5 Awesome Examples of Affiliate Marketing Websites

Making money with affiliate marketing sounds simple and easy like the picture below shows.

4-step process for making money with affiliate marketing.

4-step process for making money with affiliate marketing.

But as we know, simple doesn’t always equal easy. In this post I am going to give you 5 Awesome Examples of Affiliate Marketing Websites. When you see how things are done in practice, it will help you to do it yourself.

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Make Money with Affiliate Marketing – Video Instructions

I know many of you prefer watching video instructions instead of reading a text. Therefore, I created to record you a video where I show clearly how you can make money with affiliate marketing as well. Watch the video carefully, ask me questions if you have any and read through the article then. I would be more than happy to help you out so let me know if you have any questions!

Languages Are Easy


My website LanguagesAreEasy.com

Niche: Language Learning/ Courses and Other Resources
Type: Informational / Review
Affiliate Program: Several Language Learning Products

LanguagesAreEasy.com is my own website where I teach people how to learn languages more easily while having fun. I got an idea for this website when I was thinking about things where I am good at and how I could help other people.

I realized that I have lots of knowledge about learning languages that could help other people as well.

What Makes This Site Awesome

  • Content is informative and helpful.
  • Talks for a wide range of audience.
  • The content is evergreen. Most principles to language learning apply even after tens of years.

How This Site Makes Me Money

I earn money by explaining about different kind of language learning courses and resources. I explain, for example, that I learned French by listening to a free podcast called Francais Authentique. I mention that I only used their resources and they were extremely helpful. Most resources are free but they also have paid courses for those who really want to take French skills to the next level.

When people go to Francais Authentique website through my link and buys something, I earn a commission. I use the same strategy with other programs as well. Actually, I don’t even need to sell anything, I just explain how programs work and people want to try them out.

=> Want to Make Money Online with Affiliate Sites Like I Do? Learn More Here!

Here Pup!


Dog webstie Here Pup!

Niche: Dogs
Type: Affiliate / Review
Affiliate progra: Several dog-related affiliate programs (+ads)

HerePup.com is a classical affiliate website. The website is full of content and I believe that dog lovers can spend even hours reading their articles. They seem to target specific keywords with their posts and drive traffic from Google search.

What Makes This Site Awesome

  • Lots of content.
  • Dog lovers are often passionate about the subject.
  • Wide range of products in the dog industry.

How This Site Makes Money

The site has lots “the best” -articles. For example, The Best Fish Oil For Dogs (5 Highly Effective Products). Then they have listed 5 different fish oils for dogs and the reader can click their link to buy them. Another example is, “How To Crate Train A Puppy (Plus 5 Excellent Crate Options).” They seem to monetize with Chewy.com affiliate program. Chewy.com is an eCommerce for pet products.



Best Longboard Reviews

Niche: Longboards
Type: Informational / Review
Affiliate Program: Amazon Associates

BestLongboardReviews.net is a website with a simple idea in a specific niche. They write reviews of longboards and rank them based on different kind of factors like: Durability, weight, appearance, stability and speed.

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I like the idea of the website because it’s pretty easy to create but it still can be highly profitable. Visitors can also leave their own reviews in the comments which adds value to the site.

What Makes This Site Awesome

  • Easy-to-navigate on the site.
  • Highly specific niche.
  • Visitors can leave reviews as well.
  • Simple but informational layout and articles.

How This Site Makes Money

They write reviews of every kind of longboards. Then they have links to Amazon on each article. When a visitor clicks the link and buys a longboard (or anything else on Amazon), the site owners earns a commission. We can honestly say that LongBoardReviews.net is a classical Amazon affiliate site. Notice that you don’t need to own all longboards to write reviews. You can follow my tips to make it successful and honest.

Football Snack Helmets

Niche: NFL / Sports Fans
Type: Informational / Review
Affiliate Program: Amazon Associates

This site is extremely interesting. It’s created by Wealthy Affiliate live training coach Jay Neill. He showed on Wealthy Affiliate’s live training how he created this site in front of our eyes. Jay explained the keyword research, showed when he built everything and showed how much money he makes.

He put only very little effort on building this site but it makes him thousands of dollars every year “on autopilot” (=passive income).  I think creating this site took only like a few workweeks in total. We can certainly say it was success. You can take a look at the process how Jay built the site on Wealthy Affiliate live training archive. (I’ll leave a link below.)

What Makes This Site Awesome

  • Building the site didn’t take much time.
  • The site has peaks in sales always during the Super Bowl.
  • The idea is pretty simple and could be applied to any other mini-niche.

How This Site Makes Money

The site shows football snack helmets of every NFL team. It just shows the basic details of the snack helmet and that’s it. Then they have a link to Amazon and when somebody goes and buys something, Jay earns a commission. A great thing with Amazon affiliate program is that he can also earn money when people buy something else. If somebody buys a TV with a snack helmet from Amazon, it means quite juicy commissions for Jay.

=> Watch How Jay Build This Site Live on Wealthy Affiliate! (It’s 4 Parts in Total)

Top Ten Reviews


Top Ten Reviews is a huge affiliate marketing website.

Niche: No specific niche
Type: Review Website
Affiliate Program: Amazon Associates

Top Ten Review a little bit different than other in our list but it’s also a good example on how large an affiliate marketing website can grow. This website has reviews about everything between that you can imagine: Home products, health, business, outdoor, etc.

They have millions of unique visitors every month and I guess that the monthly revenue is measured in millions of ollars. They have also lots of employees who are actively testing new products and producing more content.

For a beginner it’s naturally difficult to create a site like this one but it really shows you the potential how much you can really earn with affiliate marketing. Even the sky isn’t the limit.

What Makes This Site Awesome

  • They have reviews about everything.
  • The website has a huge authority since it was founded back in 2003 and there are thousands of reviews.
  • Reviews are in-depth and informative.

How This Site Makes Money

The website has lots of affiliate links to Amazon. So, when people look at their reviews and go to buy something from Amazon, they earn commissions. In addition, they have for sure the highest commission rates from Amazon and from other partner sites because they have so huge volume. Top Ten Reviews also uses ads and I think they make a nice income with them as well.


I promised to show you 5 awesome examples of affiliate marketing websites but I’ll show you another one as a bonus.

A great example of a fast-growing review site is WAH Pursuit. They publish reviews of different Internet marketing & make money online programs providing the latest information for their readers.

You can check out their review of Parallel Profits to get a better idea how it looks like. They’re using a simple yet powerful layout leaving lots of white color and making their reviews easy-to-read for visitors.

Conclusion – Taking Action Is Key

You have seen these sites and probably thought in your head, “Well, I could do that as well. It’s not that complicated.” Or if you are new to affiliate marketing you are wondering how to build basic website like in these examples. The key to making money with affiliate marketing is taking action.

A few years ago I didn’t know anything about making money with affiliate marketing but a guy showed me on his website that I could make money by promoting products on Amazon and I was astonished. Then I found the Wealthy Affiliate training that taught me step-by-step how I could make money with affiliate marketing as well. I’m glad I started the training and took action because it changed my life. Now I can travel around the world while making money online. I would be more than happy to help you as well. I love to see when people succeed.

Submit your email in the box below and you’ll get my tips or click the link below to start a step-by-step training that taught me everything about affiliate marketing. I will send you a personal message inside the community and you can ask me any questions you want. I’ll be waiting for your reply 🙂

=> Make Money with Affiliate Marketing Online!

Roope Kiuttu

Hello! I am Roope "Robert" Kiuttu, the founder and owner of YourOnlineRevenue.com. I created this website back in 2015 to help you to make money online. You can ask me anything and I'll be happy to help you out. I help people daily to make more money online and I love seeing people succeeding. If you want to get my 1-on-1 support and help to make money online as well, get started HERE.

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