
Category Archives for "Ways to Make Money Online"

7 Awesome Online Jobs That Allow You to Travel Around the World. Which One Is Your Favorite?

Today I am going to share 7 awesome online jobs that allow you to travel around the world. Nowadays it’s becoming more and more popular to work online and travel around as a digital nomad. One big reason is that today it’s easier than ever in the human history. There are more than 3,5 billion potential clien…krhm.. people online which gives incredible opportunities.

Awesome Online Jobs That Allow You to Travel Around the World

Making Money Online Allows You to Travel Around the World

1.Affiliate Marketing

One of the classical methods of making money online. Basically, affiliate means the following:

1.Promote products
2.Earn commissions

You can promote products on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, on your website/blog, on a forum or literally anywhere you want. But in my opinion, the best way is to have your own website where you can promote useful products for your readers and followers.

Choose a niche, for example, language learning. Build a website where you share tips and resources to learn new languages. Then you can promote products that have helped you or other learners to learn languages faster.

You will get the best resources by really being helpful and by concentrating on helping rather than making money. Of course, you need to think about the money thing too if you want to earn it but the main focus should always be on helping your readers.

If you want to become a successful affiliate marketer and earn a living online, I recommend heading to Wealthy Affiliate. It’s a community and a training center affiliate marketing where you will get full support to start your own online business (for free).


Blogging is usually related to affiliate marketing because most of the time successful affiliate marketers are earning money from their blogs. But affiliate marketing is not the only way to make money with your blog.

You can also use Google Adsense and other ad services like CPM from Amazon. In that kind of services, you are earning money every time when somebody clicks your ad. They don’t even need to buy anything because only a click makes a commission for you.

However, those earnings per click are not usually very high. When you can earn even $1,400/sale or more with affiliate marketing, you will earn usually maximum $2/click. And most of the time is much less. Anyway, there are people who are making a full-time income with Google Adsense but usually, it’s not their only income source.

If your blog has lots of followers, you can earn money with hundreds of different ways. Different companies may offer you free products to make a review about them or you can have flight tickets to a paradise island for free.


If you can write and read two languages fluently, you can already be a translator. If you have two native languages, you can translate those languages, for example. On some websites, you would need to have a professional certificate to translate but definitely not always.

One great company is One Hour Translation. They have some requirements but not too strict ones. I made an application to work as a translator from Finnish to English or from English to Finnish. First, they rejected my request because I am not a full-time translator but after a while, they came back to me and accepted.

You can also work on Fiverr or many other marketplaces like Upwork. Do you know other great places on the Internet for translators? Let us know in the comments below.

4.Freelance Writing

You can work online as a freelance writer, translator, web designer, social media expert, musician etc. There are thousands of different freelance jobs but one of the most popular is definitely freelance writing.

People need content for their websites, blogs, social medias and many other places. I am hiring, for example, writers to my websites regularly. Fresh content makes Google rankings better and brings in more traffic.

It can take some time to build up your reputation as a writer but you can earn quite well if you can provide very valuable content.

Take a look at HireWriters. It’s a place where you can work as a freelance writer or buy articles from other writers. In order to become a writer there, you need to be a native English speaker. They seem to be very strict about that rule because they want to provide the high quality for their clients.

If you are not a native speaker you can always join Upwork and Fiverr which we already mentioned above. They are huge marketplaces on the Internet.

Awesome Online Jobs That Allow You to Travel Around the World

5.Teach Languages

You can teach your native language or other languages that you have also studied yourself. One of the great places to earn money is Italki. You don’t need to be a certified language to earn money from Italki. You can become a community tutor and earn money just by chatting with the other users.

You can also join as a professional teacher even without a degree but then you need to prove Italki that you have enough skills to do that.

One way to earn money online by teaching languages is to create a language learning website and promote useful products as we mentioned above. I can consider myself as a “language teacher” because I am teaching on my website how to learn languages easily and quickly.

Meanwhile, I am promoting products that could help people to reach fluency in their target languages. (By the way, I speak 4-5 languages fluently so I have some expertise on language subject).

6.Stock Market Investing

This method has been there even before the Internet but nowadays it has become much easier than ever. You can create an investing account in 10 minutes and start investing right away.

I am talking here about investing rather than day-trading because it seems that 99% of traders lose more money than what they are earning. When you are an investor, you pick up good companies and buy their stocks. Then your money is working for you.

You can also consider ETFs and other investment methods. If you are from Nordic countries like I am, I recommend joining Nordnet. I haven’t used stock market brokers for U.S. citizens. If you are from U.S., could you recommend some brokers?

Awesome Online Jobs That Allow You to Travel Around the World

7.Become a Youtuber

The Internet has opened lots of new opportunities and of the greatest is Youtube. You can reach millions of people through their platform and affect their life. Meanwhile, you can make a significant income with your Youtube channel.

On Youtube, you can earn money through Google Adsense, product promotions, affiliate marketing and with a hundred other ways. If you are interested, we have also written a full article about making money on Youtube.

Want to Have a Step-By-Step Training to Make a Living Online?

If you are interested in making money online, I recommend taking a step-by-step training from somebody who has done it for a long time. Wealthy Affiliate is the best online business training center and community made by two very successful online entrepreneurs.

They are teaching people how to create an own online business from the scratch. Many people have started on WA without zero knowledge and created a successful online business over the time course. Would you like to do it yourself too? It’s 100% possible.

I will give you 10 FREE interactive video lesson, 2 FREE websites and my 1-on-1 mentoring. If you are interested, read more about Wealthy Affiliate and claim your free resources.


What are your favorite ways to make money online?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂


“Can I Make Money Online Without Spending Any Money?” Definitely You Can! But…

Most of the ”make money online” -programs are not free. You need to invest a little bit in order to buy a program. Then many people ask, “Can I make money online without spending any money.”

The short answer to this question is, yes definitely. I made thousands of euros online in a short period of time without investing a single penny. And I know other people who have made it too.Can I Make Money Online Without Spending Any Money

But nowadays I have realized that it’s not always wise to try to make money online “for free”. Sometimes with a little investment, you can speed up the process a lot. Let’s say that you put $100 and get back $1,000. Isn’t that a good investment?

Today I am going to give you a few ways you could make money online without spending any money but I will also explain why it’s probably not the wisest and the fastest way.

One multimillionaire said, “In order to make money, you need to spend money.”

Let’s start with the classical and the easiest way of making some money online for free.

1.Survey and “Get-Paid-To” Sites

Can I Make Money Online Without Spending Any Money

Tired of earning pennies? Stay out of survey sites!

This is probably the easiest way to make some dollars online without any investments. Anybody can do this and earn easily some money.

The idea of these sites is that you answer surveys and do little tasks and then the company pays you a little reward. Those little tasks are for example:

  • Play games
  • Download a mobile app
  • Watch short ads
  • Answer surveys
  • And so on.

We have reviewed tens of different “Get-Paid-To” -sites on but we have come to a conclusion we don’t fully recommend any of them because the earning potential is so much lower than in a real online business. But if you really want to try “Get-Paid-To” -Sites, then take look to PrizeRebel. It is the best that we have found.

2.Online Poker

One very common way to make a living online is by playing online poker. I have a few friends that have played professionally and earned a full-time income with poker. Many years ago, I made also very good money online poker this but then I stopped playing. Why?

Because I didn’t like the idea that somebody is losing money when I’m winning. I didn’t like the values of the poker world: Money, money, money. It can be hard for you to understand but I am a Christian and I want to help people rather than taking their money.

If you think about typical casinos, what comes to your mind? Drinking, gambling and other sinful things. I didn’t like that idea so I stopped playing even though I was making a good income. I threw all my poker books into a trash can and decided that I will focus my energy on helping other people rather than taking their money on the poker table.

Afterward, I realized it was a very good choice. I really want to maintain a clean conscience before God. If I would play poker professionally, I wouldn’t have a clean conscience.

3.Create a Free Website and Advertise for Free

You can create a website in 30 seconds without former experience with WordPress. You don’t need any programming skills. You can just choose what kind of site you want, then make click a few times and your site is ready. Did you know that more than 25% of all websites on the Internet are made by WordPress?

Just write a name of your website below and get started!


When you have a website you can make money by several ways. Here are some examples:

If you want to have your own products, then you probably need to spend some money. If you are doing affiliate marketing, you don’t need to care about shipping, difficult customers etc. Simply said, you are just promoting other people’s products and earning commissions.

This can be a surprisingly profitable way and some successful affiliate marketers are making even millions of dollars every year!

However, if you start your website with $0, then your website’s name will look like or In my opinion, that’s not very professional. What if my website would be It wouldn’t look very convincing, huh?

That’s why I would recommend investing some money on buying your own domain and getting a domain hosting. Then your website will look like Like my website is for example But of course, you can start with a free site like and later on change it to your own domain: “”

4.Freelancer Jobs

You can do lots of things online as a freelancer. You can be for example:

  • Writer
  • Website designer
  • Advertiser
  • SEO-Expert
  • Much more.

You can actually do a living with these freelancing jobs. Especially if you are living in a cheap country and earning dollars online. Probably one the most famous places to find freelancing jobs online is Fiverr.

I have hired people from Fiverr and so far the price/quality -ratio has been very good. What are your special skills? Maybe you could also sell your skills on Fiverr? If you don’t have any special skills yet to make money online, there is a step-by-step training for you.

5.Advertise in Social Media

If you have lots of followers on social media you can make lots of money by promoting some products. Sometimes companies pay if you have a certain amount of followers just for mentioning the product in your posts. But then you would really need a big audience because otherwise, they will not pay you much.

Then you can also join groups on Facebook and other social medias and promote products. The danger of lots of promotion is that people may easily see you as a “spammer” who just wants to sell his products. So, please, avoid spamming!

With MassPlanner tool you can easily get thousands of followers in a few days in different social medias. You can get started with MassPlanner for free and the price for a premium version is also very affordable. Even many full-time Internet marketers use MassPlanner so it’s definitely worth trying.

My #1 Recommendation (It’s Free!)

I have made money online with several ways but there is something that I mostly recommend. But first I want to mention that this is not a “get-rich-quick” -scheme or something like that.

It’s a real training where you will learn real skills how to build your own online business. Most people who start the training don’t have any background or former experience. Some of them try it for a while and maybe earn some money. Some become a full-time online entrepreneur.

I have written a full review about Wealthy Affiliate so you can know more what is it all about. They teach you many different and honest techniques how to make money online. One process goes like this:

1.Choose your passion (for example pianos)
2.Build a website (for example about playing piano)
3.Get traffic (from Google and social medias)
4.Earn income from visitors.

If you become a member of Wealthy Affiliate, I will also promise my 1-on-1 -mentoring. You can ask me anything you want and I will share my best trick and tips. Start training today and get 10 interactive video lessons for free!

Conclusion- “Can I Make Money Online Without Spending Any Money?”

Yes, you can but it’s not always wise. I pointed out before a few ways how you can quickly speed up your process by making little investments. If you use $50 for a dinner for two people in a restaurant, why wouldn’t you invest $19 euros to an online business that can make you a living in the future?

What are your favorite ways to make money online? Have you invested money in your online business?


What Is the Best Lotto System Online? – This May Surprise You!

We have reviewed a few lotto systems here in One of those reviews is getting traffic from Google with more than 15 different keywords so some of our lotto reviews have been very popular. Today I will reveal what is the best lotto system online. So, fasten your seatbelts and let’s go!

What is the best lotto system

The Truth About Lotto Systems

The more lotto systems I review, the more convinced I become that all of them are scams. Or if not 100% scams then they are just systems that don’t give you any income. They calculate you the numbers for lotto but you lose like you would lose without using “the magical system”.

How could you possibly hack a lotto? If and only IF some lotto is using the same patterns to choose its numbers week after week, then you could predict what numbers are coming. But how could you know what kind of patterns or algorithms they are using?

Even though the same number would appear 10 times in a row, it doesn’t guarantee that it would appear more than other numbers in the future. It may have been a total ‘coincidence’ (or guidance. I don’t like to use a word coincidence so much because I believe in God’s guidance rather than coincidence.)

Why Do People Claim That You Could Beat Lotto?

There are hundreds (or thousands) of websites that are promoting different lotto systems. Why are they doing that? If those lotto systems don’t work, why are they promoting them?

Let’s say that a lotto system costs $50. Then the guy who is promoting it on his website earns 50% for every referral that he makes. Or if he is the founder of the system, he makes 100% for every sale. Getting 100 sales will make $5,000 more money to his pocket. So that’s a big reason why people are recommending lotto systems on their websites. They are earning money for that

I have seen that some people are ready to do very unethical things for money. Not everyone is as honest as we are on So you definitely should be aware of scam artists on the Internet who are recommending systems that will only milk your money. People who are telling that success can be done overnight are just feeding some dreams of people who want to become rich quickly.

“Lotteries are just a tax on people who don’t understand statistics.” -Unknown

If you play lotto, you will always lose in the long run. Let’s say that you get on average 90% of your money back, then you are paying “10% lotto tax” every week. The percentage depends on the system but the sure thing with lotto is that the house is winning and you are losing.

This Is the Best Lotto System That I Have Ever Used!

I have had the most successful lotto systems almost whole my life. I can tell it to you right away.

The best lotto system is not to play lotto at all.

You will save/earn some money every week because you are not wasting it on a game where you will lose for sure. Then you can use it for something more useful. Instead of using it to a lottery, you can invest it when the money will grow every year. Or give it to charity. Or create your own online business (you can also start it for free).

Why would you pay that additional lotto “tax” every single week? “Because it gives me excitement and blah blah blah.” Okay, if it’s a must for you to use that $2 for lotto each Saturday, that’s fine for me. But I know that many people are using much more than that. They really hope that they could win one day.

Let’s see what U.S. president said about luck:

“I am a great believer in luck and I find the harder i work the more i have of it.” -Thomas Jefferson

What Jefferson really wants so say with those words? I think it’s obvious that he really doesn’t believe in luck. He is saying that it’s much better to work hard than a belief in your luck. And when you work hard, you will be “lucky”. At least, that’s what other people will usually say about you. Many times unsuccessful look for successful people and say, “He was just lucky.” They don’t see the hard work that has allowed them to succeed.

=> Stop trusting your luck. Create a real online business today!

Work Smart (and Work Hard)

You may have heard the famous quote, “The question is not how smart you work but how smart you work.” That’s definitely true. Some people are working very hard 10 hours on useless things that will not bring almost any profit. Meanwhile, other guy is working smart and gets the same results in 1 hour.

But what if there is another guy who is working smart and also hard? He works for 10 hours and gets 10 times betters results than they guy who was only working smart but not hard. You see the point?

I am talking about this because many people who play lotto are hoping to become rich quick. It will not happen. 99,99999% of the time it will not just happen. And 99,99% of get-rich-quick -schemes are just scams.

The Best Lotto System

Success Iceberg

Most of the people who achieve something worthwhile in life are working hard. They are not playing lotto. They are not looking for best lotto systems anymore. Then eventually they break through and make the change in this world. People around are watching, “Whoa! This guy was so lucky!”

We see their glory but don’t understand the story.

We see how great things they accomplish but that’s only a tip of the iceberg. We don’t see that failure, disappointments and hard times. All we see is the result. But as we know, that’s not the whole story.

Behind there were hours, hours and hours of work and dedication. Whatever worthwhile, important you want to achieve in life, it requires that you work for it. It’s important to pray that God helps you but you need to do your own part.

I heard that somebody had prayed, “God, please, help me to win in Lotto and I will give 10% to charity!” 😉 As we know, this guy only wanted easy money for himself but was not ready to work for it.

Conclusion – Don’t Look for Lotto Systems

There are hundreds of lotto systems out there but my recommendation is to stop looking for the right one. Eventually, you will end up losing money and time. You will end up buying frustrated why those systems didn’t work.

If you want to learn to make money online, I recommend you to head to Wealthy Affiliate. I can already say that their system will not make you rich in one night. But their system will teach you real skills how you can make a living online. I am also working on it myself and want to become a full-time online entrepreneur.

When you join Wealthy Affiliate, I can give you my 1-on-1 mentoring how you can get started with your own online business. I will give you my support and share all the knowledge that I have learned so far.

But please, stop looking for lotto systems! 😉

My Questions for you:

Have you tried some lotto systems? Did they work? Why/Why not?


What is Post Affiliate Pro? – A Tool to Affiliate Marketing Success

Post Affiliate Pro Review

Post Affiliate ProName: Post Affiliate Pro

FieldAffiliate Marketing Software
Overall Rank: 80 out of 100

What is Post Affiliate Pro All About?

Post Affiliate Pro (PAP) is simply a software that helps you to build your own affiliate program easily. When you have your own product and you want to boost your sales, why wouldn’t you let other people sell your product and pay them a commission?

Let’s say that you make $100 for every sale and you can sell 50 products per month.  You are making $5,000/month. What if you create an affiliate program with Post Affiliate Pro to make more sales? You give 20$ for everyone who sells one $100-product through your affiliate program.

Let’s say that after a little while you start selling 10 times more products because of your affiliates. You are then making $100 x 500 = $50,000/month. Then you pay your affiliates 20% and you have still left $40,000. Even though this is a very simplified example, it illustrates how much an affiliate program can boost your business and your own income.

There are even more than 100 features in Post Affiliate Pro to help you to build a successful affiliate program.

UPDATE: We found even better program called iDevAffiliate. It was created already in 1999 and it’s one of the leading affiliate tracking softwares. In addition, it’s much cheaper than Post Affiliate Pro. Read our full review of iDevAffiliate!

By watching the video below you can get a good picture what is this program all about:

Don’t have your own products yet? => Make money with other people’s products!

Background of Post Affiliate Pro

PAP was founded in 2004 so it has been already 12 (or almost 13) years in the industry. In an online world, that is a very long time. Even 5 years of experience is a sometimes long time in the online world.

The company has more than 30,000 customers. It may not sound so big when you compare that for example Wealthy Affiliate (affiliate marketing training community) has +800,000 members. But when you think that all of those +30,000 customers are business owners and some of them are running a massive business through Post Affiliate Pro, it helps you to realize how big this company really is.

Some Features of Post Affiliate Pro

With PAP you can create almost any kind of affiliate program and even an MLM-program. You can choose all the details

  • A one-tier affiliate marketing
  • Two-tier affiliate marketing
  • How much commission do you pay
  • Do you have many admins of affiliate program (maybe you want to outsource boring stuff and use your own time to building your business even more)
  • List all affiliate earnings waiting to be paid
  • Easy mass-payout integration -option

Post Affiliate pro also provides you a full range of promotional material that you can use in your affiliate program:

  • Promotional material
  • Image banners
  • Text link banners
  • HTML banners
  • Customized PDF
  • Coupons
  • and so on

You can also track practically every detail of your affiliate program. PAP gives you full reports and analysis of all statistics you need. How your affiliates are performing and so on. The installation of the program is easy and immediate.

Who is Post Affiliate For?

PAP is for business owners who have their own product and they want to scale their business to earn more income. It’s a wonderful way to take your business to the next level. Your time is limited so it can be a very good option to “hire” somebody to promote your product.

In addition, having an affiliate program can be much more cost-effective than hiring an employee. You don’t need to pay a single penny if they don’t bring you income. Only when they get sales, you earn something. And as an affiliate marketer, I can say that affiliate programs are not fair only for the owners but also for the marketers. One will get paid for your the value that he/she provides. And as an affiliate marketer, one don’t need to care about dealing with customers or other practical things.

If you don’t have enough time to sell your products on different places you can outsource selling by using affiliate marketers. Your time is valuable. You have only one life so don’t waste it. If you concentrate on the most important things you can get much more than trying to do everything that is not so important at all.

Experiences of Post Affiliate Pro Users

I have seen more than 10 reviews of PAP and all of them have been very positive. Actually, I haven’t seen any negative reviews. Here are some examples what users say about Post Affiliate Pro:

What is Post Affiliate Pro

A Review by Ronald Jacobz. He gave full 5 stars about all aspects of PAP.

I believe that the idea of having your own affiliate program can be a bit intimidating at first. How to create all details of the program and how to track links etc. Ronald Jacobs was new also but as you can see in his short review above, he said that PAP’s service and features helped him through.

Post Affiliate Pro’s main target is to help you to build a successful affiliate program. They are doing their best to help you to achieve it because if you don’t like them, then you’ll disappear and they lose a customer. So they are helping with all the questions you have about the affiliate program.

Post Affiliate Pro Reivew

A Short Review by Davina

Davina mentions that the support is always timely and fast. It’s important because when you are using a new product, there are times when you probably need to contact the support and ask for help. She also mentions that PAP is doing great improvements to their program while she has been using it for 4 years already.

Post Affiliate Pro Pricing

There are three different pricing options. You can choose the suitable plan depending on your needs and the size of your business. In the picture below you can see PAP current pricing (16.12.2016)

Post Affiliate Pro Pricing

3 Different Options: Pro $97/month, Ultimate $197/month and Network $477/month. (click to enlarge the image)

Notice that with all of the programs you will get Unlimited affiliates for your program, Rock-Solid Tracking, 24/7 Support and Full Setup + Website Integration. Imagine how much time you save because you don’t need to hassle with all little details of affiliate programs like tracking and setting up the program.

If you compare PAP price to similar tools it’s not so expensive at all. You can get started with less than $100/month while some similar software cost starting from $350/month. Some affiliate tracking products can cost even +$750/month. However, even that is not expensive if the software brings you more money than it takes. If your affiliate program can make you $10,000/month then those prices are only very cheap investments.

Pros & Cons


  • New features being added on a regular basis
  • Flexible pricing with 3 different options
  • 30-day money back guarantee
  • Can hugely scale your online business and boost your income
  • Easy to get started (helpful features and video tutorials will help you)


  • Requires that you have a product and you find affiliates

My Final Opinion of Post Affiliate Pro

In my opinion Post Affiliate Pro can be a magnificent way to create your own affiliate program and to boost your income. You don’t have the time to do everything yourself so outsourcing tasks for people who can do it for less money is wise.

Users of PAP have been solely satisfied with their service and features. Their big amount of customers (+30,000) tells that they have been running their business successfully and that they provide a good value for its users.

Affiliate marketing is a win-win situation where the founder of the program and the affiliate marketer earn money. Also customer wins because he finds the product that he has been looking for.

In order to have your own affiliate program, you would need your own products. If you don’t have your own products yet you can always become a successful affiliate marketer. There are affiliate marketers online who are making +$150,000/month only by selling other people’s products and they never need to cope with the customers.

Both sides of the coin are good and it depends on your current situation and goals which side fits for you better.

PRODUCT_NAME at a Glance…

Name: Post Affiliate Pro
Price: Pro $97/month, Ultimate $197/month, Network $477/month
FieldAffiliate Marketing Software
Overall Rank: 95 out of 100



Now I want to hear from you:

Do you dream of having your own affiliate program?

Or do you know somebody who is running an affiliate program?

Leave a comment below!


“Can I Make Money on Youtube?” – Here Are 6 Ways with a Plan of Action.

You have probably seen some very successful Youtubers who have tens of millions of views and millions of subscribers. These guys are making big money. They are famous. Have you asked yourself, “Can I Make Money on Youtube?”

Yes YOU can make money on YouTube!
Anyone can make money on YouTube!

It’s not a rocket science!

If you’re planning to make money on YouTube, the first thing that I recommend you doing is to install TubeBuddy to your browser because it will make the whole process much easier. (Read my Full TubeBuddy review here and see practical ways how it helps me to earn more money on YouTube).

Can I Make Money on Youtube

Let’s start with good news: You don’t need to be famous to make money on Youtube. You don’t need a big amount of followers in the start. You need an idea, get started and keep on going. There is four kind of people:

1.Those who don’t have an idea about Youtube videos.
2.Those who have an idea but don’t start
3.Those who have an idea and start making videos. But then they stop before they earn income.
4.And then there are people who start with their idea and keep on going until they break through and start making good money on Youtube.

In which group do you belong?

Making money on Youtube is possible. If it’s possible for one. It’s possible for you. Now let’s think what are the ways to make money on Youtube.

1.Google AdSense

This probably the easiest and the fastest way to earn some revenue on Youtube. However, you will not be earning very much at first. On Youtube, you can display ads on your videos. An ad will appear on the right, before the video or in the bottom of the video. When a viewer engages with the ad you get paid.

So you will not get paid every time when somebody sees an ad but when they click on it or for example watch the full video ad. The revenue on ads vary a lot but usually it’s something like $0,80-$7 per 1,000 impressions. One impression means that somebody has seen an ad once. So this shows that you need usually thousands of views to even get some little revenue with AdSense.

2.Promote Your Own Products

If you have made some products, you can promote them anywhere. On Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube… But the biggest benefit of Youtube is that in videos you can give the much more profound picture of your products. You can show how they work in practice. You can show the product looks like in real life environment and so on. Just create a video and put a link into description so people can go and buy your product. Or if your product is an event, you can invite people through your video.

3.Affiliate Marketing = Promote Someone Else’s Products

If you don’t have own products this is an easier way to get started. You don’t need to care about product’s handling, shipping, customer complaints and so on. You just present the product and the company takes care of all the other things.

You just put a link to the description and when people click it and go to buy a product, you earn the commission. I have seen Youtubers who are making thousands of dollars with a single video when they put some links to their description.

For example, there is a guy who makes book reviews. Then he was asked what is your favorite book. Then he makes a video where he shows his 9 favorite books and explains a little bit about each of them. Then he put the Amazon links in the description. Every time somebody clicks and buys some of those books, he earns. In addition, if somebody clicks and ends up buying something else on Amazon, he earns the commission.

Those three ways are probably the most popular ones and easiest if you are a beginner. There are also many other ways how you can monetize your Youtube channel when you have gained a big amount of followers.

4.Get Paid to Talk about Products

When you have lots of subscribers, companies get interested in you. They may contact you or you can contact them. There are websites where you can find companies that pay for example somebody who has +10,000 subscribers. When you can 11,000 subscribers, you can contact the product and then you make a deal.

When you have a big audience and people trust in you, they are more willing to buy the products you talk about. Many people may buy a product if you recommend it. Or even that you talk about and raise the awareness is beneficial for the company. The more subscribers you have, the more you get paid. The company can, for example, pay $100 that you make a short video about their product. But again, this requires lots of followers.

5.Licensing your videos

If your video are high quality and they have enough exposure, more and more people get interested in you. Sometimes companies want to use your video or a part of it to their commercials. Then you can sell the part for them and earn some good money. But this, of course, requires that your videos are good and people find them.

6.Invitations/Job Offers

When you get famous on Youtube or people recognize that you have some good talent, you can get invitations. Some Youtubers get invitations to big conferences to speak about their expertise and teach other people.

There was a girl in Finland who published a video on Youtube where he spoke 14 “fake languages”, sang on some of her videos and played instruments. People recognized her talents and she started getting invitations to TV-shows and series. Then she got invited to Hollywood and she signed a contract with a music producer. Everything started with her Youtube videos.

Or then you can make a video about your skills and an employer sees it and invites you to a job interview. The bottom line is that with Youtube the possibilities are limitless.

How to Get Started?

There are three options:

1.Post 100 videos and wonder why they don’t get any views
2.Study and learn all the skills to become a successful Youtuber. But never get started.
3.Start posting videos and keep on learning at the same time.

Which one would you choose? There are people who keep on posting and posting. Then they think that competition is too high and it’s too hard to make money on Youtube. Then some people know what it takes but don’t bother to do the hard work.

In my opinion, the best way is to get started. First, make a plan. For example, decide to publish at least one video every week. Then get started. But don’t only do that but study how you could get better. There are many things that you can practice when you are making Youtube videos:

  • How to get ranked better (Go through the step-by-step training on how to get ranked on Youtube)
  • How to make your thumbnail better
  • How to make a better introduction
  • How to maximize conversions
  • How to improve the quality of your sound and other aspects of the video
  • How to get more interaction to your videos
  • How to get more shares on social medias
  • How to get more subscribers

There are so many things that you can practice. Every time when you practice some of these skills you learn something. And when you learn something new, you are always one step closer to your Youtube-success. There is one thing that I have noticed among successful Youtubers:

95% of them have worked for years to achieve their success. And all of them started with 0 knowledge.

Everybody who is in the top today has started from the bottom. Every single one. And you are not different. If you want to make money on Youtube you need to start and keep on going. It will take lots of practice and probably lots of failures but those who never try, fail by default.

Example of a Success Plan for Youtube

Benjamin Franklin said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!”. That’s why it’s important to make a success plan. It will help you to go forward even when you don’t feel like it.

What you will need for Youtube videos. A microphone or/and a camera. Start by buying those. Write down the deadline when you are going to buy them. Then make your research and when the day comes, you buy them.

Then publish at least 1 video per week. It’s okay to start slowly. Write down dates when you are going to publish your videos. If possible, write down also what will be the subjects of those videos.

Then every week learn something new. I have listed above 8 subjects that you can study to improve your skills. There are even much more but you can start with those. Decide what you are going to study and when. Write it down to your calendar to make sure that you will really do it.

Then start publishing 2 videos per week. I know a successful Internet marketer from France who is posting a new video every day. So 2 videos a week will be your goal. Again, write down dates when you are going to publish them. Then after some time analyze your results. Ask yourself questions: What have you done, what have you learned, what should you improve to get better results immediately and so on. Write down your answers.

Reach out to other successful Internet marketers to get help and learning even more. You need to become an authority. And when you create new content you are always learning something new. The best way to learn is by doing. So, make an action plan and stick to it. And remember that there is only one way to fail. That is quitting.

Want to Get a Step-By-Step Training to a Make Money Online?

To be honest, I am not a specialist on making money on Youtube. I am planning to start learning more on about Youtube and making videos next year in 2017. I will use this post as a guideline and motivation to get started and keep on going. Then I can also report my progress here on

Many principles that work on Youtube apply also to making money online in general. You need to learn how to get ranked and how to get traffic. You need to learn a bunch of skills.

There are much training regarding that subject and we have reviewed tens of different programs here on Our #1 recommendation is Wealthy Affiliate. They provide the most comprehensive, in-depth and practical training. In addition, they have the most active and the best community for Internet marketers with more than 800,000 members.

When I am about to start my success journey on Youtube I will for sure ask other successful Youtubers in WA what are their tips and advice. Then I will save tens, hundreds or even thousands of hours because I don’t need to make the same mistakes that they have done.

Want to become part of a community of Internet marketers? Join today in Wealthy Affiliate. It’s totally free to get started!

A question for you: Have you made money on Youtube? How?

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