
Category Archives for "Earn Money While Getting Fit"

Planet Fitness Reviews [Multimillion-Dollar Fitness Fraud?!]

Planet Fitness Reviews Featured Image

Welcome to my Planet Fitness Review!

At the brink of the outbreak, most health sectors encourage people to get more active to fight the virus. Given the circumstances, do you think to join a gym and fitness club works? 

How about the income? Is a gym and fitness club worth the price? Can it deliver good results as promised? If so, it might be a good business idea to start and promote an active lifestyle. 

Are you ready? Let’s dive into the review of one of the top American fitness operators and franchisors. Shall we? 

Planet Fitness Review - Quick Summary

Name: Planet Fitness

Founded: 1992

Founders: Michael & Marc Grondahl

Type: American Fitness Operator & Franchise

Price: $10/month & $22.99/month

Best for: If you are a fitness enthusiast, Planet Fitness could be a great business idea as a franchisee. But, in the advent of the outbreak, this isn’t going to work as most operators shut down businesses until the outbreak subsides.

Planet Fitness Reviews Logo

Summary: Michael and Marc Grondahl acquired a losing gym and rebranded it as Planet Fitness in 1992, leading to becoming one of the reputable fitness franchises in the United States.They provide unlimited access to gym equipment, fitness instructions, as well as other amenities to fully enjoy the healthier active lifestyle.

Is Planet Fitness Recommended? No. Being a franchisee requires a lot of money to build a business. Not including the maintenance costs to run the business. Besides, it’s a lot of work. If you want to be your boss and have a flexible lifestyle without closing doors for your audience, click the green button below to get started. 

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Is DietBet a Scam Or Can You Really Earn Money For Losing Weight?

96% of people who join DietBet weight loss challenges, achieve their goals. That’s impressive. I know many people personally who tried to lose weight but didn’t achieve to do it. Probably DietBet would be a great choice for them.

Is DietBet a scam or a legitimate way to boost your motivation and earn money at the same time? How does it work and is it suitable for you? How much money can you earn?

You will find answers to all of your questions in the next 1-3 minutes by reading my honest review.

Dietbet Review

Name: Dietbet

Founder: Jamie Rosen 

Type: Earn Money While Losing Weight. Similar to HealthyWage.

Short Review: DietBet is a great idea. They have helped thousands of people all around the world to lose weight. However, I don’t recommend DietBet for a money-making purpose. If you want to lose weight, it works well. But for earning money, I rather recommend this service.

is dietbet a scam

DietBet homepage

What Is Dietbet?

DietBet is a service that helps you to earn money while achieving your weight loss goals. You set a bet and a clear goal how much weight you are going to lose in a specific time. If you win your challenge, you earn money. If you lose the challenge, you lose the money that you have bet.

Already more than 530,000 people all around the world have used DietBet. In total, they have lost +7,450,000 lbs and DietBet has paid them +$38 million in rewards. We can quickly calculate people have lost a bit over 14 lbs on average while using DietBet. Some of the members have lost even +100 lbs if they were much overweight.

DietBet operates in +90 countries. You need to be at least 18 years old to participate their challenges. DietBet is owned by a company called WayBetter and they have also a website that shares tips of a healthy lifestyle: Nutrition, exercises, success stories, etc.

is dietbet a scam

Next, we’ll have a look why DietBet is so effective and how it works in practice.

Why Is DietBet So Effective?

Many famous universities including Harvard have conducted studies on weight loss. They have found a clear relationship between financial incentives and achievement of weight loss goals. That’s why HealthyWage, DietBet, Pact and other similar apps have used this information on creating optimal exercising/weight loss tools.

I have also realized in my own life that financial incentives have an impact on achieving goals. What kind of experiences do you have?

Another great reason is the social support. We are the average of 5 people that we mostly hang around, says Jim Rohn. Apps like DietBet give encouraging and motivating people around us. People who are involved with the same challenge usually want you to succeed.

It gives more motivation to share your progress with other people. If you don’t want to share your DietBet goal with anyone else, that’s also totally fine. They don’t require that you would make your goal public. However, DietBet offers great tools and a community so you can get social support from other people if you want.

How Does DietBet Work? – 5 Simple Steps

Let’s go through the process of using DietBet and how you can earn money on their app. It’s pretty simple.

1) Sign up

Naturally, you need to create an account before starting. It’s fast and takes only 30 seconds. Fill out your information and you’re in.

2) Choose your challenge and set a bet

There are different kind of challenges that you can choose on DietBet. We’ll have a closer look at them a bit further. At this stage, you’ll also place your bet. It will decide how much money you are going to earn when you win your challenge.

3) Weigh in

You will get your starting weight. You can do weighing from the comfort of your own home. You just need to take a picture of your scale and a picture from the mirror while weighing. If your bet is higher than $100, then you are required to send them a video as well.

is dietbet a scam

Simple instructions on DietBet website.

This phase is easy and I haven’t found any people reporting of problems. Next, comes the fun part.

4) Lose weight!

Now have your starting weight and the weight loss goal with a deadline is clear in your mind. Hit the gym, go running, do aerobics, play tennis and do whatever you like. If you want, you can send a picture of your progress to DietBet community and get some encouragement from other members.

Then comes the final phase.

5) Weigh out

When you are going to meet your deadline you have 48 hours time to get your final weight. You can use your morning weight as well which is usually a bit lower. Just repeat the step 3 by taking a picture of your scale, etc.

Then the challenge is over and you can collect your money. Congratulate yourself for being in a better shape.

DietBet Challenges – You Choose the Money You Will Earn

You can naturally choose what kind of challenge and goal you want. They have 3 basic challenges that are:

  • Kickstarter

Lose 4% of your weight in 4 weeks. Members start the challenge at the same time and there are many challenges running simultaneously on DietBet. For example, the next Kickstarter challenge starts in 14th of August and ends in 10th of September.

The bet varies but for the next challenge, it’s $35. The average bet in Kickstarter challenges is $30.

  • Transformer

Transformer is a longer challenge that lasts for 6 months and you are going to lose even 10% of your weight. However, the details in all of these challenges may vary and I recommend reading them carefully before starting your next challenge.

The average bet on Transformer challenges is usually $25 per month or $125 paid up front.

  • Maintainer

In Maintainer challenge, your goal is to maintain your weight within +2% and -4% of your starting weight. You probably know the famous yo-yo weight. People first lose weight but after a while go back to their bad habits and start eating unhealthy. The purpose of Maintainer is to prevent you from bad habits again and still keep your new and a healthy lifestyle.

In the picture below, you can see a quick conclusion of 3 DietBet challenges.

is dietbet a scam

DietBet statistics are quite impressive. 96% of players lose weight in Kickstarter game and winners lose 24 lbs on average in Transformer challenge.

You can quickly see that it’s possible to make some extra income with DietBet. However, it won’t make you a living. If you are interested in making a living online, I recommend taking a look at this service.

DietBet Reviews – “Where Is My Money?”

In this section, I’ll show you DietBet complaints. Even though their app is great and thousands of people are loving it, there are also some aspects that people don’t like.

is dietbet a scam

Dan achieved his goals but earned only a little money.

Dan’s example shows that sometimes your earnings can be very small. If all people in the challenge achieve their goals, there isn’t much money to be shared.

is dietbet a scam

Zack shows a good point. Even though you beat the challenge, your rewards may be $0.

The one who always wins money is DietBet. They take a big fee from every challenge. If you don’t meet your goal, you lose your whole bet. If you reach your goal, you may earn something but it’s not guaranteed.

Conclusion – Is DietBet a Scam?

After reading other DietBet Reviews I need to admit that their marketing strategy is not very nice. Even though you reach your goals you may end up earning $0 because the company takes 25% of the pot.

DietBet has paid thousands of members and it’s not a scam but I prefer staying away from their service. HealthyWage has received much better reviews and is a superior compared to DietBet.

Get fit/weight loss apps won’t make you a living but they are a nice way to motivate you to exercise more. But if you are looking for great ways to make a living online, then you need to use something else.

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What do you think about DietBet? Have you sometimes used similar apps?

Are you interested in earning a living online?

Let me know in the comments below! 🙂