Before, I didn’t even know that it would be possible to earn money online. The possibility was out there but I wasn’t conscious about it. Another thing that I didn’t know how easily I could find help if I want to earn money online.
Everything changed one day when I was searching from Google “how to make money online” and other search terms.
I went to the page which told me “Earn Money by Selling Products in Amazon.” The author of the website was probably about 25-30 year-old. He had started making a lot of money online and now he taught other people about the same subject.
I went to Wealthy Affiliate from his link and new opportunities opened to me. A lot of helpful people who already had succeeded online wanted to help in my journey.
Let’s Be Conscious
Probably you have wondered that you would like to earn money online. Or maybe you haven’t been conscious about the possibility like I wasn’t. I can tell you today, It is possible to make money online! And many people are doing it.
First I thought that making money online must be probably something related to cheating other people. How wrong I was!!! Nowadays I know that most of the people earn online 100% legally by providing important value for other people. (Yes there are many scams online and I want to warn you about those. I write reviews of them to my site to “the Bad” -section.)
Actually those provide the best value for people, usually also success best.
A Lot of Helpful People Out There!
If you don’t know personally yet anyone who earns online I can tell that in Wealthy Affiliate you can get to know many of those.
People in Wealthy Affiliate aren’t greedy or overlook but totally contrary. They are positive, encouraging, motivating and helpful. I am very positive person (Check my other blog YourPositivePower) but I was actually surprised how helpful people are in WA.
First I thought that it’s only hype of the founder and salesmen but it was true. People are friendly and they really want to help you!
Members in Wealthy Affiliate are from all around the world. I’m from Finland and I’ve met people from Asia, Africa, America, Europe and so on.
You can ask anything that comes to your mind and you will always get an answer. I have always got an answer to my questions (see the image).

Learn From Those Who Did It Already
I believe that many times the best way to learn is to listen to those people who have already walked the path that you are about to take (Read the text from my other blog). Now when they have experience, they know what are the typical mistakes and how to avoid them.
They know what they would have done differently if they could start again from the start.
Everyone has once started. No one was an expert in the beginning.

Someone already walked the road. Learn from them!
Many times in my life I have thought, “Oh, if I would have known this before I would have done differently. But hey! Now I can share my knowledge with others and probably they can benefit! from it”
That’s one important reason why I’m writing this blog. I want to help people to know the things that they probably don’t know yet. I didn’t know them before but after studying and working I’ve found out.
Your Friends and Family Can Probably Help
When you are running an online business, did you know that your friends can be some kind of experts also even though they wouldn’t have own experience about business?
Your friends can watch your business with the customers’s eyes. Would they buy from you if they wouldn’t know you but would be interested in the subject? They can give important insights what kind of thing they point out in your website and how they feel about spending time there.
Many times we are not conscious about the possibilities around us. I didn’t know how easy is to get help for making money online in Wealthy Affiliate.
That’s why it’s good that we spend time with different people, search from the internet and keep our minds open.
If you want personal help to earn money online I can fully recommend to start from Wealthy Affiliate.
Thank you for reading, I hope you caught a glimpse how easy is to get help to your online business nowadays!
If you have any comments or questions, feel free to share!