Today we will take a closer look at the system that promises to teach how you can make $500 per day without leaving the comfort of your own home. I know it’s possible because some of my friends have done it. However, I know it didn’t happen easily but required lots of hard work. Is Easy Cash Code a Scam? Let’s find out!
Name: Easy Cash Code
Founder: “Antonio”
Field: Make Money Online -Programs
Overall Rank: 10 Out of 100 (Have a Look at My #1 Recommendation, 98p Out of 100)
Easy Cash Code is a money-making system that promises to teach you how to make easily $500/day online. On their website, there is a sales video that shows dozens of testimonials of ordinary people who made big money with this system. However, on the bottom of the page, they have a disclaimer that testimonials don’t guarantee that you could make money with Easy Cash Code. And if I am honest, you will most likely end up on minus if you invest money in this system.
Easy Cash Code is designed for people who are looking for ways to make money online fast. In my opinion, that’s already a bit suspicious starting point. Most programs that promise that you could become rich quick are scams. Okay, you can play lotto and try to become rich but I don’t recommend that.
It’s totally possible to make big money online but I know from my own and from other people’s experience that it requires work and discipline. You may encounter some failures in that journey but that’s only a part of success.
Easy Cash Code and this kind of “get rich quick” schemes promise quick riches without almost any work. Are they speaking the truth? No.
Like most of the scams, Easy Cash Code provides some kind of training. They teach how you can create a WordPress website and some landing pages. Then they teach how to collect people’s email addresses on that landing page to build your own email list.
This strategy is a very typical way to make money online and has been used for many successful Internet marketers. Like Chris Farrell always says, “You want to succeed how to succeed online? I can tell you the answer in three short words. Build a list.”
However, Easy Cash Code training doesn’t have a good reputation it teaches you some basics that you can quickly learn by watching a few Youtube videos. Actually, you can get a much better training from some other people who are not giving false promises like Easy Cash Code founders.
Building a list is a legit way to make money online but it’s not something where I would start. I prefer a better strategy which is taught here.
On Easy Cash Code website, you can find many testimonials that praise the system. They explain how a program has changed their life and so on. However, the people in Easy Cash Code video may be actors. Why do I believe so? Because they don’t show any proof of how they would make money on this system.
In addition, most of the claims they should be said about any system because they don’t mention the name “Easy Cash Code” in some reviews.
Have a look at the testimonial of Lauren Williams, for example. She tells that she made an extra $900 within her first month with Easy Cash Code. I know for 99% sure that it’s not true. How do I know it?
I have lots of experience on “make money online” -industry and I have never seen somebody making $900 during the first month. Okay, if you can sell a product that costs a few thousand, maybe you can earn $900 profit but it’s easier said than done. Most of the time it takes several months to make even the first sales online.
Some people make money within their first week or month but show me a person who really did $900/month right away. I will show you a liar. 😉
Easy Cash Code costs $18. It doesn’t sound very much but paying for a system that hardly provides any good value wouldn’t be wise.
I have a principle that I don’t pay for scam artists even though their system would cost only $3. The only reason why I would invest my money on suspicious systems is if I want to provide more detailed reviews for our readers and followers.
My #1 recommended make money online -training in Wealthy Affiliate doesn’t cost anything to get started. You get +12 hours of high-quality video training for free. Compare to Easy Cash Code where you see only a 5-minute sales video for free.
I don’t say that Easy Cash Code would be 100% a scam but it’s close to it. They provide so big promises but still, they deliver so little. Doesn’t it sound very typical for make money online scams?
Instead of looking for ways to earn very fast cash online, I recommend learning a few new skills on Wealthy Affiliate that will enable you to make a full-time income online. It may not happen in a week or in a month but if you keep on learning and put your new skills into practice, it will make miracles for your bank account.
Have you fallen into online scams in the past? Have you also found legit ways to make money online?