How to Motivate to Work? Don’t do Anything!
Have you ever felt unmotivated to start your work and get it done? Have you ever thought how to motivate yourself to work? Don’t worry probably all of us feel it sometimes.
But the difference between the winners and the losers is how they react to that feeling. The losers will give the feeling win. The winners can change their feeling and after 5 minutes they will feel motivated to work again. How do they do it? I have a trick for you.
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After reading this text you don’t need to wonder anymore how to motivate to work.
Analyze Yourself
When you feel the unwillingness to work what do you usually do?
Do you scroll Facebook’s news feed?
Do you play something TOTALLY USELESS with your phone?
Do you organize your papers?
Do you read blogs on the Internet?
Notice one thing: Usually, you are doing something. You are doing something that you shouldn’t.
You are doing something that seems useful but still it’s not the work that you should be doing.
Try my exercise!
About the Exercise
I want to mention that this exercise is highly effective if you do it well.
The point is that you don’t give yourself an alternative to doing something that would feel somehow useful. Don’t start to read the newspaper when you are doing the exercise. Don’t start to plan your weekend.
The idea is not to do anything.
You are giving yourself two alternatives:
1.Not doing anything
If you are a human being, homo sapiens, sooner or later you want to choose the alternative number 2, working.
How Do People Fail?
Some people fail because they give themselves more options. They give themselves the option number 3: do something useless that feels somehow useful.
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Try This!
Step 1 Set 5-minute timer and start
Step 2 Sit down on the floor
Step 3 Don’t to anything.
If you feel like taking your phone, don’t do it. Just sit. Do it for 5 minutes. I mean don’t do anything for 5 minutes. Just sit with your brain OFF-mode.
Let me repeat.
Sooner or later you will feel so bored that working starts to feel very interesting option.
Before the exercise, you can put the 5-minute timer. Start working right away when you feel like it again. Most of the time you don’t want to sit there and wait for 5 minutes because it feels like a long time if you are not doing anything.
In my opinion, motivational techniques can be very useful if you are building your own online business and being your own boss.
More ways to motivate yourself to work
This awesome tip was found on one great article where you will find 5 ways to motivate yourself to do work.
I’m willing to hear your experiences after doing the exercise. What did you think about the other 4 ways to motivate yourself to work?
Leave the comments below!