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Is It Possible to Make Money Online? – 5 Examples from Wealthy Affiliate

Because of many online scams, some people are doubting, “Is It Possible to Make Money Online?”

The answer is “Definitely yes!”

Nowadays there are probably tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people who are making a full-time income online. Some of them are making $3,000/month, and some of them are making $10,000/month. The most successful ones may reach the $100,000/month mark.

Is Rory Ricord a scam

In this post, I will show you five friends from Wealthy Affiliate who are earning +$10,000/month online.

Remember that they are just ordinary guys like you and me and they didn’t have any particular talent before they started.

All of these guys have done their income by doing affiliate marketing which means that you don't even need any own products to get started.

Let’s start from the youngest one in our list.

1.Colton James – Financial Independence for 20 Years Old Boy

Colton’s story is impressing.

A young guy who was only 20 years old and who was working at the local gas station joined Wealthy Affiliate.

The rest is history.

He worked very hard on his online business in the beginning and he achieved +$10,000/month income approximately in one year.

He became famous in Wealthy Affiliate with his success post: My First $10,000 Month! There he showed the proof and gave tips how anyone can achieve the same results.

It’s always motivating to learn from people who have achieved such a success and find out how they did it.

One interesting thing is that Colton’s best month so far was November 2015 when he earned $5,941.82 in one month, but then already in the next month, he hit $10k goal.

First, his monthly income steadily raised but then it jumped over $4k in one month. The same kind of thing happened to the next guy, Dom Wells.

Before: Colton was a student and working in a gas station.

After: Made $10,000/month online and lived a comfortable life. Not a bad income for a 20-year-old student.

2.Dom Wells – $0 to $10k In 3 Years

Dom Wells registered to Wealthy Affiliate without any prior knowledge of internet marketing (just like most of the members in the beginning).

Well, he learned quickly and his income increased steadily. After three years he was already earning $10,000/month. 

Now that post is almost one-year-old, and I have been following Dom’s actions after that. Guess what? Now he is earning +$20,000/month. We can call this success!

He is now managing several websites and has hired some employees to scale his success. Think how much his life changed after finding Wealthy Affiliate.

Before: No prior experience of internet marketing. Joins Wealthy Affiliate and starts learning.
After: Managing a team and earning +$20,000/month.

Update in 2017: Now Dom is running an online business of 100 employees. He just made +$100,000 in a single month. See his income proof and read more in his latest blog post here.

Update in 2018: Nowadays Dom Wells is running a business that makes +$1,000,000/year and it's rapidly growing. Not bad for an Englishman who started as a complete newbie just a few years ago, huh?

Now Dom is sharing his tips on how he achieved it. Read 5 tips on how Dom went from 0 to making +$1,000,000/year online.

3.Nathaniell Brenes – Earning Dollars in China

Nathaniell was the guy who introduced me to Wealthy Affiliate. He has helped me a lot by answering my questions on how to build a successful online business.

He tells the reason why he started internet marketing in his Wealthy Affiliate profile:

is it possible to make money online

Is Wealthy affiliate worth the price

Nathaniell started his online business while living in China.

The idea is very reasonable. With only $1,000/month you can live very well in China and if you are earning $2,000/month online, you can even have some luxuries in your life. Imagine what you could do with $5,000/month in China!

Now six years has passed after Nathaniell’s registration to WA. Read his recent “6 Year Anniversary in Wealthy Affiliate!” -post where he mentions some of his achievement thanks to his online business.

Nathaniell Brenes

Another recent blog post can also be interesting for you: 1 Post $300 Per Month. We can quickly calculate that he is making quite a good hourly salary with that post!

4.Alex Sol – Another $10,000/month Man

Alex Sol joined Wealthy Affiliate already in 2007, and he hasn’t had a single regret after joining.

Thanks to his online earnings he has traveled to 20 different countries and had his +$10,000/month incomes.

In this 8 Years With Wealthy Affiliate -post, he explains two major parts of the online success and shows his accomplishments.

You may also find his another article interesting: $1,400 commission on 1 WA sale. At least it motivated me a lot.

Would it be awesome to make $1,400 with only one sale without even having own products?

5.Steve Razinski – Traveling Around the World

Steve started by blogging and afterward turned his hobby to a $10,000/month money making machine.

 In May 2016 he turned 30 and is now traveling all around the world with his wife. He has also taught his wife to create an online business so they can do it together.

He likes exploring new places, and his online income makes it possible to move anywhere he wants in this planet. The only thing he needs is the Wifi.

But I think that he doesn’t even need that all the time because his income is mostly passive so it keeps on flowing even though when he is sleeping and disconnected to the Internet.

After reading his blogs, I have noticed that he loves what he is doing so he doesn’t want to stop building his online businesses.

Isn’t it cool that when doing online business you can choose your passion and do what you love?

Is It Possible to Make Money Online? – Conclusion

I believe that after these five examples everyone can see that it is really possible to make big money online.

At this point, the famous motivational speaker Les Brown would say to you, “Do you think it would be easy??? No. It won’t be easy. But it will be worth it!

Working for your online business for some time to make full-time passive income is worth it. It’s a great option for a typical 9-5 job.

I have also quit my 9-5 job already a good while ago because I make way more money online than in my old job in Austria.

And as you probably know, salaries in the Western European countries like Austria or Finland (my home country) are not so bad. Still, it's possible to make much more money online.

If They Can Do It, You Can Do It 

Like you saw, most of these guys didn’t have any former experience of internet marketing before.

They just joined Wealthy Affiliate, went through the training, put the knowledge into action and started getting results.

I didn't have either when I started out. I didn't know single person who makes money online. The only person I "knew" was Nathaniell because I landed on his website. But I didn't know him personally. I am glad that I took the step back in 2015 to start making money online.

If you want to get the same results like me and these 5 guys, I recommend you to follow the same steps. Start learning in Wealthy Affiliate and start earning $$$$$.

"If you do what other successful people do, you will eventually get the same results that they do." -Tony Robbins

Some people have thought, “Well, they started an online business in 2007, 2010 and 2014. It’s already late for me because it’s already 2018. It couldn’t further from the truth.

Read Nathaniell’s recent post Have You Missed The Boat On Affiliate Marketing? There he explains 4 reasons why today is easier to make money online with affiliate marketing than ever before.

I hope you liked the post. Feel free to share it on social media with your friends if they would like to make money online as well..

If you need any help to get started with your online business, leave a comment below or send me a private message in Wealthy Affiliate.

I can't wait to help you to make money online!


What Arnold Schwarzenegger Teaches About Internet Marketing?

What Arnold Schwarzenegger Teaches About Internet Marketing

Everyone knows the world-famous bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger, “Austrian Oak, Arnie, The Governator.” There are many names that you can call him.

What has Arnie to do with internet marketing and making money online?

Keep on reading and you’ll find out!

(I don’t agree with Arnie on everything but this wisdom I agree with him.)

While Others Are Partying…

As you may already know, you can make $10,000, $20,000 or even $100,000/month online. That’s 100% possible for anyone but still, you must remember that you will never make those amounts of money if you are not willing to work your butt off.

I am not teaching you some “get-rich-schemes” but something more reliable.

In one of his famous speeches called 6 Rules of Success Arnold said that it’s okay to have fun in life. It’s okay to have a little party every now and then.


The story doesn’t end there.

“But when you’re out there partying, horsing around, someone out there at the same time is working hard. Someone is getting smarter and someone is winning. Just remember that.” -Arnie

We See Their Glory But Don’t Understand the Story

It’s easy to look someone who has an online business making him $100,000/month and think, “He was just lucky. He was in the right place at the right time.” First of all, I don’t believe in luck.

He might have been in the right place at the right time but if someone makes hundreds of thousands online it means that they have worked their butt off. There is no other way around. (Well, at least if we are speaking about honest ways.)

While you have been chatting with your friends or playing online games, internet entrepreneurs have been building their business. They have been making new content, social media marketing or a review about a new product.

Now they are “reaping the harvest“.

You Reap What You Sow

I am not saying that if you want a successful online business, you must totally end all parties, never have fun and spend the rest of your life in the front of the computer. That’s quite far from the truth.

But the point is that results don’t come without work.

If you want the prize, you must pay the price. (Price = work, work and work)

The positive side of all this it that if you are willing to work, you will also reap a good harvest.

As the Bible says, “Whatever a man sows, he will reap in return.”

Even though the Bible wasn’t talking specifically about online businesses, the principle works in everything.

If you sow seeds to your business, you will reap good results in return.
If you sow seeds in honesty, you will reap honest results.
If you sow seeds on your friendships, you will have good and strong friendships.

Are You Ready to Sow Seeds to an Online Business?

If you are willing to start an online business but don’t know where to start, you have come to the right place. Now you are in the right place at the right time.

If you don’t have any background on making online businesses, start here.

An online community called Wealthy Affiliate teaches you literally everything you need to know in order to build a successful online business.

You will learn to:

  • Build your own websites
  • Make social media marketing
  • Get to know successful Internet marketers
  • Learn how to get ranked on Google
  • and much more.

Learn more about Wealthy Affiliate here and create a free account today!


If you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to leave them below and I will be more than happy to respond you personally.



What is the Secret to Making Money Online?

What is the Secret to Making Money Online

Learn the “secret”

Have you ever heard someone asking the question, “What is the secret to making money online?” I bet that you have!

Many people are looking for a secret that would make them automatically rich online. The other side of the coin is that many scammers have used those people to milk money.

They have made their “secret programs” that teach how they earned $100,000 online by “pushing the button”. If you have followed my blog, you know that kind of buttons doesn’t exist in this world. They only way those “push the button” -guys have made their wealth is by cheating people to believe their lies. Sorry that I’m rude but I don’t want anyone to fall for the online scams.

Starting Point, 0.

Thank God, not all the people who are earning +$10,000/month online are scammers. Most of them are totally honest and wonderful guys.

If you want to contact many successful online businessmen personally, I recommend to create a free account in Wealthy Affiliate and sent them the private messages.

Let’s think how those honest men have built their online business.

In the beginning, most of them didn’t have anything.

They didn’t have a website when they born.

They didn’t have skills before they started.

They didn’t even know how to use the computer before starting.

My point is that all of them have started from zero at some point. Many of them had even the worse starting point than you have/had.

One Step at a Time

All of the successful online entrepreneurs must have succeeded only one step at a time even though they have taken the different ways.

Some of them made the first success through SEO.

Some through social media marketing.

Some through PPC-marketing.

And so on.

Secret to making money online (2)

Just take one step at a time to the online success

Let’s take for example the guy who made success through SEO. First, he learned how to build a website. Then he wrote something and added pictures on his website. Well, many people can do to this level but not all.

He added affiliate links on his website to make commissions on the products. But he didn’t have many visitors yet.

Then he learned how to get ranked in Google. He started to get organic traffic from the search engines when people were searching certain things related to his website.

Let’s say that 0,1% of the visitors ended up buying something through his affiliate links.

He thought that the conversion could be higher because now only one of 2000 visitors bought a product. He updated his sales pages and saw how 0,2% of the visitors bought something. The sales doubled.

He wanted to get even more visitors to his website so he updated his old content to get ranked better in Google. Then he wrote more articles to answer even more questions of his audience. The traffic kept increasing from the search engines.

Then he repeats the process until there were hundreds of thousands of monthly visitors and the conversion rate was much higher than in the beginning.

The story talked mainly about traffic from SEO but in reality, when you have the great content on your website, visitors will share it on social media which will drive even more traffic.

Scaling Your Business

You can build an email list, make social media marketing on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc., build PPC campaigns and much more.

The bottom line is that you can learn each of those things if you just want.

But let’s be realistic that the learning takes time and in the online world you don’t see the results immediately. When you have built the new website, during the first three months it will probably not rank very well in Google.

With the PPC-campaigns you need to test, test, test and scale until something proves to work. You don’t always see the results immediately!

Let’s say that you built your online business during one month (30 min/1 hour per evening) and earned only $5 and in the next month $25. In the third month, you make $125. Then you calculate, “Hmm… I have earned only $155 during 3 months. This doesn’t pay enough. I quit.”

Didn’t you realize that you made 5 times more than in the previous month! If you would keep on scaling the business every month like that it would mean $625 in the fourth month. Then -> $3,125!

Of course, everything doesn’t always work in a linear way but the idea is that on the Internet you can scale your business to a huge extent. For example, I have about 11k followers on Twitter and it takes only 3 minutes to send 131 tweets to all of them (Using Hootsuite). If we compare it to the start when I had 100 followers and it took 3 minutes to write 1 tweet.

Everything Worthwhile Takes Time

Did you know that only 1 of the all 43 U.S. presidents has been divorced? One of them remained single. It means that 41 out of 43 remained married until the death made them apart. The statistic tells something about their commitment.

Building a marriage takes time. You need to get to know to a person, spend lots of time together and so on. It’s a process where you get to know each other even more and know what the other person likes and dislikes.

The same principles apply to an online business. It takes the time to build the content and it takes the time to build the relationships with the audience. But every time when you put some effort, you take one step closer to your online success.

Making money online is not a sprint. It’s a marathon.

When you keep on sowing the seeds to your online business, at some point you will reap the harvest. That’s the natural law of cause and effect.

If you compare to a “normal profession” where you study first 3 years in a university before earning a single dollar, making money online is much faster way to (passive) income.

So, What is the Secret to Making Money Online?

The truth is that there is no such “secret”. You need to learn the skills like in the offline business.

But the secret to making big money online is scaling. You can scale your business in much better way than you could ever imagine in the offline world.

Get 10,000 visitors/month to your online store. Think how much more investments and risk it would require to get the 10,000 visitors/month to your offline store.

So, forget the mystical secrets to making money online. Instead, think what would be the next skill that you need to learn.

Learn to build an email list?

Learn to get ranked #1 in Google?

Learn to get 100 visitors/day from social media?

Learn to make videos?

Define what is the skill that you are going to need to scale your business. Learn it and then put the knowledge powerfully into action. Rinse and repeat.

No excuses!

What is the Secret to Making Money Online

Sow the seeds to your online business

“But I Don’t Know Where to Learn?”

Many people don’t have the knowledge and they don’t know where to get it. Don’t worry.

Wealthy Affiliate provides a step by step online business training, community, and comprehensive support.

You will learn everything from building a website, monetizing your websites, driving traffic from search engines and from social media.

You will also get many friends who have their own online business and you can ask them how to learn certain skills and they will provide their help.

=> Learn real skills to make money online in Wealthy Affiliate!


How to Choose Niche? Find Out 4 Great Tips!

How to choose niche for blog

If you are going to make online business (and earn money online) first you need to choose your niche.

Let’s define, what is a niche?

According to dictionary.com, “A niche is a distinct segment of a market“.

Your niche can be literally anything. Your hobby, an interest, a passion, a problem, a need. Literally anything. There are billions of people today in on the Internet and they are making billions of searches every day. There is a huge need.

#1 You Must to Be Interested in Your Niche

When you are thinking your niche I think one the most important things is that you are interested in your niche. If the only reason for choosing a niche is because you want to make money I’m 99% sure that your motivation will end at some point.

You will be working related to your niche a lot. You need to provide content and value for other people in that niche. You need to learn new all the time and make some “research”.

So, start thinking what are your interests.

But we change all the time as a person. You can get interested in the new niche. For example, before I wasn’t interested in making money online niche but now I am.

David Schwartz taught in his classical book that when you dig deep down into new subject you will be more interested about it.

#2 Other People Must be Interested in Your Niche

Simply “a niche is really a group of people looking for stuff” (check this out!).

Let’s think about some examples. People can be interested in gym, hiking, playing saxophone, manga series, relationships, Greek language or fancy clothes.

There are so many different niches. With the Internet, you can easily find people who are interested in your niche. Think about selling Greek language teaching in your local town? The changes are that many people are not interested in that niche. But on the Internet, you have thousands and thousands of people who are interested in your niche.

How to choose niche for blog 2

There are a lot of great niches related to dogs


Even the niches that seem to be small can be enormous on the Internet. Even if there wouldn’t be anyone who is interested in your niche at your country, there may be millions of interested people on the internet.

Don’t be too broad with your niche.

#3 Let’s Talk About Competition

Many people think that “Blah, I don’t want to choose that certain niche because there’s already a lot of competition.”

Let’s face the facts. If people are interested in some themes there is almost always some competition. Finding a niche where there isn’t competition is very improbable. If you manage to find that kind of niche, congratulations.

Competition doesn’t mean that you wouldn’t make a success. Customers like different things.

There is a reason there are a million of every type of store in the world. There are a million grocery stores. There are a million hardware stores. There are a million men’s clothes stores.

Let’s think about men’s clothes stores. There are billions of men in this planet. All of them need clothes. Are all of them buying the clothes from the same place? No, never! There are millions of places where men are buying their clothes. Your niche could be selling men’s t-shirts and you could full-time with that niche alone.

Everyone doesn’t want to buy stuff from the same place. Compare between you and your friends. Do they go to the same grocery store? Do they use the same online store? Do they buy their clothes from the same store? Do they use the same travel agency when they travel?

People like different things. Even if there is competition. Some of the people probably would choose something different than the existing companies.

If you hear people complaining about their service, products or something else what they have bought, it tells you that there is an opportunity to make the things better in that niche. Would it be your opportunity?

#4 The Most Important Step. START.

The problem of most people is that they may have great ideas but they never take action. They are wondering, “Ohh, how wonderful it would be to achieve such and such things. ” but then they refuse to take action. DO NOT BELONG TO THAT GROUP!

Your first niche can be a success. Or it can be a learning experience towards success. Remember, failure is not the opposite of success.

The failure is the part of success.failure is the part of success

Failures teach you something new. Satisfaction with mediocrity is the opposite of success. Don’t be satisfied with mediocrity. Be willing to be better all the time.

The most successful people have tried many different niches before making their real breakthrough.

Choose one niche and stick with it.

Tips From the Millionaire

Kyle, the founder of Wealthy Affiliate has taught hundreds of thousands of people how to earn money online.

Check out his tips in the lesson Choosing a Niche.

I hope you found this text useful and gave you some new insights.

1.Do you need more help with choosing your niche? Leave a comment below!

2.What are your tips for choosing a great niche? Leave them below


Get More Results with Less Time – The 80/20 Principle

pareto-principleHave you read the book “The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Achieving More with Less” by Richard Koch? In the book Koch explains the 80/20 (Pareto) principle which means that 20% of our time accounts for 80% of the work we accomplish. In other words 20% of our work provide more results than the rest 80%.

The principles applies to other things also. Did you know, for example, that 20% of customers account for 80% of revenues?

Understanding this principle can powerfully benefit your online business.

What is Your 20% That Determines 80% of the Results?

If you want to make money online (and at the same time provide important value for other people) there are certain steps you need to take.

Some of the important steps are:

Probably there are also other things to do but these are usually very important, especially selling. If you want to earn money, you need to sell something. Someone has to be interested in your product or services.

But sometimes you may find yourself doing useless things related to your business. Online business is always a process, it’s not an event. You do certain things until you succeed. But you need to concentrate on the things that are the most important at your phase of the process.

Different Phases – Which is Your Phase?

If you don’t have your own websites your most important task should be to build one. When your websites are brand new you should concentrate on writing content and providing important value for the readers. At this point it would be totally useless to spend hours and hours analyzing your visitors from Google Analytics if you don’t have enough visitors or any content on your website.

At this point your 20% (the most important task) would be developing your websites.

But let’s assume that your website is appealing. You have good theme, good images, good email list, good content and products to sell. Then it would be highly important to get more visitors to your websites. You can make for example social media campaigns. That may be the most important (20%) task at this point of the online business process. (But remember that scrolling Facebook’s or Twitter’s news feed is not social media marketing. It’s only a waste of time!) 😉

20% Provides most of the results. Stay out of the red area!

20% Provides most of the results. Stay out of the red area!

Concentrate on 20% = Get the Results Faster!

Many people are asking, “How much it takes to make some money or a full-time income online?” It depends on two things.

  1. How much do you invest time to your online business?
  2. How much time do you invest doing the most important (20%) things related to your online business?

You may invest 100 hours and get the same results when someone has used 200 hours. Be sure that you are the one who is not wasting time on the useless things.

Nothing really happens until you take action. Today I want to challenge you: 

1.Take a sheet of paper and a pencil
2.Write down the most important thing in your online business right now
3.Start working until the task is done

Writing down helps. The thing you have written will sink into your subconscious mind and it will start searching the ways how you can accomplish the task. It also helps you as a reminder if you find yourself scrolling that Facebook news feed or reading useless blog again.


20% of our time accounts for 80% of the work we accomplish.

Concentrate on the most important tasks and you will achieve more results with less time.

What are your most important tasks right now in your online business? Leave a comment below.