scam. Is Empower Network a pyramid scheme or will they really help you to make a living online?
You’ll get all the information you need in this honest review.
Name: Empower Network
Owners/ Founders: David Wood & David Sharpe
Field: Multi -Level Marketing
Membership: Paid
Overall Ranking: 15 out of 100
Short Conclusion: The main problem with Empower Network is that they just teach you to promote their own program. You’ll probably learn some useful marketing techniques and online business skills along the way but it will cost you tons of time and money.
Only 1% of members are making a significant income with this system and those are the “early-joiners”.
I recommend that you don’t take part to Empower Network unless you have $5,000 of extra cash and you want to join an unethical company. If you are looking for ways to make money online, have a closer look at Wealthy Affiliate. That program had taught me and thousands of other people how to make a living online.
Empower Network homepage is convincing and well built. It pushes you to create an account and get started immediately.
Empower Network is a Multi-level marketing that offers people the opportunity to make money online. They host a large community of publishing and blogging platforms online. Also, they offer training products and services to small businesses, start-ups, and online marketers.
Empower Network was founded by David Wood and David Sharpe who specialize in traffic blogging and paid traffic.
There are six business and marketing tools offered by Empower Network. These include video hosting and their blogging platform which they are famous for. The Empower Network gives commissions on the sale of their products.
The main objective of Empower Network is to help their members find it easier to promote the company’s products. Their members say that the company does a very good job with rankings and viral keywords to get the most traffic.
However, Empower Network has been called a pyramid scheme by tens of reliable online entrepreneurs. This is based on its features and how they operate. But unlike many pyramid schemes, they have a product line.
You need to get others to join and become your downline by all means necessary, it’s the only way you can make money.Like other pyramid schemes, the potential of earning some good money is mainly dependent on your recruiting efforts.
You can see on Google Trends that the popularity of Empower Network is quickly dying.
If you already have a huge following or contacts, it could be easy to make money with Empower Network. You need to refer as many people as you can to Empower Networks, and without a substantial following there’s little money to be made. This is a proven way to break even on Empower Network.
Empower Network requires some level of funding before you can start to reap the benefits. You should be prepared to spend about $5,000 on subscriptions and packages. I know that it’s a too big amount of money for most people to invest in a program that has so bad reputation among successful online marketers.
Compared to my most recommended online business programs, the price of Empower Network is huge. For example, my #1 recommendation Wealthy Affiliate is completely free to join. In addition, you can get all premium features for less than $1 per day with their yearly membership. It’s a way better deal than what Empower Network offers. Just click a picture below to get started.
Empower charges a monthly fee like many other MLM companies with promises of high commissions. There are different levels/packages offered with different benefits. The more you pay, the more you can possibly earn.
It is free to sign up on the website, but you have to pay the basic level fee to get activated.
-The basic Empower Network membership costs $25 a month. This package comes with a blogging website that is fully operational and easy to use. It’s a big money compared that you can get the high-quality and free websites here.
– If you want to focus on promoting Empower Network products in order to earn commissions, you will be charged a monthly fee of $19. Usually, you don’t need to pay anything to join affiliate programs. Sometimes the companies pay you or give rewards for signing up if you have a large amount of followers. Empower Network uses a different strategy
– A monthly fee of $100 will be added should you decide to join the inner circle. In addition, there are other additional features and upsells that you need to sign up for. If you want to manage your emails with prospects, you have to buy an autoresponder which costs usually minimum $19 per month.
The Empower Network has been criticized by many who consider it as a drain pipe for funds with little returns. Others have supported the company by suggesting that you join only if you are willing to put in everything to make money. Those who are supporting them, are naturally their partners and earn commissions when you join in.
The Empower Network products are a variety of upsells or packages offered by the company to its member’s affiliates. The products will help you market Empower Network products in a far more easier way.
Previously ‘Blog Beast’ is the flagship product of the company. It is fully functional and designed for marketing. It is pretty much “plug and plays”, so it is safe to say that when you pay for a Kalatu blogging system, you are paying for a ready-made blog.
Empower Network claims that this blogging system will get your content ranking and. This is because it is fully optimized for marketing. You do not need to pay a whole lot for a web designer as Empower Network charges just $25. However, why would you pay for this when you can get a blogging system for completely free?
This is a collection of motivational audios of successful entrepreneurs. They were made to give affiliates the morale boost and positivity that they need to be successful. It can also be regarded as a mindset training of some sorts.
The motivational audios can be listened to at any time, but preferably while jogging, doing house chores, and so on. Membership costs $100 per month.
This product is targeted towards business owners. This program illustrates all that you need to do to become a top producer. Empower Network states that the Top Producer Formula is great for people looking to learn what the top earners are doing.
Team Building Formula helps you understand how to build a formidable team that can increase profit. This program will show you how you can apply the laws of team building to your business. TBF costs $1000 and it’s targeted for people who are having a hard time building a profitable team. All the essentials of team building are in this formula.
Empower Network is using a classical marketing trick by using pictures where people are so happy and smiling.
The Mass Influence Formula is all about getting what you want. In MLM, influence plays a major role in achieving great results. This formula will show you to win people over. This formula will arm you with the necessary methods of persuasion all of which are backed by scientific studies. This formula costs $3500
For those who find the compensation plan of Empower Network quite complicated or confusing, here is a brief summary.
Compensations are paid only on Empower Network products that you purchase. If you do not qualify, Compensations are paid to your uplines on products purchased by your downlines.
You are entitled to 100% compensation on all products. You will receive a payment of $3000 for a $3500 sale.
According to the compensations structure, you get 100% at the basic $25 level for the 1st to 7th new members you sign up. Your sponsor will get 100% compensation on the 2nd, 4th, and 6th person you sign up.
There is a $19.99 monthly fee that you will be required to pay in order to sell Empower Network products. This is where the founders make a big profit. In addition, they earn from all members who don’t manage to sell their products.
If you want to see how Empower Network is presented by their member, you can have a look at this video below. Notice that the guy is promoting EN so his opinions are biased.
The Internet is full of Empower Network review because the system became quite popular for some reason a few years ago. Probably people who had invested thousands of dollars wanted to win their money back so they started selling the system for other people. However, the big buzz of Empower Network is over because people have realized it’s a scam.
The most common complaints say that there isn’t a real product inside of this “system”. The main product is to learn to promote their own system. What kind of system is that? A pyramid scheme.
Another thing what people don’t like in this system is that they don’t reveal you all costs right off the bat. You will be hooked little by little into their program. Let me make it straight: If you really want to earn money with Empower Network, you need to have at least $5,000 to get started.
The interesting thing about joining Empower Network is definitely that you will have a possibility to earn passive income online unlike in a normal 9 to 5 job. However, 99% of members will never make good passive income with their system. If you are really interested in making +$10,000/month passive income online, have a look how these guys are making it. If you do what other successful people do, you will eventually get the same results that they do.
What else could we call it than a pyramid scheme?
Yes, EN has paid their members commissions honestly but the system itself is something ridiculous. It’s just better to save your money and use it for building a real online business.
You don’t need to invest a single dollar to get started with my #1 recommended program. Actually, I recommend you to join for free rather than paying anything at first so you can look around and get to know basics of earning money online.
When I joined Wealthy Affiliate some years ago I didn’t have any experience of online marketing. I decided to sign up for a free account. It only took 10 seconds and I didn’t need to give any of my personal information. Just my first name and an email address.
Then I went through a big part of their free training during the next two months and I was convinced that the system works. I bought the premium membership which is very cheap compared to other similar programs. I am still today a premium member in Wealthy Affiliate because their tools like domain hosting, community, support, keyword tool and other things help me to run my online business.
The best advice I can give is if I can do it, you can do it. When you join WA I’ll also personally welcome you inside and give you my 1-on-1 help when you are building your own online business.
Has someone recruited you to Empower Network?
Would you like to learn how to make a full-time income from home using honest programs and methods?
Leave comments and questions below and I’ll be more than happy to follow up with you.
There are so many different programs that use multi-level marketing. The company Forever Living is no different. A lot of people are wondering whether or not this company is a scam or if you can actually make a substantial income. This article will show you everything you need to know!
Name: Forever Living
Founded: In 1978 by Rex Maughan
Field: Multi-Level Marketing Programs
Overall Rank: 45 Out of 100. Forever Living is an honest MLM-program. They have own benefits but products are a bit overpriced and the system isn’t perfect.
You would probably love to see My #1 Recommendation with an overall ranking 98 Out of 100. I have used that system myself already for more than 2 years and it’s bringing me bigger and bigger income every month.
Forever Living Homepage
Forever Living was established in Scottsdale, Arizona in 1978 by Rex Maughan. This company is one of the world’s largest producers of aloe vera products and they are able to control cost and quality through the entire process because they own their own aloe plantations and warehouses. They don’t outsource.
While a lot of other multi-level marketing companies usually only target women, this company offers products for everyone! Some years ago the company reported having over 4,000 employees and 9.3 million distributors. They also had a revenue of $1.7 billion. With numbers like that, they must be doing something right!
Forever Living offers many aloe products for everything from health to beauty. Not only can you buy aloe products but you can buy products that are made by bees, products that will help charities, and accessories.
There are so many different products that Forever Living offers. They naturally say that every single product that Forever Living product is rigorously tested. Not only does the company screen the materials before production begins but they also test all the products during production and a third and final time once the product is done.
These are Forever Living product categories:
Another great thing about these products is that none of them are tested on animals. They also have received the Islamic Seal of Approval, Kosher Rating, and they are certified by the International Aloe Science Council.
You should remember that talking about their high quality is a part of their marketing speech. Every single MLM-company loves to explain how their products are tested in the best laboratories of the world by leading scientists of the Universe.
While all this is good for the products, one thing you have to realize is that the prices are much higher than a similar product you can buy at the store. For example, a 3.25oz stick of deodorant is $6.63 and a 12oz bottle of shampoo is $19.20. That’s around 3-4 times higher price what I usually pay in the supermarket.
Like most multi-level marketing products, they are so expensive because there are so many people who will get paid. While the prices are higher than a product from a store, you could still order a sample to try it out if you want. Think about Herbalife, Mary Kay, Amway and hundreds of other MLMs. All of them naturally say that their products are the best in the world.
Many people don’t recognize any difference between supermarket and Forever Living products. I mean the only significant difference is the price. Forever Living has added aloe vera to their products. That’s probably the most significant difference. However, I don’t like the fact that MLM-systems are always putting some extra on their prices.
After seeing everything Forever Living has to offer, you may be wondering how you can start selling and making money. The first thing you’re going to have to do is go to the website and apply to be a distributor.
Before you can even see how much you will have to invest, you have to actually sign up. Once you do you will be given an ID and temporary password.
“Be your own boss”, is the phrase that MLM-companies love to use.
Once you login you will be able to buy your first kit. The cheapest is the Mini Touch of Forever. This is priced at $176.24. With that being said, you have to spend money before you can even begin to think about making money.
While this is the cheapest kit, keep in mind that you want to have as many products with you so you can actually show people. This will end up having you spend more money.
The cold fact is that only around 5% of Forever Living distributors succeed well. That’s 1 out of 20.
Take 19 of your friends and you. All of you join Forever Living but according to statistics only one of you will be successful. I think it tells something about the system. But, of course, you can beat the statistics. I believe that anyone can learn to build a successful business even without any prior knowledge. I just doubt if Forever Living is the right place to start.
The next thing you are probably concerned with is what your compensation will be. After all, you don’t want to do all kinds of work and put a lot of money if you aren’t going to be able to get compensated well.
The way your compensation is measured is by something called case credits. Each product is assigned a certain amount of case credits. These case credits will add up and they will be what determines everything.
Every distributor will have a monthly goal. There are 4 different ways that you can reach it. Those methods are explained below.
This is the orders your personally put in, whether it be for yourself or to just have extra products on hand. It can also be from people who order products through you.
Did you know an interesting fact that MLM-companies earn a big part of their revenue from purchases of their own distributors? They look at the goal at the end of the month. If they didn’t meet it, they are basically forced to buy products to meet the goal.
These are the orders from people in your downline. They can be for products for their personal use or for products they want to make sure they have to show others. It also counts when people order products through your distributors.
This is when customers use your name but order products right from the website and the company ships the products to them. Notice, that you can promote Forever Living products also online. You don’t need to go to the street to meet people if that doesn’t feel good. You can learn here how you can sell your products online for thousands of people without ever even meeting them.
Wholesale customers get a 15% discount. This is when customers use your name and order through the website and then the company will ship them their order. The only difference is that they buy bigger quantities.
One great thing is that you can combine all of these ways and meet your goal faster. Remember, if you don’t meet your goal then you can’t get any volume bonuses.
Here is a video that will explain the compensation plan more thoroughly. Notice that the video is created by Forever Living staff and it contains promotional material. I added it here just for educational purposes because I am not promoting their system.
In addition to the compensation, there are some added bonuses. We will look at those below. NOTE: If you are not so interested in the Forever Living compensation plan, you can skip this chapter. The great thing about Forever Living and other MLMs is that you can earn passive income unlike in a typical 9 to 5 job.
You can get additional compensation to save for your dream car, boat, or motorcycle. The way this works is you have to get a certain number of case credits, or more, each month for 3 consecutive months.
You will move up in the ranks. Once you become an Eagle Manager not only will you be able to go to the yearly retreat, but you will get bigger bonuses, more money, a larger team, and recognition. The way you qualify is by making at 720 case credits, with at least 100 of those coming from your new personal downlines, personally sponsoring and developing 2 new downlines, and being active every month. The qualification period runs from May 1 to April 30th.
With this bonus, you will get to travel and be one of the people to represent the company. You can travel to over 150 countries. The way you qualify for this is by being active every month. The more case credits you sell the more spending money, accommodation nights, and activity money you will get. The qualification period is January 1st through December 31st.
With this bonus, the company pays back a percentage of its annual revenue to the top people. To qualify, you have to be level at 1, 2, or 3. You also have to be active every month and qualify at least 1 month for the Forever2Drive bonus.
With this bonus, you will be able to present new ideas and concepts, will be recognized worldwide, travel all over, and make more money. The way to qualify for this is by being active every month and earning AT LEAST 7.500 case credits. The more you earn, the more bonuses you get.
Forever Living is not an illegal pyramid scheme. They are an honest company that has been around already for ~40 years. That’s a huge time when we consider that most businesses fail during their first 1-5 years.
Forever Living has good products but they are charging some extra because it’s an MLM-system. When you buy their products you “belong to the team” and you pay for the feeling you get. You don’t pay only for the product but also for the brand.
Then if you are a salesperson (distributor) of Forever Living, you need to be hard-working and persistent to succeed. Nothing will come for free so you shouldn’t wait for quick victories. You can make a living by selling their products but I don’t want to commit myself to their system. I would rather sell products that have a better price/quality ratio.
Whether you join Forever Living or not, I recommend taking a closer look at Wealthy Affiliate. They will help you step-by-step to sell any products online for a huge audience. You can apply the skills you’ll learn there with MLM-systems or in other business models.
Wealthy Affiliate is not an MLM because they teach affiliate marketing. You will learn to connect with hundreds, and thousands of people online every day even without any prior knowledge or experience. Selling and promoting products online is probably easier than in the street and you can reach a much bigger number of people.
What do you think about Forever Living as a business opportunity?
Would you like to sell their products or do you prefer other ways to earn money?
Let’s have a conversation in the comments below. I’ll answer to all of your questions and comments personally.
Are you looking for an unbiased Wakaya Perfection Review? I have great news for you, you are on the right website!
I am not affiliated with Wakaya and not earning any commissions from their products at the moment. In this captivating, informative, engaging and opinionated review, I’m going to show you if this is an interesting business opportunity or not. I will also reveal how I make money online and have a freedom to work wherever and whenever I want, even in the paradise like Wakya would say.
Many people were also asking us, “Is Wakaya Perfection a Scam?” In the next 2 minutes, you’ll get an answer to that question as well by reading further.
Name: Wakaya Perfection
Cost: Starting from $3,95 per Month
Founded: In 2011 by David H. Gilmour & Todd Smith
Field: Multi-level marketing. Health products.
Overall Ranking: 40 Out of 100. The opportunity seems interesting and they have an effective marketing. But in reality, it’s a typical MLM.
I believe you would be interested in my #1 recommendation to make money online. It’s completely free to get started (no credit card required). That program has made me and numerous other people all around the world to quit their 9 to 5 job to earn a living on the Internet.
Wakaya Perfection wants to sell us a dream of a perfect life.
In the recent past, the Wakaya Perfection has created a lot of buzz among masses with a great chunk of them wondering about the real meaning behind it. As a matter of fact, some of these people have often posed the question, is Wakaya Perfection a scam? It is crucial to note that I am note affiliated in any way to Wakaya Perfection and therefore, this article only gives and objective review of the Wayaka Perfection business entity due to public demand.
Wakaya is actually an island that was formed long ago in the medieval period. It is neatly tucked away in Fiji archipelago and it is perceived to contain a soil that is rich in nutrients due to the numerous volcanic activities that took place on the island. Consequently, the volcanic-rich soil has provided the perfect conditions for the growth of a range of health-giving plants such as organic ginger, tropical fruits as well as a variety of spice plants – coconuts, turmeric, and dilo.
During the year 1973, the proprietors of the Wakaya business – David H. Gilmour, his business associate Todd Smith as well as his wife bought the island and transformed it into a flourishing resort and a farmland for organic plants. Some four decades later, the trio launched a business that would specialize in selling a variety of farm products that are known to do magical wonders to the body. However, the healing powers of the Wayaka Perfection products is not a proven fact yet.
The sole reason of the business is to bring known to the public the unique treasures the island holds in terms of healing capabilities. Nonetheless, the vast experience David H. and Todd Smith have on managing a business has enabled the Wayaka Perfection business entity to climb the ranks to gain worldwide recognition.
A large chunk of the plants grown on Wayaka are indigenous to the island and these botanicals are used to produce a range of products that are known to enhance the quality of our lifestyle. I am only going to mention a few of these products given that they cannot be exhausted at a sitting:
It can be ingested by adding a small amount- ¼ teaspoon to meals or diluted with water. A daily intake of the product is supposed to cure any form of inflammation in the body as well as well as aiding the digestive system.
This is a health supplement that is known to soothe individuals from common cold symptoms and also reduce the chances of nausea.
It boasts restoring the optimum levels of turmeric in the body. It can be taken in form of a diluted solution or pills after every meal.
A daily cup of the tea will go a long way towards ensuring that your liver performs optimally as a detoxification agent. It is also applied to achieve a sound digestive system.
Wakaya tea is sold at a reasonable price on Amazon. $12,71 for 20 tea bags is not a huge price but still much more expensive than regular teas.
These food products are vital for spicing up your meal. They come in different varieties depending on the user preferences.
Wakaya has a variety of different creams. However, I didn’t find them very interesting because the prices are literally huge. They cost like 5-100 times more than normal creams in the supermarket. Have a look at this example below:
50 ml of Wakaya cream costs $43,50… Some time ago I bought 400 ml of normal cream for $4 in the supermarket. It seems that Wakaya cream is like 100 times more expensive.
Working on the island has its fair share of goodies that the Wayaka Perfection Business entity has come to term as the Wayaka Perfection Compensation Plan’. Numerous accounts have proven that guests who visit the island will be hypnotized by the mere serenity the island provides. Many are of the opinion that an island is a place that offers so many possibilities for its inhabitants.
The income opportunity afforded by the island will get rid of all your financial woes, or so they say. Wakaya staff says that ambassadors are compensated in 14 unique ways depending on the income categories: substantial income offered at the onset, perpetual income offered as the contract progresses as well as luxury bonuses given at the end.
Have a look at the video below, for example. The woman is saying with the bright eyes that Wakaya Perfection is an opportunity of a lifetime that you really could have 14 income streams. I will explain you further why it’s not true.
The compensation normally entails travel and car bonuses and are only given based on the sales that a person makes. They are also ranked from the most prestigious to the least significant. This list just gives a glimpse of the rank of the bonus packages from the least attractive to the most attractive: active, coral, jade, sapphire, ruby, emerald, diamond, blue diamond and black diamond. An active bonus generally has few points based on sales while the black diamond provides the most points.
The ambassadors, as well as the staff of the Wayaka Perfection, are always given training opportunities that will equip them with the necessary skills to do their job. Wayaka Perfection also fosters both an independent and dependent mentality bearing in mind that they will always offer the necessary assistant to staff and ambassadors if need be.
However, you don’t need to be a genius to notice that Wakaya is nothing different than a typical MLM where you only have 2 income streams: Selling and recruiting.
Founders of Wakaya want it to sound better and more exciting when they are talking about several income streams. But the tough reality is that you will earn money only if you sell their products or recruit new people.
In our reviews, we usually have a look at recent complaints to know a little bit more about the company beneath the surface. Here is something that people have said about Wakaya Perfection.
“Then there is this other notion that the products have a detoxification effect on the body’s digestive tract. Is it throwing shade to the critical function that our digestive system has on combating harmful microbial animals? Well, I am not trying to imply that the Wayaka Perfection products does not work, the only problem is the fact that the entity does not provide sufficient evidence to back the benefits of its health supplements.”
This person points out a big question, “Will Wakaya products have real health benefits or not?” All health MLM-programs say that they have the best products in the Universe and then they show a face of some person with a medical degree who says, “Yes, that’s true.” You only have to trust on those authorities whether it works or not until you know does it really have any health benefits.
I could mention literally hundreds of other health-niche MLMs. Herbalife, Melaleuca, Zija, etc. Some of them stick around longer but some of them die quickly when new members stop coming in. It seems that Wakaya Perfection belongs to a better group.
Wakaya Perfection is not a scam. They have many useful products and I like their idea of natural and organic health. It seems that their natural way of living and paradise entice many people who are living a 9 to 5 office life. Wakaya island gives an idea of a better tomorrow in a paradise.
However, as you probably know I am not a big fan of MLMs. They have overpriced products and you need to recruit new people like a maniac in order to succeed. I don’t doubt that one could become successful with Wakaya like in any other business but I wouldn’t like selling hugely overpriced products for my family, friends or anyone else.
I only want to recommend products with the best price and value. That’s why my #1 recommendation to make money online is Wealthy Affiliate.
What do you think about Wakaya Perfection?