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Is Online Wealth Markets a Scam or a Path to Financial Freedom?

Would like to find a path to a financial freedom? Online Wealth Market seems to promise everything you want. But are those promises true or false? Is Online Wealth Markets a scam? Read this honest story by a mother of four children who wanted to try this product. You will find an answer if it’s wise to try Online Wealth Markets or not.

Online Wealth Markets Review

is online wealth markets a scamName: Online Wealth Markets
Website: www.OnlineWealthMarkets.com
Field: Make Money Online -products
Price: $250

First Impressions of Online Wealth Markets – Questions, Questions and Questions

The website of Online Wealth Markets had my attention immediately. It’s well laid out and I’ve been interested in stocks for quite. I thought this might be where I’ll find the information to make me successful. I’m not quite ready to get started so I continued scrolling down the page. I felt more comfortable when I saw that they have been advertised on Forbes and Entrepreneur so I don’t let the risk warning detour me. Besides, I was not familiar with Binary Options and definitely wanted to know more.

Online Wealth Markets Scam

This Sounds Promising but… 

When I learned a little more about them my interest started to wane. I didn’t feel comfortable giving someone money to help me ‘bet’ on what may or may work. I was definitely confused how something that is a risky gamble could be automated and learned in record breaking time. The site felt confident telling me that if was to do this without their system I would more than likely not succeed.

However, with their coaches I had a much better shot of success. So far this sounded like far too much risk for something I really don’t understand. Another thing that made me leery was many contradicting statements. Inches from each other I saw the statements “Most brokers do not want to help beginners and want a small fortune to open your account. We’ll show you how to get started FAST and without a fortune” and underneath that “Online Wealth Markets works hand in hand with our specially chosen, high-quality brokers”.

This left me with many more questions than answers. Why are these brokers going to share secrets? Why am I being charged so little?

Too Good to Be True?

If you work hand in hand do I get to speak to these brokers or am I receiving third party information? Next, I see highlights from the ‘epic member’s area’. I’ve worked in the telemarketing industry and words like epic sound far too close to ‘you have been selected to receive’. Furthermore, when I saw astronomical numbers my brain started blinking the scam sign.

There’s also a lot mentioned about the software and then I saw that it is just a training tool. I couldn’t help but wonder if that software is going to be the main teacher. In the frequently asked questions, I was told that a broker that would help me. Yet, I still wondered why someone who is making this kind of money would pass on trade secrets to a lowly amateur like me. Furthermore, it stated that this program can be used by people skilled in this field.

I thought maybe this tool is going to be the answer to my financial woes. The $250 suggested starting amount seemed like much more than I want to invest but it seemed like something I could definitely do. I decided to watch the video and get more information. After I clicked on the video my interest fell from “this might work” to a doubt if I should enter my card information or not.

Online Wealth Markets Review

Are these success stories real?

Even More Doubts

The first thing I noticed is that the website video is a completely different URL. The video and the information seemed to be talking about two different things. George mentioned nothing about binary options or Wall Street just campaigns and a science for making money. The website said $250 is the necessary amount to get started trading. He informed me that I can use this system free.

Just below the video is a sign-up box I saw the verbiage “free trial then future payment option of $47/month”. Is that taken off from the $250 or instead of? My interest and enthusiasm hit another low. I kept listening and saw more of the astronomical amounts of money I could make. Unfortunately, what I saw looked like a simple excel spreadsheet and didn’t convince me that these numbers are anything more than a device to sell something similar to MLM.

I listened longer and couldn’t help but start thinking what that kind of money could do for my family. Since I am the mother of four and financial times are tough I decided there was no harm in trying the free trial. After I entered my information, I was not shown anything other than a place to put my credit information. There was no mention of a free trial; simply that Click Bank would be taking $47 out of my account.

=> Tired of Scams? Try Something More Reliable!

Click Bank didn’t even guarantee that I would receive a refund if I was dissatisfied. They simply stated that a refund was ‘at their discretion’. At that point, I was convinced it was not for me; if I could understand it at all. I saw far too many red flags and next to nothing that made me feel confident that this was my path to financial security.

Conclusion – Is Online Wealth Markets a Scam?

I looked at this system from both a mother of four and a former cold call sales person. The mother of four couldn’t help but muse about what that kind of money could do for her family. Seeing that kind of numbers, you can’t help but start thinking about Disney Vacations and college tuitions. However, after having repeated script after script in numerous cold call campaigns the telemarketer won over.

The reality of systems like this is that they prey on lower to middle-class families struggling to make ends meet. When you are living paycheck to paycheck it’s easy to overlook all the red flags and fine print. Unfortunately, I’ve said the phrase ‘you’ve been selected to receive’ too many times and know the taxes on those vacations aren’t cheap. However, I think the amount of time, money and energy put in will not be returned.

In fact, I think that a loss is inevitable. Furthermore, there is no customer service number to be found on either site. The inevitable seems to be that anyone who puts their financial information into the site will be left trying to recoup the money and will hopefully be wiser the next time they see something promising these kinds of results.

Tired of Scams? Learn Real Skills in Wealthy Affiliate

I have seen so many scam products online. We have reviewed tens of “Make Money Online” -products on YourOnlineRevenue.com. Unfortunately, a big part of them is not recommended. Online Wealth Markets is one of them.

However, there are also some very good training online that teach you real skills how you can make money online. My #1 recommendation is Wealthy Affiliate because they teach:

  • How to Create Your Own Online Business
  • How to Build a Website in 30 Seconds
  • How to Get Ranked on Google
  • How to Maximize Sales
  • And Other Useful Skills

Wealthy Affiliate is not a “get-rich-quick” -scheme like Online Wealth Markets. Take a closer look here and get started for FREE.


Do you have experience of Online Wealth Markets or other similar products? How do you recognize a scam? Leave a comment below!