Affiliate marketing can be very powerful!
People make tons of money online. Have you ever wondered, “How do people make money with affiliate marketing?” Keep on reading and you will find out something surprising!
Today we live the year 2016. Who knows what will happen in 2021 or who knows how your life would be if you have chosen differently 2011.
I can hear you asking, “What do you mean by choosing differently??
Let me explain. If you are working in a job where you get active income instead of passive income you will be paid for every hour you work. Right?
What if you would have started a work in 2011 that would generate your income even today? Even if you would be sleeping or in Zaku Zaku Island in the middle of nowhere. 😉
Here -> $1,400 commission on 1 WA sale! an online businessman Alex Sol explains how he made $1,400 with one single sale. And he wasn’t even selling his own product but promoting the other person’s product.
Let’s imagine if you would have started affiliate marketing in Wealthy Affiliate in 2011. Then someone bought the yearly premium membership. You got a $175 commission.
Then he learned to do online business (thanks to Wealthy Affiliate) and he continued to the community. After 5 years he has paid 5 x $175 = $875 in your pocket. And you only made one referral.
One link in your social media, one email, one link in your website or one link in the forum or anywhere. ONE LINK! One referral. 875$! That’s powerful! And totally realistic.
Let’s imagine if there would have been 5 people in 2011 who got interested in the online business by your referral. All 5 became successful and continued in WA for 5 years with the yearly membership. How much commission that would have meant for you?
5 x 5 x $175 = $4,375!
Think about it. Only 5 persons.
In affiliate marketing, you are earning commissions from the sold products. The commissions can be 4% or 80%. The product you sell can be $5 or $5,000.
The great way to earn income as an affiliate is selling expensive products with the good commission. Most of the time it’s quite hard to find such products. But finding expensive products with the lower commissions is easier.
Let’s imagine that you have a website that promotes fitness products. You can link for example treadmills, gym machines, and other equipment.
For example the price of the treadmill $1,299.00. Let’s say 5% commission for you (can be 10% also if you are doing well on Amazon). You make $65 for every sale.
$999,99 gym machine with 10% commission means $100 for every sale.
A comprehensive set of high-quality dumbbells $5,322 with 10% commission means $532 for every sale!!
People buy also expensive products online. Would it be fun to get your own share of the market?
1.The company sells a product
2.You promote their product (=Leave a link of their website somewhere.)
3.Someone buys the product
4.You earn the commission.
The process explained more in detail in my other article here -> What is Affiliate Marketing Online? – Explained Simply.
There are hundreds (or thousands) of affiliate programs on the Internet with the recurring passive income possibility.
Don’t be sad if you didn’t start affiliate marketing in 2011. You can still start it today and think about how happy you will be for your decision in 2021.
If you don’t start today you will never know what you missed by walking pass the opportunity.
Wealthy Affiliate is an online community and training that teaches everything you need to learn to become a successful affiliate marketer. But don’t be fooled, you need to do your own part also!
Read more what is Wealthy Affiliate here
OR Start Affiliate Marketing Right Away in Wealthy Affiliate FOR FREE.
If you have any questions, comments or own experiences about affiliate marketing feel free to share them below.
Using these tips you will never fall into scams.
There are thousands of scams online. We can easily say that people have lost millions of euros in the pocket of online cheaters who are earning money illegally or with unethical ways.
I have written this article to help you avoid online scams and save your money from the cheaters. You should only use your money for the reliable online programs. I also made a video where I walk you through these 5 tips to avoid scams online and I give you some very practical tips. I believe you will enjoy it.
The old saying goes, “If it’s too good to be true, it probably is”. There are online programs with the false testimonies like, “I earned 10,000$ within the first week.”
That kind of promises may sound appealing but as far as I know that kind of promise is never true. Everything worthwhile in life requires efforts and it’s exactly the same with the online business.
Would you imagine to earn $10,000 within the first week in the normal business where you don’t invest a single dollar (or $10 maximum)? Don’t imagine to make $10,000/month right after starting in the online world. That’s not the reality.
I know that you can make $10,000/month, $20,000 or even $100,000/month online because many other people are doing it honestly. But the point is that all of those guys have made lots of work to achieve their online success.
There are a lot of reviews about the reliable online programs. If the program is legit and you can benefit from it, the chances are that someone else has used the program before and wrote the review about it.
I write reviews here in YourOnlineRevenue to tell you about the legit products and warn you about the scams. I write my reviews as honestly as I can, so you can trust in my words about the programs.
I have one experience when I didn’t use this principle. I went to one website that promised me a lot of Twitter followers for free fast.
The page looked like the scam and I thought that probably I need first to search more about this website in Google.
I was so excited about the possibility to get more followers that I didn’t read the reviews. The result: The website sent 2 spam messages to all of my Twitter followers.
The good thing was that I didn’t use any money there and I learned the lesson that it’s always important to investigate first if something seems a bit suspicious.
Many times I have been about to try the interesting product but then I have realized read some honest reviews before and decided not to waste my time.
Just make a quick search in Google, “Is PRODUCT_NAME a scam?” or “PRODUCT_NAME review”.
NOTE: Some people are writing positive reviews about the scam products because they may earn the commission if you join. Be careful and read for example 3 reviews before joining or find the reliable source where you can find the product.
Search for the background
Everything depends on the leader/founder. Is the founder reliable? Does he shows his face and identity or is he unknown like the mystical Q in “TooDamnEasy” program.
Can you find information about the founders on the internet? What other people say about them?
Do they have a long experience? Do they use their own principles in order to succeed?
In Wealthy Affiliate, you can find persons who have a very long experience in the online business. Some of them have been doing online business even 15 years.
You can contact them personally in WA and in my experience they have always answered the questions.
Their eyes are experienced to see which one is a scam and which one is a legit program.
You can also always ask us in and we promise to give find you the honest answer. Just leave the comment below and most of the time we will come up with the answer within 24 hours.
Usually, you can find the free material from the program. In Wealthy Affiliate, you will get 10 free lessons, 2 free websites and other features for free. You can try if the program is really legit or not.
All of the programs don’t provide free material but you can find it from the other websites.
For example, Chris Farrell Membership (a legit program) has free teachings in Youtube. You can see if the program is really providing value.
Niche Blitzkrieg is also a legit program but there is not a free trial. Still there is a full money-back guarantee and you can find a lot of reviews on the Internet.
My #1 recommendation Wealthy Affiliate provides 20 free videos lessons for free. After studying their free material you can well decide if you want to continue to their premium program or not.
I have been in the online business for a good while. One natural thing I have noticed is that the more I review”Make money online” -products, the faster I spot scams.
Many scams just follow same patterns and they give you the same story in a little bit different covers.
Let’s take for example three programs Phoenix Power Rising, Pure Leverage System and My Lead System Pro. All of them are based on the following idea:
1.You join to their program
2.You invite other people to join
3.You make money when your referrals buy something.
All of them have very high membership fee which will motivate you to refer other people so you could earn back the money you have lost to the program.
When you gain experience on your online business your eyes will spot scam products much faster than before. In addition, you will see what it really takes to make lots of money online.
Using these 5 ways to avoid scams online
1 Avoid Too Big Promises
2 Read the Reviews
3 Investigate the founders
4 Ask Reliable Online Entrepreneurs
5 Investigate the Free Material First
You will never fall into the scams.
If you can’t find any information about the program from the Internet, no one of the online entrepreneurs know about it, the program doesn’t offer any free material I would say that the programs are a scam. DON’T WASTE YOUR MONEY IN SCAMS.
Tired of scams? Try #1 online business program today!
What are the signs you think the program is a scam? Have you used the money on the scam program? Leave a comment below.
Think about big companies, for example, Amazon, Target or Walmart. They sell millions of products every day. Would you like to have your own part of the winnings made in their sales? That’s possible through affiliate marketing.
Have you heard that term “affiliate marketing”?
Today I’m going to explain to you what is affiliate marketing means and how you can earn money doing that.
Amazon, Target, Walmart and many other (also very small) companies have “affiliate programs”. That means that anyone can sell their products.
You put the link to your website, social network, email list or anywhere else. When someone clicks the link and ends up buying some of their products you will get the commission of the sold products.
The commission varies a lot in different affiliate programs. For example, the commission in Amazon’s products is 4-10% while other companies may give even 80% commission. And everything in between. (Here is a great and illustrative lesson by the successful affiliate marketer how affiliate marketing works in practice)
You don’t need former experience or skills. You don’t need own products. But you need to be willing to learn.
The process of affiliate marketing is simple. Company A sells products. You (affiliate) leave the link somewhere on the Internet. Person A buys the product. The company gets money and you get money. Simple?
The great thing is that many times you can get the commission from the products that you are not even linking!
If you have the link for example to Amazon kindle books. Someone clicks the link but end up buying men’s boxers, you will get the commission. If someone buys the $500 TV, you will get the commission.
There are no income limits in affiliate marketing. Do you know Pat Flynn? He is the guy who makes over $100,000/month online and a big amount of his success comes from affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing can be a great way to earn for anyone. Here are some examples
Is he an affiliate marketer? Probably.
In my opinion, affiliate marketing is just a great resource but many people are not even aware of that. I didn’t know this opportunity before but I’m glad that I have found it.
Amazon, Target and Walmart are by no means the only affiliate programs. There are affiliate programs for any niche that you can imagine. Just write to Google “some niche + affiliate program” and you will find an affiliate program in any niche.
Wealthy Affiliate also helps you to find relevant affiliate programs that you may want to be part of.
Even the smallest niches have affiliate programs and you will be astonished how many they are.
Remember, affiliate marketing is not a MLM-program or anything related!
Do you want to learn more how affiliate marketing works? Wealthy Affiliate is the training center and community that teaches everything you need to be a successful affiliate marketer.
Some are making $10,000/month through affiliate marketing and they have learned their skills in Wealthy Affiliate.
I don’t say that success comes overnight. But it comes to those who work for it and are persistent.
==> Claim your 10 FREE lessons on affiliate marketing today and start making extra income
Do you have any experience of affiliate marketing? Share your experience and leave a comment below?
If you have any question or comment don’t hesitate to leave it below!
If you are going to make online business (and earn money online) first you need to choose your niche.
Let’s define, what is a niche?
According to, “A niche is a distinct segment of a market“.
Your niche can be literally anything. Your hobby, an interest, a passion, a problem, a need. Literally anything. There are billions of people today in on the Internet and they are making billions of searches every day. There is a huge need.
When you are thinking your niche I think one the most important things is that you are interested in your niche. If the only reason for choosing a niche is because you want to make money I’m 99% sure that your motivation will end at some point.
You will be working related to your niche a lot. You need to provide content and value for other people in that niche. You need to learn new all the time and make some “research”.
So, start thinking what are your interests.
But we change all the time as a person. You can get interested in the new niche. For example, before I wasn’t interested in making money online niche but now I am.
David Schwartz taught in his classical book that when you dig deep down into new subject you will be more interested about it.
Simply “a niche is really a group of people looking for stuff” (check this out!).
Let’s think about some examples. People can be interested in gym, hiking, playing saxophone, manga series, relationships, Greek language or fancy clothes.
There are so many different niches. With the Internet, you can easily find people who are interested in your niche. Think about selling Greek language teaching in your local town? The changes are that many people are not interested in that niche. But on the Internet, you have thousands and thousands of people who are interested in your niche.
There are a lot of great niches related to dogs
Even the niches that seem to be small can be enormous on the Internet. Even if there wouldn’t be anyone who is interested in your niche at your country, there may be millions of interested people on the internet.
Don’t be too broad with your niche.
Many people think that “Blah, I don’t want to choose that certain niche because there’s already a lot of competition.”
Let’s face the facts. If people are interested in some themes there is almost always some competition. Finding a niche where there isn’t competition is very improbable. If you manage to find that kind of niche, congratulations.
Competition doesn’t mean that you wouldn’t make a success. Customers like different things.
There is a reason there are a million of every type of store in the world. There are a million grocery stores. There are a million hardware stores. There are a million men’s clothes stores.
Let’s think about men’s clothes stores. There are billions of men in this planet. All of them need clothes. Are all of them buying the clothes from the same place? No, never! There are millions of places where men are buying their clothes. Your niche could be selling men’s t-shirts and you could full-time with that niche alone.
Everyone doesn’t want to buy stuff from the same place. Compare between you and your friends. Do they go to the same grocery store? Do they use the same online store? Do they buy their clothes from the same store? Do they use the same travel agency when they travel?
People like different things. Even if there is competition. Some of the people probably would choose something different than the existing companies.
If you hear people complaining about their service, products or something else what they have bought, it tells you that there is an opportunity to make the things better in that niche. Would it be your opportunity?
The problem of most people is that they may have great ideas but they never take action. They are wondering, “Ohh, how wonderful it would be to achieve such and such things. ” but then they refuse to take action. DO NOT BELONG TO THAT GROUP!
Your first niche can be a success. Or it can be a learning experience towards success. Remember, failure is not the opposite of success.
The failure is the part of success.
Failures teach you something new. Satisfaction with mediocrity is the opposite of success. Don’t be satisfied with mediocrity. Be willing to be better all the time.
The most successful people have tried many different niches before making their real breakthrough.
Choose one niche and stick with it.
Kyle, the founder of Wealthy Affiliate has taught hundreds of thousands of people how to earn money online.
Check out his tips in the lesson Choosing a Niche.
I hope you found this text useful and gave you some new insights.
1.Do you need more help with choosing your niche? Leave a comment below!
2.What are your tips for choosing a great niche? Leave them below
Before, I didn’t even know that it would be possible to earn money online. The possibility was out there but I wasn’t conscious about it. Another thing that I didn’t know how easily I could find help if I want to earn money online.
Everything changed one day when I was searching from Google “how to make money online” and other search terms.
I went to the page which told me “Earn Money by Selling Products in Amazon.” The author of the website was probably about 25-30 year-old. He had started making a lot of money online and now he taught other people about the same subject.
I went to Wealthy Affiliate from his link and new opportunities opened to me. A lot of helpful people who already had succeeded online wanted to help in my journey.
Probably you have wondered that you would like to earn money online. Or maybe you haven’t been conscious about the possibility like I wasn’t. I can tell you today, It is possible to make money online! And many people are doing it.
First I thought that making money online must be probably something related to cheating other people. How wrong I was!!! Nowadays I know that most of the people earn online 100% legally by providing important value for other people. (Yes there are many scams online and I want to warn you about those. I write reviews of them to my site to “the Bad” -section.)
Actually those provide the best value for people, usually also success best.
If you don’t know personally yet anyone who earns online I can tell that in Wealthy Affiliate you can get to know many of those.
People in Wealthy Affiliate aren’t greedy or overlook but totally contrary. They are positive, encouraging, motivating and helpful. I am very positive person (Check my other blog YourPositivePower) but I was actually surprised how helpful people are in WA.
First I thought that it’s only hype of the founder and salesmen but it was true. People are friendly and they really want to help you!
Members in Wealthy Affiliate are from all around the world. I’m from Finland and I’ve met people from Asia, Africa, America, Europe and so on.
You can ask anything that comes to your mind and you will always get an answer. I have always got an answer to my questions (see the image).
I believe that many times the best way to learn is to listen to those people who have already walked the path that you are about to take (Read the text from my other blog). Now when they have experience, they know what are the typical mistakes and how to avoid them.
They know what they would have done differently if they could start again from the start.
Everyone has once started. No one was an expert in the beginning.
Someone already walked the road. Learn from them!
Many times in my life I have thought, “Oh, if I would have known this before I would have done differently. But hey! Now I can share my knowledge with others and probably they can benefit! from it”
That’s one important reason why I’m writing this blog. I want to help people to know the things that they probably don’t know yet. I didn’t know them before but after studying and working I’ve found out.
When you are running an online business, did you know that your friends can be some kind of experts also even though they wouldn’t have own experience about business?
Your friends can watch your business with the customers’s eyes. Would they buy from you if they wouldn’t know you but would be interested in the subject? They can give important insights what kind of thing they point out in your website and how they feel about spending time there.
Many times we are not conscious about the possibilities around us. I didn’t know how easy is to get help for making money online in Wealthy Affiliate.
That’s why it’s good that we spend time with different people, search from the internet and keep our minds open.
If you want personal help to earn money online I can fully recommend to start from Wealthy Affiliate.
Thank you for reading, I hope you caught a glimpse how easy is to get help to your online business nowadays!
If you have any comments or questions, feel free to share!
Have you read the book “The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Achieving More with Less” by Richard Koch? In the book Koch explains the 80/20 (Pareto) principle which means that 20% of our time accounts for 80% of the work we accomplish. In other words 20% of our work provide more results than the rest 80%.
The principles applies to other things also. Did you know, for example, that 20% of customers account for 80% of revenues?
Understanding this principle can powerfully benefit your online business.
If you want to make money online (and at the same time provide important value for other people) there are certain steps you need to take.
Some of the important steps are:
Probably there are also other things to do but these are usually very important, especially selling. If you want to earn money, you need to sell something. Someone has to be interested in your product or services.
But sometimes you may find yourself doing useless things related to your business. Online business is always a process, it’s not an event. You do certain things until you succeed. But you need to concentrate on the things that are the most important at your phase of the process.
If you don’t have your own websites your most important task should be to build one. When your websites are brand new you should concentrate on writing content and providing important value for the readers. At this point it would be totally useless to spend hours and hours analyzing your visitors from Google Analytics if you don’t have enough visitors or any content on your website.
At this point your 20% (the most important task) would be developing your websites.
But let’s assume that your website is appealing. You have good theme, good images, good email list, good content and products to sell. Then it would be highly important to get more visitors to your websites. You can make for example social media campaigns. That may be the most important (20%) task at this point of the online business process. (But remember that scrolling Facebook’s or Twitter’s news feed is not social media marketing. It’s only a waste of time!) 😉
20% Provides most of the results. Stay out of the red area!
Many people are asking, “How much it takes to make some money or a full-time income online?” It depends on two things.
You may invest 100 hours and get the same results when someone has used 200 hours. Be sure that you are the one who is not wasting time on the useless things.
Nothing really happens until you take action. Today I want to challenge you:
1.Take a sheet of paper and a pencil
2.Write down the most important thing in your online business right now
3.Start working until the task is done
Writing down helps. The thing you have written will sink into your subconscious mind and it will start searching the ways how you can accomplish the task. It also helps you as a reminder if you find yourself scrolling that Facebook news feed or reading useless blog again.
20% of our time accounts for 80% of the work we accomplish.
Concentrate on the most important tasks and you will achieve more results with less time.
What are your most important tasks right now in your online business? Leave a comment below.