
Category Archives for "Scam Products"

Is Trio Profit Machine a Scam? Yes It Is And I Will Tell You Why!


We have been asked this question – “Is Trio Profit Machine a scam?” – several times, especially by newbies in affiliate marketing. Here’s my short answer:  Yes, it is a scam. Of course, there’s more to it so let’s look at the program more closely.

Is Trio Profit Machine a Scam

What Is Trio Profit Machine And How Does It Work?

The Trio Profit Machine is a product created by Jani G who has a string of online products to his name, many of which are of questionable use. His introduction should already ring warning bells because of his promises of high daily income.

His promise is that the Trip Profit Machine can generate three income streams on complete autopilot. This means the ultimate in passive income because your daily earnings will flow without manual effort on your part. You will earn between $122 to $708 per day, a promise that may or may not come to fruition for many reasons.

By now, your brain’s running on overdrive regarding the possible daily income. But don’t be because there’s no truth to his claims for many reasons.

=> Tired of False Promises? Make Money Online Honestly! <=

Keep in mind that his so-called three income streams or profit machines are nothing more than the stages of a funnel, namely:

  • You have to sign up customers to free offers by using either free or paid traffic.
  • You must then offer them other products with the promise of their brighter future while they’re waiting for order confirmation.
  • You should also offer them upsells (i.e., better versions of the product) and, thus, you can make more money.

What Is Trio Profit Machine

After these three stages, you will now be on the Trio Profit Machine’s mailing list. You may or may not appreciate being the recipient of new offers made on daily.

Even a relative newcomer to affiliate marketing will see the folly in the program. This is because programs that offer other products and/or upsells are usually up to no good. Why would you offer similar products or better versions of your product when yours is already the best? Of course, there are exceptions to this principle but most of the scams offer tons of upsells.

Poor Value for Your Money

Despite a few similar products under his belt, Jani G still hasn’t polished his style, both in terms of video production and text creation. He has such a poor grasp of the power of the English language while his videos have an amateurish feel. He doesn’t appear to put more time, energy and effort into the Trio Profit Machine than in his previous products.

But let’s assume that you don’t know these things yet. You buy the product, which turns out to be a 52-page e-book detailing the three income streams. You find out, too, that Jani calls these income streams as Impulse Buyer Income, Backend Income, and List Follow Up Income.

You will then realize where the abovementioned profit machines fit into Jani’s scheme. Your veteran affiliate marketing friends will also say that these concepts aren’t as new as Jani says they are, far from it. The only new thing about them is their labels.

For example, backend offers are nothing but upsells while email follow-up income is just email marketing income. Plus, these income streams are already available, not to mention better presented and explained, in better online marketing programs.

Nothing New in this Program

Aside from giving new labels to old concepts, Jani is also inconsistent in his use of labels, another red flag. For example, he calls backend income as download page income in different sections without giving an explanation regarding the change. Let’s just say that he didn’t “discover three income streams” because he only renamed them so that newbies can be taken in by fancy names.

Yet another sign of non-originality in the Trio Profit Machine is the use of an old internet marketing model. Jani introduces an opt-in page, a download page, and an OTO page in his program – and there’s nothing new there either.  You will find these pages in almost all online marketing programs, too.

The Trio Profit Machine also encourages its subscribers to adopt several ineffective strategies. For example, affiliate offers are disguised as bonuses, a tactic that will likely turn off your prospects. Your mailing list will grow shorter and shorter because your subscribers will eventually realize your greed at their expense.

And then there’s Jani’s blatant promotion of his coaching program on auto-responders. Instead of demonstrating to his clients the effective ways of using auto-responders, he encourages them to buy into his coaching program – and, of course, it’s for a fee.

Who Is Trio Profit Machine For?

The program is designed for both newbies and veterans. But since veterans already have knowledge about Jani’s methods, newbies are most likely to be the next victims, er, buyers.

Trio Profit Machine Tools & Training

The program has a members’ area, links to training videos, and a PDF download.

Trio Profit Machine Support

The members’ area appears to be the only support for buyers.

The Good & the Bad

Unfortunately, there’s nothing good to be said about the Trio Profit Machine, per discussions above. In terms of its bad aspects, these include:

  • Old principles and practices given fancy names to reel in the unsuspecting newbies
  • Inconsistent labeling for the strategies
  • Amateurish videos and content
  • Upsells are present

Jani also makes unrealistic promises. For the daily income to be achieved, you have to possess many things, such as a huge email list, an effective targeted traffic program, and trending products. You will not stand a chance at the $700 daily income when one of these things are missing.

But Jani doesn’t say these things, much less discuss them in depth.

Our Final Opinion of Trio Profit Machine

With that said, I have to say that, without a doubt, the Trio Profit Machine is a scam! If you buy into it, you’re paying for information that can be secured for free online. You’re also getting a poorly produced program that will never attract money into your account.

Instead of the Trio Profit Machine, we recommend becoming a member of Wealthy Affiliate, a well-known reliable affiliate marketing company. You have the opportunity to create your own website, choose from a wide range of products to promote and earn money from commissions. You also have the benefit of hosting and domain services for, truly, Wealthy Affiliate is the one-stop shop for affiliate marketers.

=> Log on to now and see for yourself!


Do you have experience about Trio Profit Machine? Have you already tried Wealthy Affiliate?

Leave a comment below and I’ll be sure to follow up with you!


Simple Financial Success Review – Can You Really Earn $379/Day?

Big mansion, new sports cars, and easy money… That is what Simple Financial Success promises. They claim to have a secret system that can make you $379/day income very quickly. Does it sound like a scam? Read this review before deciding!

Simple Financial Success Review

Simple Financial Success

Name: Simple Financial Success
Price: $97

Field: Make Money Online -Program
Overall Rank: 0  out of 100

What Is Simple Financial Success All About?

Simple Financial Success promises to teach you a secret system that will make you quickly $379/day. Only 60 minutes of work per day. No former experience required.

Is Simple Financial Success a Scam

Work 60 min/day -> Earn $379/hour. Doesn’t sound very legit.

Their secret system is leaving links around the Internet. When people click these links you would earn good money. Doesn’t sound very challenging. Just leave links and start earning big income. Take a look at their calculator below:

Simple Financial Success

If you post, for example, 35 links a day and earn $30 per link, you will be earning $1,050/day which equals to $21,000/month.

Placing 35 links a day doesn’t sound very hard. Actually, you can do it in 5 minutes with any social media tool like MassPlanner. But who would be paying you $30 per link? On their sales page of Simple Financial Success, they claim that companies are willing to pay you for placing these highly important links for them.

They are desperate for finding people to add their links. Yeah, right… Not a single company would pay $30 for a single link. In my experience companies could pay you something like $0,1/link maximum. They can anyway find people doing it cheaper and cheaper so not a single company needs to pay so much for that.

There is a more legit way of doing money by placing links. That is called affiliate marketing. It is a legit way of making money online but it’s not a “quick-rich-scheme”. You are simply promoting other people’s products and when somebody buys something, you earn the commission. #1 affiliate marketing training is this one.

Fake News and Fake Pictures

Do you remember My Home Job Search Review on our site? In that review I described a “make money from home” – opportunity which was clearly a scam. They used stock pictures on their testimonials and even the picture of their founder was taken from the site of free stock pictures.

Surprisingly Simple Financial Success is also using stock pictures on their testimonials and stories. How is cheap scam that? They don’t even bother to take real pictures but just take pictures from a free website. Well, at least it shows more clearly that they are a scam.

Then on their page is a little video clip from news from approximately 15-20 years ago. In the news, they show some people are making money from the comfort of their own home. They don’t mention this program even with a single word and this scam program is probably created 10 years after that news.

They are trying to get credibility by showing this clip but actually, it shows even more clearly that this Simple Financial Success is not a legit program.

Simple Financial Success Reviews

Not True!!

On their page, they claim that Simple Financial Success has been featured on this news but it’s not true. They don’t give any proof about it and the only clip from the news is taken from 10 years ago.

What Is the Price of Simple Financial Success?

Their program costs $97 but I say that, please, DO NOT PAY WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THIS SCAM. You will not learn a program that makes you $379/day but you’ll end up $97 poorer.

By buying this program one can learn not to run into new scams anymore. I have got to know many people on Wealthy Affiliate who ran into many scams before finding their training. After finding WA, they didn’t need to run into scams anymore because they had found a system that works.

Simple Financial Success Review

Typical pictures in a scam product sales page. Trying to sell you big dreams.

Pros & Cons


  • Sometimes dreaming is nice… At least this system talks about achieving big dreams


  • False promises
  • False testimonials
  • Fake news
  • High price

Conclusion – Is Simple Financial Success a Scam?

Yes, it is. They are promising you something that they can’t provide. I know that it’s possible to make money online by leaving links here and there but it requires work and skills. Their “system” is not even true because there are no companies that would pay you so much for leaving links. I don’t know where did they get an idea for this scam…

If you want to learn how to really make money online by leaving links, then you should head to Wealthy Affiliate. They have a step-by-step training how you can create your own online business. The process simply goes like this:

1.Create a website (You can create one in 30 seconds)
2.Get traffic to your website (For example from Google)
3.Leave links to your website
4.When your visitor clicks a link (and buys something) you earn commission.

The process is pretty simple and anyone can learn affiliate marketing. But I remind that it’s not a “Get-rich-quick” -scheme. You will need to work to make a big income. But it’s possible to make a living and much much more. Start training today.

Simple Financial Success at a Glance…

Name: Simple Financial Success
Price: $97

Field: Make Money Online -Program
Overall Rank: 0  out of 100


What do you think about “Simple Financial Success”? Have you seen some similar scams online? Leave a comment below!


Is Copy My Commissions a Scam or Will You Become a Millionaire in 3 Months? Check This Out!

“I’m Walter Green. And you’re gonna be a millionaire in three short months. These are not my theories. These are proven facts.” That’s what they promise in this program. Is it true or is Is Copy My Commissions a Scam? Let’s find out!

is copymycommissions a scamCopy My Commissions Review

Name: Copy My Commissions
Price: $200

Field: Make Money Online -programs
Overall Rank: 0 out of 100

What Is Copy My Commissions All About?

Copy My Commissions (CMC) is a “proven” system that will make you a millionaire in three months. It has already made hundreds of new millionaires who were just like you.

They were in the same situation like you are. Or actually, even worse. They were deep in debt, trying to find a way out. Then they found this system and nowadays they are living in big mansions and driving with sports cars. And you can do the same with this step-by-step system.

Within Copy My Commission they have so-called “Free Money System” which will literally bring money to your account automatically and for free. You just push a button and *bing!* The money is in. When you keep on doing this for 3 months, YOU BECOME A MILLIONAIRE. That’s not theory. It is a proven fact.

Does this all sound legit??? No, no and million times no!

Tired of scams? => Get a Real Online Business Training for FREE!

is copy my commissions a scam

Move to this house in 3 months without working for a day? That’s what this system promises

Why Don’t I Trust in Copy My Commissions?

If you have read my 5 ways to avoid scams online, then you can easily spot scams when you see one.

These are some characteristics of typical scams that apply to Copy My Commissions:

  • You will become rich quickly
  • You don’t need to work to earn money
  • One “guru” knows a secret system that makes people rich
  • Only negative reviews about this program online
  • Walter Green (founder) seems to be a scam artist

Copy My Commissions marketing video was actually quite entertaining. Walter Green and one woman were acting and it was like a B-class movie.  “Wooow! I couldn’t imagine that this could work so well”, said the woman very surprised. “Well, I knew that it will make a millionaire in 3 months”, smiles Walter confidently.


Money, Money, Money… But Where Is a Real Value??

Here is a short course of the economy: You earn depending on a value that you bring to a marketplace. When you bring lots of value, you earn a lot. When you don’t bring any value, you don’t usually earn very much.

In order to earn money, you need to provide some value for other people in the world. Value can be really anything between a heaven and earth. Delicious food, useful information, helping hand and much more.

But the problem with typical online scams is that they focus only on making money without providing any value. You just magically become rich by pushing the button. Some “guru” knows something that nobody in this world knows and he is going to tell it to you. That kind of fantasy is far away from a real world.

If you are interested in making honest money online, then you need a great training where you can learn real skills. Success requires hard work day in and day out.

What Is Their “Secret System”?

Copy My Commissions is another binary trading system. You probably know that at least 90% of these magical “binary trading systems” are just scams.

I didn’t even bother to take a further look what kind of algorithm they are using on Copy My Commissions. I have reviewed tens of “Make Money Online” -systems. I have seen many legit ones but probably, even more, scams. And this system is so obvious scam that one can recognize it in 5 seconds.

Do you know what is a real “secret” to making money online? Let me tell you:

The secret of making money online is that there is no secret. You need a step-by-step training and then work your butt off. That’s the “secret”.

Was it a disappointment? I hope not. Because I know that you can really make money online but it requires work. You can, actually, make lots of money online but it requires even more work. Is it easy? No. Is it worth it? Yes.

Pros & Cons


  • Entertaining marketing video
  • Easy to spot that it is a scam


  • False promises
  • Another “Get-Rich-Quick” -Scheme
  • No Real Value
  • A Program Is Full of Lies

Conclusion – Is Copy My Commissions a Scam?

I guess that you already know an answer? Yes, My Copy Commissions is definitely a scam.

By using this program you will not become a millionaire in 3 months. If you try this system, you will only end up being $200 (or more) poor after three months. In addition, you may be disappointed because the system didn’t work out like Walter Green promised.

If you are still interested in making money online, I recommend you taking a look at our #1 recommendation of making money online programs. I know that there are a few good programs out there but this one I have liked the most.

They will teach you real skills how you can create an own online business from the scratch. And remember, that is not a get-rich-quick -scheme.

I can say right away that you will probably not become a millionaire in three months by using our #1 recommendation but I can say that you will learn lots of new skills. Then you can make money online and eventually you can make a full-time income online.

One of the best things there is that you can get started for totally FREE.

Copy My Commissions at a Glance…

Name: Copy My Commissions
Price: $200

Field: Make Money Online -programs
Overall Rank: 0 out of 100



What do you think about Copy My Commissions? Leave a comment below!


Is Lotto Guy Lottery System a Scam or Legit?

Today we are going to take a closer look to one of the most famous lotto systems. They have very big promises but you can find many complaints all around the Internet. Is Lotto Guy Lottery System a Scam or Legit? Read our review to find out.

Lotto Guy Lottery System Review

Name: Lotto Guy Lottery SystemLotto guy review
Price: $19,95
Owners: Unknown
Overall Rank: 5 out of 100 (Check Out My #1 Recommendation)

Lotto Guy Lottery System Overview

Lotto Guy Lottery System is created for the people who want to earn money by playing lotto. They claim to have a university-proven system that will make your money if you just follow what they say.

They also promise you 30% bigger changes of winning. Sounds pretty good, huh?

Well, the reality is a bit different. Your changes will not be any bigger with this system but you will end up wasting your money and time. You can check out a quick video where I explain a few quick reasons why nobody should buy Lotto Guy Lottery System. (I am not an English native speaker but you can for sure get the important message.)

Who is Lotto Guy Lottery System For?

Do you play the lotteries?
Do you want to win more often?
Do you want to increase your changes to win the jackpot?”

If you answered “Yes” to any of the questions above, this system is designed for you. At least that is what the founders say.

But actually, this system is for people who don’t recognize it’s a scam and give their money to these Lotto scammers.

Lotto systems, in general, are made for people who are looking for a quick answer to their financial problems. But all those lotto systems that I have seen are scams. They are just giving huge promises without providing a system that would work.

==>Don’t Waste Your Money on Lotto Systems.

Learn How I Make Money Online! <==

Lotto Guy Lottery System “Training”

Lotto guy lottery system

As they mention above, they know that most of the lottery systems are not working. That’s why they want to give a system that works.

In reality, they provide you a 1-page system that tries to teach you how to pick the right number to win more in the lotto. Lotto Guy sales page uses convincing terms like “certain patterns,” “odds/evens,” “high/lows.” That tries to make it look a little bit better than the system is.

The funniest part is that they call their “University Developed Tested And Proven.” They say that the program is designed in the famous university. It would be very nice to see the proof of that.

My guess is that they are talking about their “imagery university.”

Is lotto guy lottery system a scam or legit

Was Voted 1st… Where? Do They Have Any Proof Or Links?

Lotto guy is making huge promises and claims all over his website. But the cold truth is that he doesn’t provide any kind of facts or proof for those big promises. My sincere advice is that don’t believe what scam artists like Lotto guy are saying. It will save tons of your money. Instead, learn how you can make honest money online.

Lotto Guy Lottery System Pricing

Their product costs $19,95 which seems to be cheap but if we think about their system… $19,95 is quite a lot for nothing.

If they really would have a system that produces guaranteed money by playing lotto $19,95 would be a reasonable price, but we are still waiting for such a system to come. Most probably it will never come.

It seems that in some States Lotto Guy Lottery System is already banned because they can’t receive payments anymore (Thank God!). But if somebody wastes $20 on some scam like in this system, there is no one to blame for. Always make your research first before buying, especially if the salesman is giving you big promises.

If you would be thinking, “Well, it’s only $20. Why wouldn’t I give it a try?” Please, don’t waste your money on a scam. I can say that you would be giving your money to a scam artist.

Watch out for Cheaters!

I found some websites that claimed that Lotto Guy Lottery System would work. They didn’t seem very reliable and were probably made by the owners or affiliates of this program.

These websites talk about the system in a positive way only because they want to get more customers and take your money. Don’t trust them!

It’s quite typical to find such websites with the online scams. Founders or their friends have made some websites where they claim the program be legit. Then they have several testimonials how the program is working in practice. It makes the program seem more appealing but doesn’t make it better at all.

It’s not acceptable to promote scam programs. I believe in honest business by providing the great value for our visitors. All products that I recommend on are helpful and beneficial for making money online. I couldn’t promote something worthless because I want to have a clean conscience.

Pros & Cons


  • Easy to see that it’s the scam


  • No real value
  • False promises
  • Claims to be “University-proven” but doesn’t show any proofs
  • A lot of hype
  • No proof that it would work

My Final Opinion of Lotto Guy Lottery System

In short, stay far away from this scam.

Lotto Guy Lottery System is not university proven and it will not make you rich. It can maybe make the owners of the program rich if many people keep on falling for the scam. But don’t give your money to them.

If you are interested in making money on the Internet, I recommend having a look at Wealthy Affiliate. They have a step by step training that teaches you how you can create a real online business. They have a proven system that works unlike in Lotto Guy Lottery System which is a scam.

Wealthy Affiliate gives you clear steps to follow. I will give you 10 interactive video lessons, 2 websites and my 1-on-1 mentoring for FREE. You don’t need to believe a word that I say because you can try Wealthy Affiliate without any risks.

I have friends who are making +$10,000/month through their training and I am making myself more and more money each month. I have still a long way to $10,000/month income but I know that I will make it because of the skills that I have learned in WA.

Lotto Guy Lottery System at a Glance…

Name: Lotto Guy Lottery System
Price: $19,95
Owners: Unknown
Overall Rank: 5 out of 100

VERDICT: Scam. Not Recommended.

I hope you find this review useful and you can save your money from this scam product.

Do you have personal experience with Lotto Guy Lottery System or some other lotto programs?

Let Me Know in the Comments Below! 🙂

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