Many things have happened since I published this article last year in 2017. I have traveled in 10-15 different countries while making money with blogging.
The tips that I explain in this article work still and have enabled me to live "the laptop lifestyle".
But before you dive into the article, I want to give you an opportunity to get my 1-on-1 help to make money with blogging and join the community that has literally turned my life around.
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Making money online is becoming more and more popular. There are more than 3,6 BILLION people on the Internet and people spend buying more stuff online than ever before in the human history. One of the most profitable strategies to make a big money online is to create a blog. But How Long Does It Take to Make Money with Blogging?
Today I am going to share what I have learned with my experience. I am making more and more money each month with my blogs and I have friends who are making even +$10,000/month online.
The short answer to the question, how long it takes is: it depends. This is, of course, an answer that doesn’t tell very much so I am going to dig much deeper today. I will give very practical guidelines and even mention timelines how much will it take.

Blogging can be a very profitable business ($10,000/month)
Action = Success with Blogging
There are a few factors that define how fast you will make money with blogging. I know guys who have made their first dollars within a week after starting but sometimes it takes 6 months to earn even $5. Let’s have a look at the factors that define your speed.
1.Factor: How Much Do You Work Per Day/Week?
Let’s say that don’t have a 9-5 job, no kids or wife. You have a capability to work 60-80 hours a week with your blog. Compare this to a guy who is working 40 hours a week, feeding his kids and keeping his wife happy. How many hours can he spend for blogging? Probably max.10 hours a week. If he’s sleeping 4 hours per night, maybe a bit more but you get the point.
The more you work, the faster you will get the results. If your blog posts get hypothetically 5 visitors a day on average. If you have time to write 10 posts, it means that you have 50 visitors per day. But if you write 100 blog posts, you have 500 visitors a day. The more visitors you have, the more likely some of them will buy something from your blog.
2.Factor: How Effectively Do You Work?
There was a guy who succeeded with his blogs. He had been working with his blog part-time 3 hours a day on average. He couldn’t work more because he had a 9-5 job also. He was already earning +$3,000/month online so he decided to quit his job to have more time for blogging.
Then he had 14 hours a day for blogging instead of 3 hours that he had before. But do you know what? Sometimes he got done much less in 14 hours than he made before in 3 hours. He was living in an illusion that he has so much time that he doesn’t need to be effective.
Let’s say that I give 2 guys one hour to write a blog post. The other one starts writing right away and doesn’t open new tabs, while the other one sets first background music, then checks Facebook news feed. After writing 200 words, he checks quickly if somebody has sent him a message in WhatsApp. In the meanwhile, the other guy has already written +1,000-word post.
You understand the point that if you focus better, you will achieve results faster. But if you check Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and so on when you should be working, it will take much more time to make money with blogging.
3.Factor: How Much Money Do You Spend?
If you want to be a successful blogger, you need to spend some money on domain hosting and for a domain name. Other things are really up to you but by spending money you will most likely speed up the process. Have you ever heard the old saying, “If you want to make money you need to spend money?” The rule applies to making money with a blog.
You can outsource content writing which will bring more content to your site. It can add authority in Google’s eyes which make you rankings better, brings more traffic and adds your revenue. You can also buy comments which boost your Google rankings as well.
Do you create a design and logo yourself or you do you outsource it on Fiverr? What about social media marketing? Do you go to each social media after writing a blog post or do you just use MassPlanner to automate your social media activities?
In the beginning, I was a little bit “afraid” of spending money on my blog. But then I realized that it speeds up the process and will help me to reach my income goals much faster. Have you ever seen an ultimately successful entrepreneur who would do 100% of the things himself? I guess not. It’s wise to outsource things to make your blog larger faster.
4.Factor: What Kind of Tasks Are You Doing?
You can work on your website very “effectively” without making any money if you are concentrating on wrong things. I will give you an example. You have three blog posts that you would like to update to monetize your website. First of them is getting 300 visitors a month, the second one gets 50 visitors a month and the third one gets 30 visitors a month. Which one of the pages should you update to maximize your income?
Of course, the first one that has 300 visitors/month. There is 6 times more traffic than on a second one and 10 times more traffic than a third one. In the other words, you will make money 10 times faster by concentrating on the first blog post instead of the third one.
You should always take a pause and think, “What are the actions that will bring the greatest benefits for my blog right now?” Then eliminate useless tasks and concentrate on the most important tasks. Business coach Brian Tracy says, “You will never have enough time to everything you want but you will always have enough time to do everything you need to do.”
(The Most Important) 5.Factor: What Kind of Support / Training You Have?
Have you heard the famous quote by Jim Rohn? “You’re The Average Of The Five People You Spend The Most Time With.” I fully believe in that principle and we can apply it to making money by blogging.
Where did you learn how to earn money with your blog? Did somebody teach you who has never earned anything with a blog or don’t even have a blog himself? Or have you got training from an online millionaire who runs several successful blogs and has seen in practice how the process goes?
It’s very important that you get the right training that works. It will definitely speed up your process a lot. Of course, it depends on how fast you take action but if you apply principles you heard from successful bloggers, you will most likely see results much faster.
That’s why I always recommend to having a training in Wealthy Affiliate. It’s created by online millionaires who have made big money online themselves. They really know what they are talking about. In addition, you can connect with other online entrepreneurs who have the same goal as you have.
In WA you can ask questions regarding your blog from guys who are making +$2,000/month, $5,000/month or even +$10,000/month with their blogs.
1 Week, 3 Months, 1 Year or 3 Years?
I believe that you would like to hear some exact times how much it really takes to earn money with a blog.
I can tell you that it’s possible to make money within a week after starting like Alex Sol did. However, he was working 70-80 hours during that week. Most of the time it takes much longer to earn your first dollars if you don’t have any prior knowledge. By the way, how much time does it take to break even after paying your university fees?
If you have paid $30,000 for the university it takes many years to reach even 0 if you start counting from the day you started the school. In the other words, you can make money with a blog much faster than by going to the university.
I have heard that many guys made their first income 3-6 months after starting their very first blog. With my newest language blog, it took 1,5-2 months to make my first income and I was working only around 5 hours a week with that.
Many times we are talking about the magical $10,000/month mark with online incomes. I know many people on Wealthy Affiliate who reached that mark. Dom Wells reached it in 3 years and Colton James in under 15 months. Then I also met a guy who had to work with a blog for 2 years almost full-time and was still earning only $200/month. Probably by making a few changes with his site he would have been able to boost his income from $200/month to $2,000/month quite quickly.
Conclusion – How Long Does It Take to Make Money with Blogging?
If you work one year full-time (min.40 hours/week) with your blog by using some money, you will for sure achieve great results. The key is consistency and persistence. Most people give up after 1-3 months because they don’t see any results. It’s nonsense because new blogs start to get more traction on Google usually after 3-6 months.
Follow these 5 principles to make money online with your blog much faster:
1.Use at least 10 hours every week. The more the better.
2.Work effectively. Don’t scroll Facebook or Youtube while you are working.
3.Invest money on your blog to speed up the process.
4.Concentrate on doing the most profitable tasks.
5.Get training and support from experienced bloggers and online entrepreneurs.
By following these rules you can’t fail. Keep on working and learning. Failures are the part of the journey but you must always get up and never give up.
Are you making money with blogging? When did you start? What have things helped in your process?
Let me know in the comments below! 🙂
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