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7 Awesome Online Jobs That Allow You to Travel Around the World. Which One Is Your Favorite?

Today I am going to share 7 awesome online jobs that allow you to travel around the world. Nowadays it’s becoming more and more popular to work online and travel around as a digital nomad. One big reason is that today it’s easier than ever in the human history. There are more than 3,5 billion potential clien…krhm.. people online which gives incredible opportunities.

Awesome Online Jobs That Allow You to Travel Around the World

Making Money Online Allows You to Travel Around the World

1.Affiliate Marketing

One of the classical methods of making money online. Basically, affiliate means the following:

1.Promote products
2.Earn commissions

You can promote products on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, on your website/blog, on a forum or literally anywhere you want. But in my opinion, the best way is to have your own website where you can promote useful products for your readers and followers.

Choose a niche, for example, language learning. Build a website where you share tips and resources to learn new languages. Then you can promote products that have helped you or other learners to learn languages faster.

You will get the best resources by really being helpful and by concentrating on helping rather than making money. Of course, you need to think about the money thing too if you want to earn it but the main focus should always be on helping your readers.

If you want to become a successful affiliate marketer and earn a living online, I recommend heading to Wealthy Affiliate. It’s a community and a training center affiliate marketing where you will get full support to start your own online business (for free).


Blogging is usually related to affiliate marketing because most of the time successful affiliate marketers are earning money from their blogs. But affiliate marketing is not the only way to make money with your blog.

You can also use Google Adsense and other ad services like CPM from Amazon. In that kind of services, you are earning money every time when somebody clicks your ad. They don’t even need to buy anything because only a click makes a commission for you.

However, those earnings per click are not usually very high. When you can earn even $1,400/sale or more with affiliate marketing, you will earn usually maximum $2/click. And most of the time is much less. Anyway, there are people who are making a full-time income with Google Adsense but usually, it’s not their only income source.

If your blog has lots of followers, you can earn money with hundreds of different ways. Different companies may offer you free products to make a review about them or you can have flight tickets to a paradise island for free.


If you can write and read two languages fluently, you can already be a translator. If you have two native languages, you can translate those languages, for example. On some websites, you would need to have a professional certificate to translate but definitely not always.

One great company is One Hour Translation. They have some requirements but not too strict ones. I made an application to work as a translator from Finnish to English or from English to Finnish. First, they rejected my request because I am not a full-time translator but after a while, they came back to me and accepted.

You can also work on Fiverr or many other marketplaces like Upwork. Do you know other great places on the Internet for translators? Let us know in the comments below.

4.Freelance Writing

You can work online as a freelance writer, translator, web designer, social media expert, musician etc. There are thousands of different freelance jobs but one of the most popular is definitely freelance writing.

People need content for their websites, blogs, social medias and many other places. I am hiring, for example, writers to my websites regularly. Fresh content makes Google rankings better and brings in more traffic.

It can take some time to build up your reputation as a writer but you can earn quite well if you can provide very valuable content.

Take a look at HireWriters. It’s a place where you can work as a freelance writer or buy articles from other writers. In order to become a writer there, you need to be a native English speaker. They seem to be very strict about that rule because they want to provide the high quality for their clients.

If you are not a native speaker you can always join Upwork and Fiverr which we already mentioned above. They are huge marketplaces on the Internet.

Awesome Online Jobs That Allow You to Travel Around the World

5.Teach Languages

You can teach your native language or other languages that you have also studied yourself. One of the great places to earn money is Italki. You don’t need to be a certified language to earn money from Italki. You can become a community tutor and earn money just by chatting with the other users.

You can also join as a professional teacher even without a degree but then you need to prove Italki that you have enough skills to do that.

One way to earn money online by teaching languages is to create a language learning website and promote useful products as we mentioned above. I can consider myself as a “language teacher” because I am teaching on my website how to learn languages easily and quickly.

Meanwhile, I am promoting products that could help people to reach fluency in their target languages. (By the way, I speak 4-5 languages fluently so I have some expertise on language subject).

6.Stock Market Investing

This method has been there even before the Internet but nowadays it has become much easier than ever. You can create an investing account in 10 minutes and start investing right away.

I am talking here about investing rather than day-trading because it seems that 99% of traders lose more money than what they are earning. When you are an investor, you pick up good companies and buy their stocks. Then your money is working for you.

You can also consider ETFs and other investment methods. If you are from Nordic countries like I am, I recommend joining Nordnet. I haven’t used stock market brokers for U.S. citizens. If you are from U.S., could you recommend some brokers?

Awesome Online Jobs That Allow You to Travel Around the World

7.Become a Youtuber

The Internet has opened lots of new opportunities and of the greatest is Youtube. You can reach millions of people through their platform and affect their life. Meanwhile, you can make a significant income with your Youtube channel.

On Youtube, you can earn money through Google Adsense, product promotions, affiliate marketing and with a hundred other ways. If you are interested, we have also written a full article about making money on Youtube.

Want to Have a Step-By-Step Training to Make a Living Online?

If you are interested in making money online, I recommend taking a step-by-step training from somebody who has done it for a long time. Wealthy Affiliate is the best online business training center and community made by two very successful online entrepreneurs.

They are teaching people how to create an own online business from the scratch. Many people have started on WA without zero knowledge and created a successful online business over the time course. Would you like to do it yourself too? It’s 100% possible.

I will give you 10 FREE interactive video lesson, 2 FREE websites and my 1-on-1 mentoring. If you are interested, read more about Wealthy Affiliate and claim your free resources.


What are your favorite ways to make money online?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂