
Category Archives for "Scam Products"

Is Total Income Answer a Scam? – DEFINITELY, YES!

Before spending your hard earned money to “Total Income Answer” you’ve decided to do some research, and for that way, you start searching for info about the platform to see if it’s a legit opportunity or just another scam. Actually, Total Income Answer is an old scam site with a new name. The same scam has used a lot of different names and websites in the past, and now they all come on the single platform.

When it comes to Total Income Answer, there’s one thing that actually jumps out at me. The thing is the fact that I have seen in the platform is exact “same product” again and again at the same time. There are a lot of unhappy buyers complaints already available which can be found on the internet as well as this false (same) product. It’s false because of claims such as “make up to 379 dollars per day” while the time they suggest you is only 60 minutes, Just “rolls” and cheats you.

There’s no doubt that you can earn online this type of money through hard work and with proper earning resources and experience, but through Total Income Answer, you would most likely end up poorer.

Let’s take a look at the different sides of this awful platform:

Total Income Answer Review

Is Total Income Answer a ScamName: Total Income Answer
Make Money Online -Programs

Overall Ranking: 0 Out of 100 (Check Out My #1 Recommendation, 98 Out of 100)

What is Total Income Answer?

In my way, Total Income Answer is just a confusing website. Confusing means when you’ve to search and open the Total Income Answer website and you tap on the “Click for Availability” button, it goes to a completely different website.

After a lot of researching, finally, I get it that this website is all about “Posting fake links for companies”. And if you try to teach this program for making online earning then you get some fake links of companies.

The way they introduce it is so truly ridiculous and it’s truly a fake guidance if anyone wants to make online money.

The teaching view of the website is that how to post affiliate links on social media sites and on different forums but just doing that won’t make you 500 dollar per day as they claim.

You will not get enough traffic (views) to earn that a lot by simply posting to these sources.

The Total Income Answer is just a Scam

In the beginning, they started with an eBook that you must have to buy. But unfortunately, if you buy the eBook, you will be hounded by the pressure of telemarketers for buying another product from the same home product site that is even further costly and expensive as compared to the old one.

But the both won’t work, but once you buy the one then you will be under pressure to buy yet another which is more expensive. It never ends, and even you never make a single dollar with their fake methods and guidance.

In spite of all the fake media supports photo-shopped images, and joined collectively video. In reality, the aim of Total Income Answer is not about helping you to make online money from home. The only focus of this website is one thing and this one thing is just robbing you blind!

They use the same trick like Wifi Millionaire. The first product is cheap but it’s only a bait. When you give your email or credit card information, you already give a sign that you are interested in their products and services. It allows them to sell you more.

How Does Total Income Answer Work?

Once you buy what you consider is Total Income Answer, you’ll discover yourself being directed a lot of other websites. And before its whole said and complete you’ll be redirected a whole of five times before you truly make your way to the member’s area.

For many people’s this can get quite annoying and if you are a beginner who is just getting started an online career with no experience, then this will only add to more difficulty and confusion.

After they are finished they redirecting you to the several websites that you’ll finally arrive in the member’s area and get access to the product that you bought.

How Much Does It Cost to Join?

The cost of Total Income Answer is 97 dollar but along the way, you will obtain upsells, the largest one being calling them for discussion which wholly not values it, people! You will be spending a lot and too much time for not sufficient honest, real answers.

By the time you are ready with them, you would have spent further than hundred dollars you didn’t require to spend.

Especially because you are paying for really poor guidance as well as such a bad training.

Also, you’ll have opportunity cost with this program as you’ll lose a lot of time trying to work with this program which will not guide you to achieve your financial goals.

Before buying any make money online system online, I recommend following these 5 principles.

Total Income Answer and Similar Products

That’s a great question and to be sincere and honest with everyone, one that took me a while to figure out for myself.

Finally, I find out that Total Income Answer was nothing more than a posting link scam that claims you can earn up to more than 15 dollars for each link. They mean that according to their instructions you just have to post these links on Google.

On this particular opportunity, I was doing my own research and I found that in reality, they go by many names with same domains. It seems like this program goes by many additional names too and here are just some that I have come across as I continued my research.

  • Home Payday Vault
  • Home Cash Success
  • Ultimate Income Solution (the major one)
  • And many others . . .

Also, these ”make-money-online-opportunities” are using the same format for the website like Total Income Answer:

Pros & Cons


  • No advantages because this is a SCAM


  • Waste your hard earned money
  • Poor guidance & Bad training
  • Posting fake links for companies

Conclusion – Is Total Income Answer a Scam?

Yes. My wish is that you wouldn’t spend a single dollar on this system. I make reviews of this kind of scam products to prevent people from falling into scams. I also want to help people to make money online with honest methods and with proven steps.

Making money online is not magic but there’s a proven system that works. You need to work persistently and you will not achieve $500/day income by working only 1-2 hours in a week. Yesterday I published a post how long does it take to make money with blogging. It is possible to make $10,000/month online after a year but it would require that you work like an animal.

Nowadays it’s easier than ever before to make a living online. Every year there are hundreds of millions new people online and people are spending more money on the Internet.

If you are interested how you could make a living online as well, I recommend having a look at Wealthy Affiliate. It is a step-by-step online business training that teaches everything you need to succeed online. I will also give my 1-on-1 mentoring once you become a member. The community consists of many successful online entrepreneurs who are willing to give you their personal support.

It’s 100% free to get started and you will get 20 interactive video lessons and 2 websites as a gift. Yes, you heard right, it’s 100% free to join. No risks, only win.

=> Learn to Make a Living Online with Proven Training!


Have you ever fallen into an online scam? Have you learned afterward how to make money online?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂


Is Easy Cash Code a Scam Or Can You Make $900 within the First Month?

Today we will take a closer look at the system that promises to teach how you can make $500 per day without leaving the comfort of your own home. I know it’s possible because some of my friends have done it. However, I know it didn’t happen easily but required lots of hard work. Is Easy Cash Code a Scam? Let’s find out!

Easy Cash Code Review

is Easy Cash Code a scamName: Easy Cash Code
Founder: “Antonio”
Field: Make Money Online -Programs

Overall Rank: 10 Out of 100 (Have a Look at My #1 Recommendation, 98p Out of 100)

What Is Easy Cash Code?

Easy Cash Code is a money-making system that promises to teach you how to make easily $500/day online. On their website, there is a sales video that shows dozens of testimonials of ordinary people who made big money with this system. However, on the bottom of the page, they have a disclaimer that testimonials don’t guarantee that you could make money with Easy Cash Code. And if I am honest, you will most likely end up on minus if you invest money in this system.

Who is Easy Cash Code For?

Easy Cash Code is designed for people who are looking for ways to make money online fast. In my opinion, that’s already a bit suspicious starting point. Most programs that promise that you could become rich quick are scams. Okay, you can play lotto and try to become rich but I don’t recommend that.

is Easy Cash Code a scam

Fast Cash? Yeah, right…

It’s totally possible to make big money online but I know from my own and from other people’s experience that it requires work and discipline. You may encounter some failures in that journey but that’s only a part of success.

Easy Cash Code and this kind of “get rich quick” schemes promise quick riches without almost any work. Are they speaking the truth? No.

Easy Cash Code Training

Like most of the scams, Easy Cash Code provides some kind of training. They teach how you can create a WordPress website and some landing pages. Then they teach how to collect people’s email addresses on that landing page to build your own email list.

This strategy is a very typical way to make money online and has been used for many successful Internet marketers. Like Chris Farrell always says, “You want to succeed how to succeed online? I can tell you the answer in three short words. Build a list.”

However, Easy Cash Code training doesn’t have a good reputation it teaches you some basics that you can quickly learn by watching a few Youtube videos. Actually, you can get a much better training from some other people who are not giving false promises like Easy Cash Code founders.

Building a list is a legit way to make money online but it’s not something where I would start. I prefer a better strategy which is taught here.

Easy Cash Code Testimonials

On Easy Cash Code website, you can find many testimonials that praise the system. They explain how a program has changed their life and so on. However, the people in Easy Cash Code video may be actors. Why do I believe so? Because they don’t show any proof of how they would make money on this system.

In addition, most of the claims they should be said about any system because they don’t mention the name “Easy Cash Code” in some reviews.

is Easy Cash Code a scam

Easy Cash Code Testimonial. True or Not?


is Easy Cash Code a scam

$900 within the first month. Do you think it’s true?


Have a look at the testimonial of Lauren Williams, for example. She tells that she made an extra $900 within her first month with Easy Cash Code. I know for 99% sure that it’s not true. How do I know it?

I have lots of experience on “make money online” -industry and I have never seen somebody making $900 during the first month. Okay, if you can sell a product that costs a few thousand, maybe you can earn $900 profit but it’s easier said than done. Most of the time it takes several months to make even the first sales online.

Some people make money within their first week or month but show me a person who really did $900/month right away. I will show you a liar. 😉

What Is the Price of Easy Cash Code?

Easy Cash Code costs $18. It doesn’t sound very much but paying for a system that hardly provides any good value wouldn’t be wise.

I have a principle that I don’t pay for scam artists even though their system would cost only $3. The only reason why I would invest my money on suspicious systems is if I want to provide more detailed reviews for our readers and followers.

My #1 recommended make money online -training in Wealthy Affiliate doesn’t cost anything to get started. You get +12 hours of high-quality video training for free. Compare to Easy Cash Code where you see only a 5-minute sales video for free.

Pros & Cons


  • They provide some basic training


  • Unrealistic promises
  • Tons of upsells
  • Quality of training is not good
  • Bad reputation (lots of negative reviews online)
  • Dishonest founders

Conclusion – Is Easy Cash Code a Scam?

I don’t say that Easy Cash Code would be 100% a scam but it’s close to it. They provide so big promises but still, they deliver so little. Doesn’t it sound very typical for make money online scams?

Instead of looking for ways to earn very fast cash online, I recommend learning a few new skills on Wealthy Affiliate that will enable you to make a full-time income online. It may not happen in a week or in a month but if you keep on learning and put your new skills into practice, it will make miracles for your bank account.


Have you fallen into online scams in the past? Have you also found legit ways to make money online?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂


Is Home Job Group a Scam Or Legit Work From Home Opportunity?

Working from home is becoming more and more popular. There are nearly 3,5 billion nowadays on the Internet so the possibilities are literally huge. Some companies prefer to let you work at home because then they don’t need to rent expensive offices, pay desks, chairs and other things. This service is supposed to companies and people who are looking for a job from home. There are still many complaints about this website on the Internet. Is Home Job Group a Scam? Let’s find out.

Home Job Group Review

Is Home Job Group a ScamName: Home Job Group
Founders: Anne Wilson
Price:  $14.95/Month OR $50 (one time fee) OR $100 (one time fee)
Field: Work From Home

Overall Rank: 5 Out of 100 (Have a Look My #1 Recommendation, 98 Out of 100)

What Is Home Job Group?

Home Job Group is a website that promises to connect people who are looking for “work from home” -jobs and employers. They have a big list of jobs that they are offering and you can see some of them in a picture on the right side. This website’s idea is to work as a bridge between an employer and an employee. The Internet is great because it makes this kind of things possible. Home Job Group doesn’t promise you the workplace but they say that they’ll help you.

Is Home Job Group a Scam

Are these jobs real?

However, when took a quick look at this program, it looks like the exactly same kind scam like My Home Job Search. It seems that literally, almost all on their website is fake. Let me list a bit:

They have fake jobs, fake pictures, fake numbers, fake promises, fake everything.

Let’s go through a few things that show clearly that their program is a scam. I have experience of more than 120 make money online programs so I can easily spot a scam.

#1 Scam Sign: 26 Home Jobs Available For You

In order to get started in Home Job Group, they ask you to give your name, email address, location and desired job. Then they show how many jobs are available in your area. This number is fake.

Is Home Job Group a Scam

The system tells automatically 26 jobs available

Whether you are living in U.S., Canada, Austria, Finland, New Zealand, U.K. or any other country it always gives you the number 26. Even though that first it gave you the window, “System is searching for available jobs.” It doesn’t matter whether you registered on their website in 2014, 2016 or 2017, it always gives the number 26. Doesn’t sound very legit.

=> Tired of Online Scams? Learn to Make Honest Money Online!

#2 Scam Sign: Fake Pictures

Some of the pictures of their Home Job Group owners are taken from stock photo websites. This is quite typical for online scams. My Home Job Search used the same trick. The picture of their CEO and for some testimonials were taken from the website that is giving pictures for free.

Why are they taking their pictures from stocks? I don’t know but at least I know that it’s another bad sign.

#3 Scam Sign: Numbers Are Fake

On their homepage they show that they have would have already helped more than 4,31 million people. It sounds impressive but it’s not true. It is a counter how many times their homepage has been opened over the last 8 years. The number is quite big but it’s explained easily.

Home Job Group Review

Yeah, right…

I have visited their page already quite a few times while making this review and researching their service. The counter moves up every time when I come to their website again. So, let’s say if I visit their site 50 times, they count it as “50 people helped.” Actually, they haven’t helped a single person during that process.

They also claim to have more than 108,000 premium members which are for sure false. I can see from Jaaxy and Wealthy Affiliate’s keyword tool that their website is not getting very much searches on Google. I also confirmed with other tools that there is only very low traffic on their website. If they really would have 108,000 members or more, the numbers would be much bigger.

#4 Scam Sign: Lots of Negative Reviews (=Bad Reputation)

Almost all reviews that I found about this program were negative. They clearly stated that this program is a scam and explained why. There was only one program that recommended Home Job Group but I know from experience that this website is not providing honest reviews. They are recommending every program just to earn affiliate commissions from their visitors.

On we don’t recommend products that we wouldn’t use ourselves. For example, my #1 recommendation is Wealthy Affiliate and I have used their services almost daily since 2015.

Still Something Positive in Home Job Group

Home Job Group has an affiliate program with Clickbank which tells that you will probably get your money back if you want. Still, it takes your time and energy to go through the process of signing up, realizing it’s a scam and trying to get your money back. I would just prefer using time on better opportunities.

Pros & Cons


  • The idea to connect employees and employers is good
  • Money back guarantee


  • False Promises
  • Fake pictures
  • Fake numbers
  • Says always “26 jobs available in your are” despite the country that you’re living
  • Their website doesn’t have authority on Google anymore (ranked badly)

Conclusion – Is Home Job Group a Scam?

Home Job Group seems to be a scam. I wouldn’t waste a minute more of my time on their website. Too many fake things for my taste.

I prefer concentrating on my online business with the principles that I have learned in Wealthy Affiliate. I know that you can also succeed online if you are willing to work. Anybody can learn how to create a successful online business. It takes some discipline and time but it’s 100% possible.

I can offer you +12 hours of top-quality video lessons on how to make money online. In addition, you can create 2 websites for free and start building a profitable business. Some of my friends started in Wealthy Affiliate without any prior experience but nowadays they are making a full-time income and more. You can do it too but I want to remind that it requires work. Joining is totally free and you don’t need to use a single penny if you don’t want.

=> Want Earn Full-Time Income Online? Start Training in Wealthy Affiliate!


How do you like to make money online? Would you like to learn to make it even better? 

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂


Is Part Survey Legit? Can You Really Earn $14 Per Survey? – Read the Shocking Truth!

Today we are going to take a closer look at a website which promises to pay you $14 per each survey. Finish 7 surveys and you have already earned about $100. Doesn’t it sound quite good? Even too good to be true? Is Part Survey Legit? Find out the answer in the next 2 minutes by reading our comprehensive review.

UPDATE: Recently I took a short video where I explain why Part Survey is not a legitimate service. Have a quick look at it. In the video, I also reveal a better way to make money online.

Part Survey Review

is part survey legit

Name: Part Surveys
Founded in: 2015
Founders: Unknown

Overall Rank: 5 Out of 100 (Check Out My #1 Recommendation. 98 Out of 100)

What Is Part Survey and How Does It Work?

Part Survey is a website where surveys are posted daily and members of the site can contribute their opinions on products in order to earn the money. Part Survey claims to have a relationship with advertisers who will pay for other people’s honest opinion, and Part Survey functions as a third-party in between the advertisers in the survey participants.

At Part Survey, in order to get started, you must sign up to create an account. The sign-up process is simple, fast and easy. On the sign-up page, the site as for you to create a login name, create and verify a password, submit your email and selects your requested payment system. You can choose to be paid for the surveys that you complete by PayPal or Payza.

Once you create your account, the only thing left now for you to do is to take surveys. Some surveys require that you watch video clips then answer questions about the content in the videos, while others are multiple-choice like questions that need to be answered.

Once you complete the survey, your account is credited immediately for the amount of money promised, in which case Part Survey promises to pay $14 for each completed survey.

As you already may know, I think that online surveys are not worth it because the earning potential is very low. If you could earn $14 per survey the situation would be different but I know that Part Survey is just trying to fool us.


How Much Can I Earn with Part Survey?

Part Survey pays $14 per survey that is completed, but the maximum amount of surveys you can take per day is three. That means for each day you can make $42, which amounts to almost $300 per week if you work seven part survey legit

How Does Part Surveys’ Affiliate Program Work?

In addition to taking surveys, you can make additional money by participating in their affiliate marketing program. Once you sign up for your account, you will be given an affiliate link that can be shared on a social media accounts, or with your friends, in order to entice them to sign up for their own account.

On the website, Part Survey says that they will pay you $15 for each involve the partner that you introduce to the survey site. Even more, they also claim that you can earn 20% of your partner’s earnings.

Affiliate marketing is my favorite way to make money online. I can promote products and services that I really valuable and useful for my readers and followers. I wouldn’t recommend Part Survey because they are a very suspicious company. I only recommend services that I use myself or I will probably use in the future.

Another reason why I don’t like online surveys is that there is no possibility to earn passive income. You will only get paid very small for the time that you invested but nothing more. With affiliate marketing, you can make even $10,000/month and more.

Part Survey $700 Minimum Payment

Part Survey forces the survey takers to accumulate $700 in their account before they can request a payout. Even more, when the payout is requested it would take 14 additional days in order for the payment to be processed and received. Because many people use surveys as a way to pay for lunch, cover their gas, or even just to get by in between paychecks, waiting 14 days for a payout is a very long time to wait.

Even more, the $700 threshold is a very high payout limit, especially when most of the survey sites allow you to cash out with as little as one dollar and they send the payment immediately, and some cases the same day.

First Impression of Part Survey

Upon first look at the website, the design is not very professional, advanced or clean. In fact, it is very clunky and unprofessional looking, something a child would create. (Did you know that anybody can nowadays create a website in 30 seconds?) That takes away from the confidence that you would normally have as a first impression with the survey site. Even more, the counter on the top claims to have paid out millions of dollars in payments, but the company has only been around for a couple years. That claim is also hard to believe.

The third thing that comes across very suspicious is the amount they are offering for the survey. Most other survey sites pay one dollar or less for each survey, with many of those surveys lasting as long as 20 to 30 minutes. $14 per survey is not only suspicious, it is unrealistic of an expectation for a person who is already familiar with how online surveys work.

Another suspicious aspect of Part Survey, with this one being the most important, the owner of the website’s name is not listed. That means that if there are problems with not receiving your money, or surveys not crediting your account appropriately, you do not know who to reports the problems, nor can you file a complaint against the person for operating an online scam.

What Have Other People Said About Part Survey?

With a simple Google search, you will find tons of complaints against Part Survey. Almost every single complaint that you come across involves a person proclaiming that they have never been paid the money that was due to them in their account.

Many of those people are calling this a scam, asserting that the owner of the site is the only person making money because whoever they are, they are getting paid for the traffic and clicks they are sending to the advertisers.

But they are not sharing any of their profits with the survey takers themselves. Even more, others have claimed that they have experienced theft from their PayPal or Payza accounts, in which money has been taken out from their accounts.

is part survey legit

Have they really paid +$17,000,000 for their members? I doubt it.

They cite that Part Survey was able to access their account by using the password and payment address information that is submitted when a survey taker creates their Part Survey account. Ad since many people use the same password for all of their accounts, it makes it very easy for Part Survey to log in to the account, change the password to keep the survey taker from logging in, and making online purchases or taking our their money.

Overall, the website has too many scams signs it that seem suspicious and takes away from the confidence of knowing that if you create an account and take the surveys, then you will be paid as promised.

Pros & Cons


  • You get the ability to contribute your opinions on certain matters by participating in research studies
  • It is easy to sign up and get started


  • The payout minimum $700, which is much higher than other survey sites and payments take 14 days to process, which is a long time to wait when other survey sites pay out instantly.
  • In order to get a commission for a referral, they have to be an involved partner by taking surveys, but the website does not explain very well the level of involvement that is required in order to qualify for payment.
  • From the unknown owner to the clunk website layout, and even numerous people reporting online that they have never gotten paid for their participation, everything about this website is suspicious.
  • They don’t seem to pay their members

Conclusion – Is Part Survey Legit?

It seems that Part Survey is a scam. You don’t need to sign up to their website, use long hours to answer their surveys to find out that they are not going to pay you. There are a lot of former members of Part Survey on the Internet who are saying it’s a scam. It’s wise to listen to their warning instead of walk into this scam.

Answering surveys will never make you much money. Usually, it’s just a waste of time because the payout is so little.

If you are really interested in making money online, I recommend taking a look at Wealthy Affiliate. It is an online business university that teaches you to make even a living online. I have friends who are making +$10,000 per month online after going through their training and putting it into action.

I have still to go work to get to a “+$10,000/month” -club but I am sure that I will reach it when I keep on putting the things I learned into action.

Wealthy Affiliate teaches you the formula how thousands of people are making money online honestly by promoting products Amazon, Target and in millions of other e-commerce. I give you 10 interactive video lessons and 2 free websites for free so you will have a great start.

=> Interested in Making Real Money Online. Start Training in Wealthy Affiliate!


What do you think about Part Survey or other survey sites?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂


Is OneCoin Legit? – Read Why I Think It’s a Ponzi Scheme!

Today we are going to take a look at one of the biggest opportunities to become rich quickly that has been around for 3 years. You have probably learned if something is too good to be true it probably is. And that is what I always say. Is OneCoin Legit? Find out in the next 3 minutes.

OneCoin Review

is onecoin legitName: OneCoin
Founders: Dr. Ruja Ignatova
Founded: 2014
Field: Cryptocurrencies

Verdict: Not Recommended. (Check Out My #1 Recommendation)

What Is OneCoin?

Onecoin is a cryptocurrency which is created only a few years ago in 2014. Even though it sounds similar to bitcoins, it’s totally different. Founders of onecoin want to advertise as a better and updated version of bitcoin because it gives them more money and followers.

However, I think that onecoin is not as reliable as bitcoin and I think it’s actually a Ponzi scheme. Let me explain later.

Founders of OneCoin

is onecoin legit

Dr. Ruja Ignatova

I must admit that founder of Onecoin doesn’t look like a typical businesswoman or the founder of a cryptocurrency. She is 36 (34 when OneCoin was created) years old beautiful lawyer from Ukraine.

Ignatova has a lot of charisma and confidence when she’s advertising her cryptocurrency. OneCoin has probably made her a billionaire or at least very rich. But did she do it with honest methods while maintaining a clean conscience? I don’t think so.

Many figureheads of OneCoin are from Finland which is especially interesting for me because I am originally from Finland. I saw a statistic showing that one of the top earners of all MLMs in the world is the Finnish guy from OneCoin but now he’s currently living in Thailand.

How Does OneCoin Work?

Even though the founders of OneCoin market is as a similar (and better) cryptocurrency like bitcoin, it’s not. It is very similar to Multi Level Marketing (MLM) because it has many different packages, levels, compensation plans and other similar stuff.

is onecoin legit

Different Packages in OneCoin

In the image above, you can see 8 different kinds of packages what they have. In addition, they have something even more expensive ones if you want to lose invest more of your money.

They have many kinds of rewards for buying packages and it would take a long while to explain them all. You have a quick look at the video below if you are interested. Notice that it takes 22 minutes and 30 seconds to explain OneCoin Compensation Plan.

WARNING: Video seems to been made a by a guy who is promoting OneCoin so don’t believe every word what he says. He may be unreliable in something that he says.

Bitcoin vs OneCoin?

The idea of bitcoin is clear and simple. It’s a currency that you can use already in many places including some Subway restaurants and in other big companies. In addition, there is no inflation and the transaction happens almost immediately. The code is open for everyone and everything is transparent. These are just a few benefits of bitcoin.

Let’s compare it to OneCoin.

1.I am not 100% sure if you can pay anywhere with onecoin. I guess that you can’t but tell me if I’m wrong.

2.Only one company knows the code and they can change it like they want. Basically, they can decide if they give money back to you or not.

3.There are complicated compensation systems and levels unlike in bitcoin.

4.Bitcoin seems to be more like a worldwide project while onecoin seems to be just one company’s show.

Is OneCoin a Ponzi Scheme?

If you don’t remember what is a Ponzi scheme, I wrote an article a little while ago where I explained what is it and how does work. The idea goes like this in a nutshell. Somebody creates a system and promises a huge return on investments for everybody who joins his system. The idea is that there isn’t actually any real product but what members get is only a hope of becoming rich.

When new people join the system, they give their money to the people who joined before them. Founders and those joined in first become rich while newcomers become poor. The only way to get your money back or to earn more is to get new people in. Many people become so desperate that they start inviting their friends and family members to join.

The system becomes bigger and bigger. But when new people stop coming, it starts to collapse and ultimately ends. In that point, the founders have usually gone somewhere far away that nobody can’t find them anymore.

In my opinion, onecoin fulfills all characteristics of a Ponzi scheme. They don’t provide any value but only a hope of becoming rich and lots of hype!

That’s the idea of most cryptocurrencies, “Pump-and-dump”. Somebody creates a new cryptocurrency and wants everybody to join. When many people have joined, the founder sells all his currency and walks away rich. Who paid him? Those guys who joined the Ponzi scheme. Fortunately, Bitcoin doesn’t seem to be a Ponzi scheme.

Pros & Cons


  • Hard to find any


  • OneCoin is a Ponzi scheme
  • Lots of hype
  • No real value
  • False marketing

Conclusion – Is Onecoin Legit?

In my opinion, onecoin is a scam. They have these huge promises and big talks but nothing real. They get people to join them with the charisma of a few leaders. That’s typical for MLMs. They have conferences with powerful music and with lots of emotions. A speaker is shouting and trying to get spectators excited. Then, in the end, they will collect money of all innocent people who refuse to think with their own brain.

I recommend that you should stop chasing this kind of “get rich quick” schemes right away. 99,99% of them are scams and you will just end up with no money and with a bad humor in the end. Still, I believe that it’s totally possible to escape the rat race in a short period of time by building a successful online business.

My #1 recommendation is Wealthy Affiliate because they teach step-by-step how anyone can build a thriving online business without prior knowledge. I have friends who are nowadays making $10,000 per month online with their training. I need to work still to reach those numbers but I am 100% sure and committed that I’ll reach it because my online income is growing every month.

One of the biggest benefits compared to other systems Wealthy Affiliate has is that you can start for 100% free. You don’t need to invest even a single penny. Compare it to most MLMs and other systems where you would need to pay lots of money before getting anything.

WA is not MLM or a “get rich quick” scheme. It is an online university with a comprehensive training. It’s also a community of online entrepreneurs. I offer you 10 interactive video lessons and 2 websites for free. Are you ready to take a challenge and start building an online business?

=> Learn to Make Money Online in Wealthy Affiliate! (For Free)



Have you bought OneCoin, Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies? What kind of experiences did you have?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂


Is The Free Money System a Scam or Legit? – Read Why You Should Never Put Money into This System!

Today I will tell you the truth for the question, “Is The Free Money System a Scam or Legit?” This is a famous system by Walter Green that promises you to become a millionaire in the next 90 days if you buy and follow their teachings. I claim that he is just lying.

The Free Money System Review

Name: The Free Money System
Founders: Walter Green
Price: $200 – $10,000+
Field: Make Money Online -Programs

Overall Rank: 0 out of 100 (Check Out My #1 Recommendation. 98 out of 100)

What Is The Free Money System?

Maybe you remember our reviews about Financial Independence Academy or Copy My Commissions? Those were the websites that only purpose is to promote you the free money system by Walter Green. This system was also before called Millionaire Blueprint.

First, they give big promises how you will become a millionaire in 90 days. Then they show pictures of big mansions, sports cars, and luxury yachts.  “You can achieve all that by working 1-2 hours per day for 90 days.” I don’t use bad words, but in this context, I almost would like to use. That kind of false promises just pisses me off.

Walter says that Free Money System is a binary trading system that has already made more than 150 millionaires and they have made in total hundreds of millions of dollars. He also tells that he was before broke but after he started using this system, he became a millionaire.

What Are Binary Options?

Is The Free Money System a Scam or Legit

Binary options are one form of gambling. It’s not investing like some “binary option gurus” want to say. Gurus just say it because people want their system to look a bit better so people would buy it more easily.

In binary options, you basically make a bet about the value of the stock (or another asset). If you are wrong, you lose. If you are right, you win. Everything happens within a day so binary options are not long-term investing.

World’s most successful investor and #2 richest man in the world, Warren Buffet once said, “Don’t buy a stock if you are not planning to hold it for ten years.” That’s only a principle and doesn’t always need to be taken literally but it tells a good point: The world’s most successful investor says that long-term investing is more profitable than short-term investing. Many millionaires and successful investors don’t consider day trading as a serious form of investing. They consider it only as gambling.

Easy Money on Binary Options?

Some years ago there was a big boom of binary option programs. All of them promised to teach you the same thing: How to make big money with binary options in a short period of time. Do you know what?

I have never seen a binary option program that would be legit.

Those programs had incredible success stories how a stay-at-home mom made $876 per day or something similar. That intrigued many people to try them but people just lost their money instead of winning. Ah, but there were some people who made big money with these systems. They were the guys who had created these scams. They made money while innocent people invested in their programs.

Is The Free Money System a Scam or Legit

I Don’t Believe in “Push Button Riches”

Walter Green’s Free Money System has been around also for a few years already. Many reliable websites and business owners have unequivocally claimed that his system is clearly a scam. You can find tens or even hundreds of negative reviews about his program.

Always when some system tells that you could make easy money without putting any efforts, be aware. 95% of the time they are scams. I know that you can make $10,000 per month online because my friends are doing that right now. I am also on my way there because I am building my online business daily. But I never promise that it would happen without any work.

You can make millions of dollars of euros online but it will always require some sort of efforts. Usually, you will need to learn a few skills in the process and then use endless hours implementing those skills into action. Another option is, of course, to outsource everything but it requires lots of money and initial investments. And outsourcing will be risky if you don’t know what you are doing. First, I would recommend learning the skills to make a living online and then start outsourcing to make income automatic.

Is The Free Money System Free?

No, it’s not. On some websites where they are promoting the Free Money System, there may be a link “Try it for free for 90 days!” or something similar. I don’t understand how do they dare to say it because it’s not possible to try it for free.

Free Money System has 5 different pricing levels and the cheapest one is $200. Then their “most recommended for beginners” -package costs a few thousand dollars and the most expensive packages cost +$10,000. That’s insane. Think about the following:

An average Joe works for a year, saves some money and in the end, he has $12,000 in his bank account. Then he is desperate to escape the rat race quickly. He finds the Free Money System by Walter Green. He watches the impressive sales video where Walter explains how Joe can become a millionaire in the next 90 days.

Is The Free Money System a Scam or Legit

Get These Cars with Walter’s System in the Next 90 Days… Will Not Happen.

Joe thinks that it’s much wiser to use this system and become a millionaire in 90 days than to work for 40 years. After buying Walter’s system he realizes that he just got scammed. Savings for a year are gone and he needs to start all over again. At least he has learned that he will never invest $10,000 (or even less) into a system that he doesn’t know beforehand.

If you would like to escape the rat race and to work freely whenever you want, I recommend heading to Wealthy Affiliate. They have a step by step system that teaches how you can create your own online business even without prior knowledge. And you don’t need to use your savings because it’s 100% free to use if you don’t want to invest any money. Try it if you don’t believe me!

Pros & Cons


  • Funny acting in their sales video
  • Famous scam (not so easy to fall anymore)


  • False promises
  • Expensive
  • Does not provide value
  • Lots of negative reviews about the system on the Internet
  • Creates a hope of “push button riches”

Conclusion – Is The Free Money System a Scam or Legit?

Free Money System is a scam. I don’t know what has happened to their website because it seems that it always leads to “404 error” -page when I try to get into their page. Maybe police and authorities have finally taken it away from the Internet so people won’t fall anymore into Walter’s scam system.

As I mentioned before, you are able to make money online if you are willing to put efforts. I am making more and more money online every month. It has not happened easily but it really works. I can give you 10 interactive video lessons and 2 free websites so you can get started. I will also offer my 1-on-1 mentoring so I’ll share all my tips what I have learned over the years.

=> Put Your Credit Card Away! Start Making Money Online for FREE!


Have you tried the Free Money System or another program from binary options? What kind of experiences did you have?


Let me know in the comments below! 🙂


Is MMM Global a Ponzi Scheme? Yes, It Is. – Stay Far Away from It!

MMM Global is a company with huge promises. They promise you a big profit with even 5-15 minutes of work per day. Is MMM Global a Ponzi Scheme or can you really make big profits? This is what we have found out.

Is MMM Global a ScamName: MMM Global
Founded in: 1989
Founder: Sergei Mavrodi
Field: Ponzi Scheme Company

What Is MMM Global?

MMM Global claims to be a community of people providing financial help to each other and they are fast to defend that they are not a multi-level marketing (MLM) or high-yield investment program (HYIP).

The original MMM was one of the largest Ponzi schemes of all time, orchestrated by convicted fraudster Sergei Mavrodi who eventually escaped prosecution by being elected to the Russian parliament and hence obtaining immunity. The scheme collapsed in the 1990’s, with estimates ranging from 5-40 million investors losing up to US$ 10 billion. In July 1994, the offices of MMM was closed by the Russian police for tax evasion, as they owed more than $25 million in taxes. Unfortunately, it was reported that at least 50 people who invested in the scheme committed suicide.

However, in 2015, the scheme resurfaced in a few emerging markets across the world (notably South Africa, India, Philippines, Malaysia, Zimbabwe, and Nigeria), promising investor returns of up to 240% per month. They are known for using poetic language about selflessness, helping others and destroying the world’s unjust financial system, with a now popular theme of “Together we can change the world” which probably strike a chord with their target audience and users who fall victim to Ponzi schemes.

=> Tired of Ponzi Schemes? Learn to Make Honest Money Online!

How does MMM Global work?

First let’s take a look at what a Ponzi scheme is, right?

A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment scheme whereby the scheme pays money to exist investors from contributions made by new investors. However, the scheme often collapses when it goes short of new investors since it relies on money from them to pay existing investors. When a delay in payment begins to occur, it usually triggers a panic, where all investors suddenly ask for their investments & promised gains. Until then, they realize that nothing will be paid to them.

So, now that we fully understand what a Ponzi scheme is, let’s take a look at how MMM Global works…

Most participants tries to explain that you simply give some specific amount of money to the community when you join which is popularly referred to as “Provide Help” and that eventually the community will eventually return back the money you deposited, plus a lot more which they refer to as “Get Help”. There is no form of investment or business transaction that occurs, you simply “Give Help” by paying some money to someone you don’t know and wait for a specific number of days to have your money back with even a greater yield.

They also claim that there is no central or middle account, where all the money flows to (hence it cannot be stolen), all the money donated are distributed to all the participants in the community, and that MMM only provides the technical basic program, which helps millions of participants worldwide to find those who need help and those who are ready to provide help for free. This has always been a major force toward the sustenance of the scheme.

I always recommend my readers to build a real online business where they can provide value for their followers. It’s an opposite of the Ponzi scheme. I have a step-by-step training so you can create a successful online business as well.

MMM Global Commission Structure

It is very simple to join, and once you join you must ‘Provide Help’ to others by depositing a certain amount starting from $10. When you want to ‘Get Help’ you just withdraw the available funds in your account, which must have been provided by other new investors. At this time, expect that your initial investment must have been doubled in value with accumulated interest. I call this magical cash gifting at its worst.

However, to always keep the first investors happy, the scheme has to find some new investors. From this set of new investors, the scheme tends to pay the first group of investors with their first returns and probably siphon some money for his own personal use.

While the second set of investors will be expecting a payout, the first group will also be expecting more returns. Hence, more new investors will be needed to pay the first two sets. This keeps recycling itself, with a constant stream of new investors always needed to pay existing members.

Eventually, the losers in the scheme are the ones that “Provide Help” at the beginning but are not able to “Get Help” when they request, and the winners of the scheme are those that have gone through the process over and over again.

Is MMM Global a ponzi Scheme

MMM Global has lots of testimonial on their website but I guess that they are fake

MMM Global Training and Support

There was nowhere I could find any meaningful training that new investors must undergo prior joining the Marvo scheme. What I was able to find are encouragements and rewards if you share MMM cash gifting scheme with others on YouTube and Facebook and recommending people to join on other social media platforms.

Pros & Cons


  • Free to join, as the community is open to everyone.
  • A participant can get up to 240% more from his donation.
  • They claim all donations are delivered directly to the participants in the community, so therefore it’s impossible for MMM to Scam you.
  • The System of MMM will make it sure that all the donations of the participants are confirmed.


  • Its business model which is known as pyramid or cash gifting scheme is known to collapse.
  • Delays and continuous changes in Marvo (currency) payment dates.
  • People complain of frozen accounts, and in many countries, bank freezes account of participants of the scheme.
  • The owner Sergey Mavrodi is well known for running similar scams which defrauded participants.
  • Due to its negative reviews, it has become difficult for new people to be recruited.
  • As a result of panic, most people are leaving once they withdraw their funds.
  • The system is reliable as there are reports of millions in fake deposits.

 Conclusion – Is MMM Global a Scam?

I must say am still quite surprised that people are still investing in schemes devised by Sergei Mavrodi, who has been convicted for involvement in Ponzi scheme since the 1990’s. Unfortunately, even the authorities are not able or don’t want to do much about stopping these schemes right now.

People are stuck in this schemes with the hope of making tons of money. Investing in a scheme that offers returns of up to 240% per month is indeed a big risk. Though you might make money from it, but there is a high possibility that you will lose all of it. Even, MMM Global admits that there is no guarantee that you will make money, and there is a possibility that you might lose all of it. But, because there are people who actually make money out of the system, everyone wants a piece of the pie, and this is the reason MMM Global is still alive after all the scandals that happened about two decades ago. I wonder why we forget the past so soon!

My sincere advice to everyone is to please stop risking your money on such systems.

If you are interested in making money online honestly, I have a great opportunity for you. It’s not a Ponzi scheme, “get-rich-scheme” or something like that. It is a step-by-step training that teaches you hand-by-hand how you can make money online. It’s also 100% free to join. You will get 10 interactive video lessons, 2 websites and my 1-on-1 mentoring you free.

=> Put Your Credit Card Away! Start a Free training to Make Money Online!


Have you encountered other Ponzi schemes? Which one?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂


Is Click Intensity a Scam? Unfortunately, Yes. – Read Why!


One year ago in March 2016 happened something interesting! A new company called Click Intensity was created. Lots of big-mouth promises about easy money and getting rich quick. What happened then? Is Click Intensity a Scam? Read this honest review by our YourOnlineRevenue -team member.

is click intensity a scam

Name: Click Intensity
Founded: March 2016
Field: Make Money Online -Programs

Verdict: Scam. (Read About My #1 Recommendation to Make Money Online)

 What Is Click Intensity?

Click intensity is a relatively new company and starts off marketing itself as a company that pays you to complete tasks and to advertises for other companies. However, it very quickly turns into you earning commission for just signing people up to buy their $25 silver coin pack, which gives you a share in the company. From there you wait until the share becomes $30, and you make that back.

How Does Click Intensity work?

It works by you signing up, completing tasks, and also giving you the chance to advertise for other companies. However, you make the most money by getting other people to sign up. 10% commission is given for every new level 1 member you can get to join and buy a silver coin pack. Which is where the company makes most of its money. But they really push you to keep buying shares in the company, convincing you to buy until you have 4000 shares, claiming that’s going to make you the most money.

They also do not offer any training once you join, on how to grow your business or properly invest. They have videos on their YouTube channel, but outside of that, you’re kind of on your own.

=> Want a Step-By-Step Training to Make Money Online? Start Here!

How to Make Money with Click Intensity?

Click Intensity doesn’t say exactly how much, however, they do push you to buy shares, pushing the fact that you won’t get fully paid for the system unless you invest $100,000 into it. This seems like a red flag to me, because you are constantly buying without being paid. In their videos, they also state that do not even know when you will be recompensated or if you even will be.

The fact is, when you’re investing in the company, if the company is profitable, then you will be too. But if they fail, then your investment is lost. They do not provide training on this at click intensity or educate their clients about this matter. They just want you to keep buying and spending money. In their videos, they also state that they do not even know when you will be paid. So you could be throwing $100,000 at a company, and never get any return.

I have been quite a successful investor during my life. I can say as an advice that doesn’t put your money into a company that’s not providing real value. Click Intensity is just trying to pump up money by selling big hopes for their members. But where is the value? That’s a crucial question.

You can also make money by just getting other people to invest. However, there is a $25 dollar fee to be able to do this. But why would you sell a scam? That would not be an honest way to make money online.

is click intensity a scam

Typical Big-Mouth Promises of a Pyramid Scheme

Is Click Intensity Reliable?

Click Intensity does not appear very reliable. For one reason, they do not have an approximate timeframe for when you will be paid. This is bad business practice. Because they don’t say, you’ll be paid a week after your investment, they can get away with never actually paying you for anything you bought, sold, or completed.

They also do not have any contact information, and their support page no longer exists anymore. This means that even if you were to invest, there would be no one to talk to if there were problems. Click Intensity is very unreliable for these reasons. Even if they only had an email at the bottom of the page, that’s something that people can attempt to contact.

They literally have no way to get in touch with them unless you try to bring them to legal action and they are forced to face you. That’s not what a reliable company does. A reliable company will answer all your questions, and address your concerns, mostly because they have nothing to hide.

Pros & Cons:


  • Tell me if there are any pros 😉


  • The potential return on investment could be very high. However, there is no guarantee that you will have any return at all.
  • There is no support page or contact information. So if there is a problem, then you are on your own.
  • There is no guarantee that you will be paid, or an estimated time you will be paid. You could be waiting years for payment.
  • The amount you have to invest to get the full effect out of the company is ridiculous. You have to invest $100,000 in order to make the most money. You could start your own business with $100,000, and receive training for it as well, and still, have some left over to keep in savings.
  • You could purchase shares in a company with very little knowledge of investing and shares. Many people cannot get involved in stock or shares because they don’t have the knowledge. However, this company lets you buy a share with very little ease. => It makes some people fall into this scam

Conclusion – Is Click Intensity a Scam?

Yes, it is. Click Intensity is a Ponzi scheme that provides no value for the money that you invest. I always recommend staying very far away from such companies. Do your research so you won’t fall into this kind of scams.

If you are still interested in making a living online, I have a good training for you. It’s completely free to start and doesn’t require any prior knowledge. It won’t make you rich quick but it will teach real skills how you can build your own online business.

Have a look at this step-by-step training to make money online. You will get 10 interactive video lessons, 2 websites and my 1-on-1 mentoring for FREE!

Does it sound too good to be true? => Try Out Yourself! 😉


Have you run into pyramid schemes? What about some of your friends?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂


What Is a Ponzi Scheme and How Does It Work? – Learn to Avoid Them!

If you have seen some “Make Money Online” -scams, you have probably heard a term “Ponzi Scheme”. But What Is a Ponzi Scheme and How Does It Work? Today I am going to explain you in a simple manner and give a few tips how you will never fall in them.

What Is a Ponzi Scheme?

Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation where the founder pays very high returns for initial investors. The money comes from new investors and they are paying for those who joined the program earlier. When new investors stop coming in, the system collapses.

Normally when you invest in a stock market, you can expect on average 6-8% annual interest. But Ponzi schemes promise you much higher returns, for example, 200-300% ROI. High returns entice new investors to join. And when the first investors start seeing their income, they recommend the program for others and the system grows.

Many times a Ponzi scheme is hidden under a business that looks legitimate but really is not. For example, Click Ad XpressFort Ad Pays or Lotto Magic promises to give you a product but actually all returns depend on new investors.

Here simple video explains very well in 83 seconds how a Ponzi scheme works

Charles Ponzi, the Founder of the First Famous Ponzi Scheme

Ponzi schemes started in the 1920s by an Italian guy called Charles Ponzi. He said that by buying postal reply coupons and redeeming them in the United States they would make a huge profit. He promised clients a 50% profit within 45 days, or 100% profit within 90 days.

When new people joined, he was able to pay high returns for the first investors. Investors had already invested more than 20 million before it collapsed after a year from starting the “business”. 20 million in 1920 equal to more than 250 million in 2017 because of the inflation. It helps you to understand that Charles Ponzi’s scheme was a big thing back then.

What Is a Ponzi Scheme and How Does It Work

Ponzi Scheme Works Like Pyramid Schemes

But after all, Charles got arrested by running this system and cheating other people. That’s what happens to most Ponzi scheme founders after all. Many times they take the money the investors have give and try to disappear. But often police finds them and puts them into a jail. Now, for example, Bernard Madoff is sitting in jail for the rest of his life (or until 2139) because of his Ponzi scam back in 2008.

It gives us a lesson that doesn’t ever create a Ponzi scheme. For me, it’s even hard to understand how some people can become so immoral that they start cheating people with Ponzi schemes. That’s why the Book of books says:

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

Money itself can be a neutral thing but if you love it more than anything else, your values are not very good, in my opinion. That’s why I recommend making money online by providing value for other people.

How to Stay Out of Ponzi Schemes?

Nobody wants to get scammed. That’s why I have written you 5 principles how to avoid scams online. If you follow those rules you will never get scammed. But let’s concentrate today on Ponzi schemes. How to avoid them.

1.If somebody promises very high returns on investments, be careful. I am not saying that high returns on investments are not possible. I, for example, made a 1500€ profit with 500€ investment with bitcoins which is not a Ponzi scheme. Some of my friends have made even tens of thousands of euros in a short period of time with bitcoins. High returns are possible but you must be are careful when somebody is promising something like that.

2.Investigate what is the business model/system all about. Is there a real business or are they just promising something that isn’t real? The business where you are investing must provide some kind of value.

3.Read reviews. Nowadays we don’t need to trust only what our friend says because we can check the information also on the Internet. Google the system and write, “Is xxxxxx a Scam?”. Then check 5-10 ten articles to find out the answer. But remember that people may be promoting Ponzi schemes so you need to be careful with some reviews. That’s why the free trial of the system gives a better picture.

I would like to hear from you also. How could you avoid Ponzi schemes? Leave a comment below.

Conclusion – What Is a Ponzi Scheme and How Does It Work

Let’s take a short summary what are the characteristics of a Ponzi scheme:

1.Promises ultimately high return on investments
2.Not a real business model = Doesn’t provide any real value
3.New investors high returns make possible
4.System collapses when nobody joins the system again

I am glad that I have never fallen into a Ponzi scheme. The first real “make money online” -program that I found was Wealthy Affiliate and it turned out to be a legitimate system. They teach how anybody can build a real online business even without former experience. I saw there people who were making more than $10,000/month online and living like a king in China.

My first thought was that it must be a scam. But when I got to know these people personally and saw more and more examples, I realized that Wealthy Affiliate training works. Nowadays I am making money online every month and I planning to become a full-time online entrepreneur soon. Then I will also move to Asia like my mentor in Wealthy Affiliate (nowadays he lives again in U.S). If you are interested in making money online, I recommend taking a closer look at WA.

=> Forget Ponzi Schemes. Learn to Make Money Online in Wealthy Affiliate!


Have you ever seen Ponzi schemes online?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂